Dragon Age Inquisition best Blackwall build

By zanuffas

Last updated: 22 May 2022

Blackwall is a Grey Warden who will join the Inquisitor. You will meet him in the Hinterlands training the recruits. From the first meeting, you will see that he is an expert in close combat.

Moreover, once you unlock its specialization he is the best tank you can have. With this post, I will try to cover how to best build Blackwall in Dragon Age Inquisition

Important! The companion build is compatible with Nightmare difficulty, however, to pull it off correctly, be sure to have a good Inquisitor build

So let us get into it

Blackwall level 1 - 10

At the start of the game, it does not really matter which weapon you choose. Both shield & sword work.

Challenge + Call Them Out2
War Cry3
Grappling Chain4
Crippling Blows5
Coup De Grace6
Horn of Valor + Fortifying Blast7
Trust the Steel
This will be the main skill that Blackwall will use to Taunt enemies
The secondary ability for taunting enemies
We take this to unlock other skills
We take this to unlock other skills
We take this to unlock other skills
Horn of Valor is an important ability. It will ensure early in the game that Blackwall and party members don't die easily
Provides 20% armor bonus to Blackwall

If you will have any points left invest them in the weapon tree that you use. Otherwise, this will be enough before you unlock Champion specialization for Blackwall at level 11.

Blackwall Two-handed Tank build

Remember that you will need to respecialize skills before making this build

This build will be using a two-handed weapon. Even though you lose some defense you will gain the ability to knockout enemies more often.

Abilities investment - long version

In this section, I will go through all the skills and talents that need to be picked for this Solas build in the Dragon Age Inquisition.

IMPORTANT: Get relevant Amulet of Power for Blackwall to maximize the number of ability points

Line in the Sand2
Walking Fortress + Siege-Breaker7
Challenge + Call Them Out8
War Cry + Battle Roar9
Trust the Steel10
Cutting Words11
Mighty Blow + Easy Target12
Clear a Path15
To the Death + En Garde16
Shield Wall17
Bear Mauls the Wolves18
Untouchable Defense19
It'll Cost You20
Livid + Still Standing
This skill is only taken for progression
Increases maximum Guard for Blackwall
Provides 20% armor bonus
Provides 5% chance that an enemy is stunned when it hits Blackwall
This ability gives a seconds chance. Instead of dying Blackwall becomes invulnerable for 5 seconds
For 8 seconds you get invulnerability. This is the most overpowered ability that Blackwall has. By getting the upgrade each attack also increases Guard by 10%
Secondary ability to Taunt enemies that are not picked by Warcry
With the upgrade, Blackwall should attract most of the enemies attention to him,
Provides 20% armor bonus
As most of the enemies on the battlefield will be Taunted, this passive ability will increase damage to them by 20%
A good Two-Handed skill to deal damage and knockdown enemies.
A critical hit will reduce enemy armor by 20%
We take this ability for progression
Each swing that hits multiple targets will restore your stamina by 10%.
At this point in the game, you should have good equipment. This is when you take To the Death ability so that you could survive the increased damage from the enemy. The result is that the enemy takes more damage.
We take this for progression
Reduces damage taken from Blackwall's flanks
Increases Guard bonus by 25%
Returns 50% melee damage received to the enemy
This ability will increase guard and reduce damage taken by each enemy that surrounds Blackwall.

If you have any points left feel free to put them anywhere else. However, I would say that the build is finished with the ones that I have listed above.

Abilities investment - short version

In this section, I will briefly show what skills should be picked for Blackwall. For a more detailed version check the next section.

Weapon and Shield tree

We only need to get the passive ability to reduce flanking damage

Two-Handed Weapon tree

By getting these abilities we will ensure that Blackwall will have sufficient stamina regeneration and Knockout skill

Vanguard tree

With this tree, you will get skills that ensure Blackwall ability to Taunt enemies.

Champion tree

The Champion tree provides the overpowered tanking abilities. Ensuring that Blackwall can become Invulnerable multiple times during a single encounter

Attributes and Stats

These are the stats that I suggest to prioritize when choosing equipment:

  • Constitution – provides health and increases melee defense

  • Willpower – increases the damage and provides magic defense

  • On hit gain * guard – you will get more Guard on each hit. You can obtain this stat from Masterwork materials when they are used in crafting.

  • Ranged defense – bigger defense from ranged attacks

  • Magic defense – overall more magic defense, better than specific element defense

  • Attack – overall increase to damage

  • Strength – provides damage boost and some Guard damage boost

Best Equipment

In this section, I will go through some decent equipment that you can equip or craft.

