Highschool of The Dead manga Chapter 31


chapter 31 release

are there any news for a release date? sry if its not in the right topic

(edited by A Fandom user)

(edited by A Fandom user)

Hate things like this. No even info about

(edited by A Fandom user)

Does anyone know if the author is still writing the manga or not?? or had he fallen ill like hunter x hunter author??? if someone knows then plz post

(edited by A Fandom user) wrote:
Does anyone know if the author is still writing the manga or not?? or had he fallen ill like hunter x hunter author??? if someone knows then plz post

No, back in 2013 I remember he said he'll dedicate all his time to another manga, so I imagine HSOTD will never come back to us

(edited by A Fandom user)

You're thinking about Shouji Sato, who is the artist. He has always stated that if the writer, Daisuke Sato (no relation), wants to bring back HOTD he will join back in a heartbeat.

(edited by Hammiams)

Seems like that's never going to happen. Apparently since the Author has passed away.

(edited by Kuraudou)

Can you find a verifiable source to that? Also no, Wikipedia doesn't count.

Found some sources, tis a sad day.

(edited by Hammiams)

(edited by A Fandom user)

(edited by JenitaPearlOfLove)

read this article shoji talks about why he not continuing the series highschool of the dead read the lower part.read the second page. natalie.mu/comic/pp/triagex

(edited by Callme1m1m1)

Is Highschool of the Dead manga complete?

The manga went on hiatus from 2008 to 2010, but after March 2011, only one more chapter was released in April 2013. The series was left unfinished following Daisuke Satō's death on March 22, 2017.

How many chapters are there in Highschool of the Dead manga?

There are only 30 chapters. MAL has an annoying habit of listing .

What chapter did Highschool of the Dead end on?

Anyway, High School of the Dead likely isn't getting another season. This means if you finished the anime, you can pick up the manga at Chapter 17. The main problem is that the author died of heart disease so the manga has also been discontinued.

Is Highschool of the Dead Good manga?

First off, Is Highschool of the Dead Good? Yes and here's why. Highschool of the Dead is one of my favorite zombie manga stories. It's as gloriously fun and action-packed as some of my favorite b-horror zombie movies and the art and story are fun to experience.