DoorDash background check complete now what

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Doordash Background Check

Bestreferral Team     |     June 24, 2022     |     Reading Time: 00:10

You are not the only one who is curious about the Doordash background check; in fact, you are in good company. The prospective Dashers are most interested in learning more about the background check when compared to any of the other stages of the application process for becoming a Dasher. The following is an exhaustive analysis of all the procedures.


  • What Does a Doordash Background Check Consist of?
  • What Does Doordash look for in a background check?
  • How Long Does the Doordash Background Check Take?
  • How Can I Check The Status of My Doordash Background Check?

What does the screenings consist of?

Working for DoorDash app does not require complex experience or a master degree or special gears. We suggest you take a look at our complete guide to driver requirements. Basically, the list of qualifications to become a Dasher delivery driver are pretty simple and includes:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You need a valid driver’s license
  • A smartphone (iPhone or Android) for the Dasher App

Dashers are independent contractors. In addition, DoorDash requires that all applicants without any exceptions undergo a screening process. All hiring decisions for Dashers are based on the result of the checks.

During the signup process, you need to give your consent to look at specific areas of your life with checks. If the food delivery company finds something in the reports, they may decide to reject your application and to start the adverse action process. You will receive a notice that the delivery company might not hire you due to the result of an employment background check.

In any case you can receive a copy of the report. Safety and trust are a priority. One of Doordash's main concerns is to keep the platform safe and secure.

Door dash is not a company that provides employment background check, so they use a third-party company to perform the checks, called Checkr.

What do they look for in a background check?

There are numerous and more complex background screenings. With these comprehensive searches DoorDash will get detailed information of all candidates including:

  • Criminal records for national and county records
  • Motor vehicle and license record checks

Very similar to Uber and Lyft, to maintain the safety, stability and security of their platform, Doordash performs continuous screenings to all the active Dashers. This means that you can be deactivated if you do not meet the criteria of eligibility anymore.

The only exception are Dashers from California and Massacchusset who are screened only once at sign up.

We also recommend you take a look at our complete guides to Uber Background Check and Lyft Background Check.

How far back does the Doordash Background Check Go?

While your credit report needs to follow the rules dictated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that require some information are not visible after 7/10 years. Criminal background checks aren’t limited by a federal act. Your convictions are visible, even if they happened 30 years ago.

However, Doordash like Postmates limit the criminal background check for convictions to 7 years. Of course, one of the first concerns of Doordash is that you are a safe driver. This means that you can be denied from your driving job if you have been convicted of a felony even if that happened more than 7 years ago.

With the DMV check the San Francisco headquartered company will look at your driving records in the previous 3 years. Here is a detailed checklist of what Doordash will look for with the background check screenings:

  1. Moving violations in the previous 3 years
    • Accidents
    • Speeding tickets
    • Driving without insurance
    • Stoplight violations
  2. Any drug related violation in the previous 7 years
  3. DUI in the previous 7 years

Doordash will also perform:

  1. County Criminal Searches for the previous seven years. These screenings will return information from the court records in which the conviction is recorded.
  2. National Sex-Offender Registry Searches for the previous seven years.

Did you know you can get paid to drive safely? Take a look to our guide to the OnMyWay app.

Doordash Background Check: Everything You Need To Know

Don't spend your time looking around and worrying about the Doordash background check. Here's the MOST UP TO DATE guide to Doordash Background check and application process.

What Documents do I Need to Provide?

The background reports may include the minimum information needed to see if you can become a Dasher. The first and basic search is the identity verification. The checklist of required documents includes:

  1. Full name
  2. Social security number
  3. Date of birth

What Can Disqualify You?

Please note that there are some reasons that you might be rejected from the delivery app based on a background check. You should have a clean driving record and evidence of no criminal records. Finally, you may be disqualified for the following reasons:

  • More than 3 moving violations
  • Criminal history
  • Drug and alcohol
  • sexual offenses
  • A DUI on your DMV record

One of the first things that Doordash are looking for on their applicant background checks is the criminal history.

💡 PRO TIPS: Keep in mind that once approved, your account can be disabled at any time for safety reasons.

How Long Does The Doordash Background Check Take?

According to Doordash, your screening process can take between 5-7 business days, sometimes longer. Most drivers say it takes 5-10 days to be approved. However, some factors can contribute to taking it longer. It can take longer if you lived and worked in multiple states or if there is a high volume of applications.

The timeframe of a criminal background check varies significantly depending on the city where you sign up to be a Doordash driver. Completing a criminal background check can take 2 or 10 business days depending on the amount of transgressions on record. For the moment, know that there are about 3,000 counties in the United States, and there is no centralized database of criminal records.

If you want to know how long does a motor vehicle check take? It depends a lot on what state you’re searching — it could be a few days or sometimes it can take up to a week.

