Does sweet tea have more caffeine than coffee?

There is more caffeine in coffee vs tea, even an average cup of black tea which has the highest caffeine content among common types of tea falls short of coffee.

Before they are brewed, however, there is more caffeine in the loose leaves of the tea plant camellia Sinensis than found in the coffee beans of the Arabica or Robusta plant. It’s the brewing process that produces a more caffeinated cup of coffee.

Is tea caffeine better than coffee? Tea caffeine is not better than coffee caffeine. The caffeine from each affects your body the same.

Although, depending on the type of coffee bean or tea leaf, there are different health benefits, side effects, and caffeine levels.

Caffeine Content (Least to Most)

Since tea and coffee have unique caffeine levels, we’ll discuss each type of coffee and tea individually.

Caffeine content can also be affected by the steeping time, brewing time, or even if hot water, boiling water, or cold water is used for your caffeinated beverage.

Hopefully, this list will help you understand the specific tea and coffee types, and how the process of making each type can directly affect your caffeine intake.

9. Herbal Tea: 0mg

Herbal teas are a caffeine-free selection of loose leaf herbs, flowers, spices, and fruits that may be steeped and enjoyed at any part of the day. Some specific tea blends include chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint, and ginger.

8. Decaf Coffee: 2-5mg

The great thing about decaffeinated coffee is that you can at least act like you're enjoying your favorite drink without the effects of caffeine. This means you can have coffee day or night!

Keep in mind: decaffeinated coffee does still contain caffeine.

7. White Tea: 15-30mg

White tea is among the lightest variety of caffeinated teas. White tea is the product of very young tea leaves from the camellia Sinensis plant. Known to be a very delicate tea, it is packed with antioxidants and is easily enjoyed in the morning and after meals.

Antioxidants found in green and white tea leaves can assist in cardiovascular health, gut health, and lower risks of common diseases such as diabetes, influenza, or hepatitis C.

6. Green Tea: 25-45 mg

One of the most nutritious teas on the planet, green tea has slightly more caffeine than white tea. Packed with antioxidants, green and white tea not only gives you energy but is also proven to prevent migraines, respiratory illnesses, as well as heart diseases.

A cup of green tea may be the remedy for coffee drinkers looking to cut back on caffeine intake. Green tea is also extremely popular in Japanese culture. Examples of green tea include sencha, jasmine, matcha, and tencha.

5. Oolong Tea: 35-55 mg

Oolong tea is of Chinese origin. Compared to green tea varieties, it has a higher caffeine content alongside desired antioxidant effects.

It is especially good for promoting gut health, reducing cardiovascular disease, and lowering blood pressure.

4. Black Tea: 30-90 mg

Black tea leaves are heavily oxidized compared to the tea leaves used in white tea and green tea. Black tea varieties have the most caffeine content on average among types of tea.

The recommended time to enjoy black tea is early in the day. Different types of black tea include chai, earl grey, breakfast tea (Scottish, English, or Irish), and Assam.

3. Dark/Medium Roast Coffee: 60-90mg

Lattes, cappuccinos, and many coffee shop popular beverages are primarily dark and medium roast coffee beans.

Though dark roast drinkers talk about a bold cup of coffee in the morning, darker roasts have less caffeine than light roasts. The higher temperature dark roast beans reach takes a high caffeine bean and breaks it down the more it roasts.

Although espresso has a very concentrated amount of caffeine per ounce, the beans themselves generally have less caffeine content than light roasts.

2. Light/Blonde Roast Coffee: 65-95mg

Known for their bright, acidic flavors, light roast and blonde roast coffee beans almost have the most amount of caffeine. These types of beans usually come in a light shade of brown, without a glossy exterior, compared to darker varieties.

Blonde and light roast coffee is a great selection for coffee drinkers who generally prefer a black cup of coffee rather than espresso-based drinks.

1. Gold Roast Coffee: 100mg

Gold roast coffee is a new way of roasting coffee beans. Even if you are someone who doesn’t like coffee or has never experienced the translucent, golden caffeinated drink, you’ll love the taste, smoothness, and kick of caffeine in each cup.

Gold roast coffee has the highest milligrams of caffeine of any given coffee bean without the acidity!

Coffee Beans vs Tea Leaves

Is caffeine from tea the same as caffeine in coffee? Caffeine from tea leaves has a higher caffeine content than found in coffee beans. It’s not until the brewing or steeping occurs that the caffeine levels become higher in a cup of coffee than in a cup of tea.

How many cups of tea do you have to drink to equal the same caffeine in a single cup of coffee? You have to drink around 1.5 cups of tea to equal the same caffeine in a single cup of coffee. This assumes the average cup of black tea has 60 mg of caffeine.

Preparation Changes the Caffeine Content

These caffeine ranges are guidelines for the normal preparation of 8-ounce cups of tea and coffee. However, the many different ways of making coffee can change the amount of caffeine.

For example, many brew iced coffee “double strong” so that it doesn’t dilute as much when it hits the ice. The same can be said for iced tea.

And as stated, different roast levels really change the amount of caffeine left for consumption.

We believe the best is GOLDEN! Try one of our Gold Roast Coffees or even Chai Spiced Coffee for all you dirty chai lovers out there.

Always remember to stay healthy and stay caffeinated!


  1. Effects of caffeine on human health

  2. Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) in foods: a comprehensive review on consumption, functionality, safety, and regulatory matters

  3. Association between ADORA2A and DRD2 polymorphisms and caffeine-induced anxiety

  4. Caffeine content of brewed teas

What has more caffeine coffee or sweet tea?

As a rule of thumb, coffee has about twice as much caffeine as tea. Caffeine levels vary a lot, though, in both beverages.

Is there more caffeine in Coke or sweet tea?

Coke: 23 g. Sweet tea: 21 g. Apple juice: 24-28 g. Homemade Lemonade: 26 g.

Which tea is highest in caffeine?

In general, black and pu-erh teas have the highest amount of caffeine, followed by oolong teas, green teas, white teas, and purple teas. However, because the caffeine content of a brewed cup of tea depends on many different factors, even teas within the same broad categories may have different caffeine levels.


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