Weapons - obtainable

This is the best defensive sword. It gives constitution, bonus armor rating, and chance to taunt enemies
Demon's Advocate
This Maul gives +19 Constitution and provides the effect of exploding bodies when an enemy is killed.
Chromatic Greatsword
Not only it gives a large boost to damage but also raises elemental resistances
Prismatic Greataxe
The weapon gives a large boost to damage and +15% elemental resistances.

Weapons - craftable

Schematics are usually better than obtainable counterparts. However, you need good materials for that.

Masterwork Brute Hammer Schematic
Due to a large number of metal utility slots, this Maul is perfect for a tank.
Masterwork Serrated Greatsword Schematic
This blade provides both offensive and utility metal slots. So you can equip it if you decide that Blackwall can deal a bit more damage.
Prismatic Greataxe Schematic
The schematic comes both with offensive and defensive slots. Moreover, the weapon effect doubles the damage dealt. Use it if you wish to deal higher damage
Chromatic Greatsword Schematic
The schematic comes both with offensive and defensive slots. Moreover, the weapon effect doubles the damage dealt. Use it if you wish to deal higher damage

Armors - obtainable

Revered Defender Armor
This is perfect for Blackwall Tank. It gives +45 Constitution and decreases the cost of abilities.
Masterwork Battlemaster Armor
Increases base stamina and provide a decent defensive stats bonus

Armors - craftable

1 Revered Defender Armor Schematic This schematic has the most metal utility slots in the game. Makes a perfect armor for Blackwall
2 Superior Battlemaster Armor Schematic More expensive alternative to Battlemaster Armor Schematic. Although it has worse slots, the armor value is higher. Moreover, comes with upgrade slots.
3 Battlemaster Armor Schematic Has the most utility slots if includes the upgrades. Perfect for maximizing Blackwall's defensive options and constitution

Helmets - obtainable

Revered Defender Helm
The Helmet can be obtained in The Descent DLC. Provides very good defensive bonuses: constitution, melee defense, etc.
Duke's Mane
A decent helmet that gives a bonus  +8 Strength and +8% Melee Defense

Helmets - craftable

Revered Defender Helm Schematic
Gives very good utility slots that you can use to increase constitution or strength
Duke's Mane Schematic
Provides 11 utility metal slots to increase constitution.
Helm of the Inquisitor Schematic
The schematic is quite cheap and provides 10 metal utility slots.


The amulets are listed by Tier. Usually, the Best tier can be obtained late in the game, but it provides maximum bonuses.

Amulet of Power
Gives Blackwall a single ability point. It is consumed once you use it.
Master Cooldown Amulet or Superb Cooldown Amulet
Reduces the cooldown for skills. This way Blackwall can better handle aggro throughout the combat
2 Master Stamina Amulet or Superb Stamina Amulet Increases the pool of stamina. Great for using abilities early in the fight
Superb Amulet of Constitution
Increases Consitution that results in higher melee defense and HP pool


Master Guard Belt of Superior Guard Belt
Increases the Maximum Guard for Blackwall. This way she can take more damage before HP will be affected.
Superb Belt of Health
Increases Health pool, allowing to soak more damage
Belt of Life
Increases Health pool, allowing to soak more damage


1 Superb Ring of Life-Drain This ring will drain HP from dying enemies. However, look for other options if Blackwall always has his  Guard full.
2 Superb Ring of Staggering Increases the chance to interrupt enemy attacks and stagger them

Blackwall Tactics

In this section, I will go through what Tactics you should use for Blackwall.

  • War Cry - set to Preferred. Blackwall has to use it at the beginning of the combat
  • Shield Wall - disable. Not relevant
  • Line in the Sand - disable. Not relevant
  • Whirlwind - disabled.

All other skills need to be set to active. This way Blackwall can correctly tank group enemies, deal damage with Mighty Blow and survive difficult encounters by using Walking Fortress.


Blackwall will be the only Grey Warden to join Inquisitor. Due to this, it is interesting to hear about him and his background. I hope this post will help you understand how to build him in the Dragon Age Inquisition.

Feel free to leave any comments below!

Is Blackwall good Dragon Age?

Blackwall makes the best tank in Dragon Age: Inquisition because of his Champion specialization. This build will make him virtually unkillable.

What class is Blackwall?


How do I progress Blackwall romance?

In order to progress your relationship with Blackwall, you need to raise your approval with him, as you need to become a close friend to him in order to unlock his personal sidequests. You need to complete Blackwall's sidequests to successfully romance him.

What happens if I pardon Blackwall?

If pardoned, Rainier decides to atone by dedicating his life to the Inquisition. If pardoned or sent to the Grey Wardens, Rainier will prefer to be called "Blackwall" since he has become accustomed to being called by the name and now thinks it more of a title that he should live up to.


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