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Emily Willis

Position: Provisional Psychologist

Location: Cannington

Service reach: Metropolitan Perth

Location: WA

Emily started her journey within the NDIS space in the mental health not-for-profit sector, supporting people to implement their plans within a mental health recovery framework.

She then progressed to providing trauma-centred therapeutic support, working with adults who have experienced extreme trauma, or live with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, in both
community and prison-based settings.

Her responsibilities were to enhance an individual’s and their support network’s capacity to positively manage their health, welfare and life needs.

Emily enjoys supporting individuals and their families to live fulfilling lives in the spheres of mental, physical, and social wellbeing, and is looking forward to continuing to make meaningful, positive impacts in the lives of others.

Covering the Perth metropolitan area, she is a recent psychology graduate and will be working with both psychology and Positive Behaviour Support clients.


  • Bachelor of Psychology


  • Mental health recovery
  • Trauma support
  • Positive Behaviour Support


  • Listening to music
  • Being outdoors
  • Meditating

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