Exercise after laser hair removal Reddit

I completely forgot about not exercising after Laser hair removal treatment and attended a sports training session (7 hours after my treatment) for an hour. Including running-type drills, so it wasn't exactly 'low-impact' or anything.

I got my thighs, back and brazilian done and at this stage I only have red dots similar to straight after the treatment on my skin... Nothing raised though it's all just skin marks at this stage.

Just wondering what I should be cautious of or expect? Is it always bad exercising after treatment?? What can I do now that it's now too late??

Didnt you know not to work up sweat after Wax/Laser hair removal?

to be safe you need 2 days wait before you can go and workout. some say less, but 2 days works for people with sensitive skin as well, so its a safe number regardless of skin type.

IF you were warned, then I laugh at your stupidity. If not, you should ask for a refund or free treatment.

Just wanted to give a heads up. Educate yourselves on pre and post care for laser hair removal. The place I went to told me very little and actually gave me bad advice. Luckily, my skin is fine and I'm OCD about this stuff and did research after getting home, before I did anything stupid.

Here's the story for those interested: I just finished my second session. Even though, I have brownish red hair, it seems to be working pretty well. Especially, considering I have very sensitive "Irish" skin that burns very easily. Like it's been a day and besides a handful of red dots here and there, it's basically fine.

So on to the story. The woman who did my laser hair removal is super nice and she is pretty supportive of me even though I still present myself as a male. But she told me VERY little about what to do before and after laser hair removal. Like, she basically told me that it might not work because of my hair color and that was it. I feel like she mentioned something about the sun the first time (can't remember), but she didn't drive home how important it is as much as she should have. She also told me it was ok to exercise after laser hair removal which is completely wrong. I actually went to the gym right after my first treatment and showered after breaking a serious sweat. Luckily, nothing happened. Thank god. I saw one picture of a girl who got covered in zits after working out post laser. So, pretty much, don't trust the specialist to tell you everything you need to know. Do your own research.

I'm going to post a link, but here's some basics:

  1. STAY OUT OF THE SUN!!!! Seriously. Don't risk it. Bad idea. You should avoid sun light for at least a day or two and after that, wear sun screen when you go out and even then, you should be careful for the first 2 weeks post treatment. It's that important. Laser hair removal makes your skin extra sensitive and UV rays can cause scarring, skin discoloration and alot of other bad stuff. This is especially important during the summer.

  2. Don't workout for 24 - 48 hours. I almost made this mistake after I got laser hair removal yesterday. I workout basically every day. I just had a nagging feeling that I should do research before trying anything. I'm so glad I did, especially since the heat of the laser gets turned up as you get more sessions done, making the skin even more sensitive. Honestly, you shouldn't do anything that makes you sweat. Just chill in your house and turn on the AC.

  3. Wait until the next day to shower and make the water as cool as you can manage. AVOID HOT SHOWERS. It doesn't have to be ice cold, but just make sure it's more cool than hot. I didn't find this out until this morning. I stupidly took a shower at 7 in the evening (laser hair removal was done at 11 AM). My skin seems fine, but I think I just got lucky. I'm not doing that again.

  4. Wait 3 or 4 days to shave after treatment. I guess it can irritate the skin. I made this mistake after my first treatment. Nothing really happened, but as stated earlier, the heat of the laser gets turned up as you get more sessions done, making the skin more sensitive. So, this advice just becomes more crucial as you get more sessions done.

So that's the end of this PSA. I hope I saved at least one person from skin damage. Seriously, this is your skin. What's the point of getting the hair removed if it's going to red, blotchy or covered with dark spots? Don't take this lightly. I'm usually careful about this kind of thing and I made a bunch of mistakes because my specialist, despite being very nice, didn't give me much post treatment advice. And I doubt she's the only one.

Here's some good links I found: //www.simplicitylaser.com/pages/laser-hair-removal-pre-post-treatment-care



Can I exercise after laser hair removal Reddit?

Laser hair removal makes your skin extra sensitive and UV rays can cause scarring, skin discoloration and alot of other bad stuff. This is especially important during the summer. Don't workout for 24 - 48 hours.

How long after laser can you exercise?

In most cases, the skin calms down around 48 hours after your laser hair removal, so that's when you can resume your regular physical activity. However, if your skin is taking longer to calm down, you should wait a little longer to exercise, as well.

Is it OK to exercise after laser hair removal?

Is exercise after laser hair removal prohibited? Patients should avoid hot showers and exercise for at least 24 hours. During sessions, heat is applied to the treated area, resulting in swelling and redness around the hair follicles.

Is it OK to sweat after laser hair removal?

Your hair follicles will be extremely sensitive so it is important to avoid any activity that could cause you to sweat or heat up your skin. Sweat contains bacteria which will aggravate sensitive hair follicles resulting in a rash or worse, a skin infection.


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