Finally what you need to know is that if there’s any way to speed up the background check process, there's something you can do to prevent your Background Check from taking longer:

  • When you sign up for Doordash fill out the forms properly.
  • Do not give a nickname or a shortened version of your name on Doordash application.

💡 PRO TIP: The application process to become a delivery driver is online and free and includes the Doordash Orientation. Scheduling an orientation as soon as possible is the first step to speed up the hiring process.

If you have opted for virtual orientation, you will receive the activation kit directly at home. Once you receive it, connect the red card to your Dasher account.

How Can I Check The Status of my Doordash Background Check?

Check the status of your background check it is easy. Follow our instructions

#1. You are a Doordash Applicants in the United States:

  • Connect you at the Applicant Checkr Portal
  • Fill up the form with:

#2. You are a Doordash Applicants in Canada

  • Send an email at [email protected] to request the status of your Background Check.

What Are The Possible Status of The Background Check?

If you signed up for Doordash, your application process has already started and you are almost ready to earn money driving for Doordash. At the Checkr website, your background check report can have the following status:

  1. Complete
  2. Pending
  3. Clear
  4. Consider
  5. Dispute

1. Background Check Status: Complete

This is the first step of the background check. The first screening returns the list of counties that Checkr then searches for criminal records.

2. Doordash Check Status: Pending

Your background check is almost done. The reporting is in progress and Checkr is waiting for your County Criminal Records. It took 2/3 days to finalize the screenings. Sometimes it can take longer or you miss some information during the application and you need to provide it to finalize the checks.

3. Doordash Check Status: Clear

Congratulation! You are approved and can start Dashing! Doordash will send you a Welcome Email stating your account is activated.

4. Doordash Check Status: Consider

If Doordash background check status says consider it means that the report contains violations that do not meet the Doordash qualifications. For example, if you have more than 3 moving vehicle violations in the past 3 years. The last word always comes from Doordash, your status will be Consider until Doordash does not choose to approve or reject your application.

5. Doordash Check Status: Dispute

You have to look over carefully the copy of your background check. If you find incorrect information on your check, you have 30 days to dispute that information with the background check company that provided the results. In this case the status of your backgroundd check will be: Dispute.

What Happens If I’m Disqualified?

First of all, you will always receive a copy of your background check. If your background check failed and if you think there was an error, contact Doordash as soon as possible. You can also choose to dispute the results or make money with NO BACKGROUND CHECK JOBS. Take a look at our guide to upwork or make money with surveys.

How Can I Avoid Being Disqualified?

Here are some effective solutions to maximize your chances to pass your Doordash background check

#1. Run a background check on yourself

Running a self background check is a good way to uncover errors and inaccuracies. If you have conviction or disclosable arrest records in your history, you can see how they’ll be reflected in a background check by requesting your records from the courts and corrections departments that govern them.

#2. Getting a DUI Expunged from Your Record

Did you know that you can clear your DUI Record? If you were convicted of DUI, you can expunge from your record. After expungement, the record of your DUI is "erased" from the public record.

How can I pass Doordash background check if I have a DUI

We are not lawyers and we do not offer legal assistance, but there is always a solution. Our notice in this case is: sign up for Postmates and choose to make deliveries with a bike or on foot. Take a look at our complete guide on postmates vehicle requirements. While the driver requirements to become a Postmate or a Dasher are pretty similar, Postmates allows bike delivery and walker delivery in many more cities than Doordash.

Did you know you can remove point from your driving record?

The best thing to do is contact your local DMV or other motor vehicle agency and ask:

  • About eligibility requirement
  • For a list of approved driver improvement schools (if applicable).
  • How many points will be removed.
  • How long points remain on your driving record.


Now you are almost ready to make deliveries and earn money as a Doordash driver and you know everything about the Doordash Background Check. You will be well prepared for all the screenings and you know how to avoid any disqualification. If your background check take too long, be patient and follow our instructions to verify the status of your Doordash Background Check.

I hope this guide was helpful. If you are not yet a Dasher, you can sign up with our DoorDash affiliate referral code. Finally,We have lots of guides available for you to look at whether you are interested in become a Postmates driver, Uber Eats Partner or Lyft driver. We recommend: Postmates Background Check and Postmates Driver Requirements , Guide to Uber Eats Requirements.

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How do I know if I'm approved for DoorDash?

After you enter the email address, zip code and phone number that you used to sign up, you will be taken to the point in the process where you had previously stopped. Revisit the Activation Confirmation or the Background Check emails you received from DoorDash. They may contain further instructions.

What does complete mean on Checkr?

Credit checks, like pointer searches, will also result in a Complete status when the information provided is successfully validated.

How long does it take to get approved for DoorDash?

According to Doordash, your screening process can take between 5-7 business days, sometimes longer. Most drivers say it takes 5-10 days to be approved.

Why is my DoorDash application taking so long?

While most background checks are completed within a day, it is not uncommon to encounter longer wait times of one to two weeks (or one to two months during COVID-19) due to factors such as DMV and local county office delays.


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