How can I get my record expunged for free

How can I get my record expunged for free

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How can I get my record expunged for free

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How can I get my record expunged for free

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How can I get my record expunged for free

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What is Criminal Record Expungement or Record Sealing?

Expungement or record sealing is the process of requesting that the courts and/or law enforcement agencies modify, seal or destroy criminal records. The definition, benefits and requirements of expungement or record sealing varies by state. In many instances when a record is expunged or sealed, it cannot be viewed by the public and the applicant does not have to disclose any past criminal activity. Most states offer this relief because it is good public policy to allow deserving people to fully contribute in society.

Take a free record clearing eligibility testto find out what service you may qualify for. Many states have minimum eligibility requirements before a record can be expunged or sealed. Many states require:

  • Completion of sentence (incarceration, probation, parole)
  • All fines and restitution paid in full
  • No pending charges or criminal proceedings
  • No intervening convictions

Beware of Scam Expungement Sites By Non-Attorneys

How can I get my record expunged for free
WARNING! Everyday people trying to clear their record get scammed by using a non-attorney to expunge or seal their record. Do not waste your money, give your confidential information, or blow what may be your only chance to clear your record by using anyone other than a licensed attorney. We have compiled a list of non-attorney websites you should avoid at all cost. Make sure you visit our page on avoiding scams before paying anyone.

Finding an expungement attorney that you can trust

How can I get my record expunged for free
We have created a list of the most highly recommended attorneys who specialize in record clearing, expungement, and sealing. The expungement lawyers are separated by which state they work in and they are all top rated attorneys with excellent results at removing criminal records. If you are serious about removing your criminal record make sure you find a real attorney to handle your case.

How can I get my record expunged for free (The Law Firm of Higbee & Associates) has helped thousands of people remove their criminal records. They even have a free online eligibility test to see which services you qualify for. currently handles cases in Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah , and Washington.

Criminal Record Background Checks

The first step to removing your criminal record is to find out what, if anything, is showing up on your criminal background. If you suspect a criminal record is holding you back from jobs or other opportunities we recommend visiting our partner,, where you can get your complete criminal history for a very low price.

Find out what’s on your record now by filling out this form provided by

How can I get my record expunged for free is brought to you by The Foundation For Continuing Justice

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*Featured attorney is a paid advertiser.

Can I file for expungement without a lawyer in Texas?

Most people can file and successfully process their own Texas expungement forms without the assistance of a lawyer. All you need is the proper forms and easy step-by-step instructions to complete your Texas expungement.

How much does it cost in North Carolina to get your record expunged?

For some types of expungements, there is no filing fee. For example, if the charges were dismissed by the court without a deferment, or if you were found not guilty there is no filing fee. For other expungements, the courthouse will charge a filing fee of $175.00.

How do I get my record expunged in Indiana?

A petition for expungement or seal can be filed with a local court of jurisdiction in Indiana by an individual (pro se) or by private legal counsel. The Indiana State Police cannot give legal advice regarding the filing of a petition.

How much does expungement cost in Ohio?

An expungement takes about 6 weeks in Ohio. The fee for this application is $50 by Ohio law. The case is set on the docket in front of a judge who makes the final determination.