Fly Me to the Moon piano easy

Our new learning method will help you learn thrice as fast! Our users state that learning with colorful letter is a fun way to learn from scratch!

If you would like to learn playing your favorite songs nice and fast without unnecessary hours spent on theory, notes and other complex stuff, read the instruction, pick one of our tutorials and just start playing! It's really that simple :) At our website you'll find also letter tutorials and articles with advices.

What key is Fly me to the moon in?

C minorFly Me to the Moon / Keynull

Is Fly Me to the Moon C major?

This song is in the key of C major, so the numbers come from assigning a number to each note of the C major scale. You don't have to memorize the theory of these Fly Me To The Moon chords right now, but the ii-V-I is a progression that will appear over and over as you learn more jazz-influenced songs.


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