How can I make my laundry smell good with sensitive skin?

The sensitive skin laundry hack that makes your clothes soft and speeds up drying time

Luxuriate in the softness you expect, while being kind to your sensitive skin.

Sep 16, 2019 8:24am

Sensitive skin? There is no need to compromise when it comes to clothes and linen that are soft to the touch and kind to your skin.

Fluffy Pure Scents softens fabric, while being gentle on you, thanks to its hypoallergenic formulation, approved by dermatologists. While its creamy coconut fragrance will make you think of tropical holidays past, your clothes and linen will spill from the dryer fresher, softer and with fewer wrinkles – all while helping to reduce that telltale dryer static.

Fluffy Pure Scents may be gentler on skin, yet it is still tough on the job at hand: fewer wrinkles and sweet-smelling clothes and linen that make you feel good.

Those who have adopted Fluffy Pure Scents fabric softener as a laundry staple, regardless of their skin type, say they also get to spend less time on time-consuming tasks such as ironing.

The formulators behind the kind-to-skin concentrated liquid have delivered a high quality softener without compromise, all while keeping sensitive skin top-of-mind.

We asked a few members of the editorial team at Bauer to road test Fluffy Pure Scents. Here's what they thought.

Phoebe Watt, NEXT magazine Deputy Editor

As I approach my 30s I'm becoming increasingly mindful about what I put on my skin. So, given the small fortune that I spend on super gentle skincare for my face and body, it seems counter-productive to be using laundry products that could undo all that hard work.

That's where Fluffy Pure Scents fabric softener – which is hypoallergenic and dermalogically tested – has stepped in and given me peace of mind.

I've been amazed at the difference adding one cap of Fluffy Pure Scents to each wash has made. Everything is softer, smells fresher, and comes out virtually wrinkle and static free. And the formula actually decreases drying time, so you can free up the drying rack for the next load in the space of a day!

Leigh Matheson, Style Director

My partner and our son both have very sensitive skin so this is always a consideration when looking at laundry solutions so seeing that this fabric softener is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested was essential before being let loose on our washing.

I've washed a variety of pieces adding Fluffy to it including bed linen and towelling, slips, wool and standard cotton clothing. All of the clothing has been super soft, as has the bed linen and towelling. The woollen knitwear kept a very soft handle and my slips had no static in them afterwards at all.

Fiona Kerr, Your Home & Garden Art Director

Being a long-time sufferer of sensitive skin, it's been a real treat discovering the new Creamy Coconut range from Fluffy Pure Scents. Knowing the Fluffy fabric softener formula has been dermatologically tested adds another layer of trust to the product - I can be confident it won't irritate my skin.

After washing with Fluffy Pure Scents, my clothes and linen felt noticeably softer and my skin didn't react in any way. Usually I buy the products that are 'low fragrance', so having the option to wash my clothes with a product that leaves them smelling delicious and doesn't irritate my skin gives me the best of both worlds.

The coconut scent leaves an everlasting scent in the house too – extending its use well beyond the wash!

I come from a family who all suffer from sensitive skin so I know they will enjoy this products as much as I do.

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  3. Laundry Tips


Kate Miller-Wilson

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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Published August 18, 2020

Don't resign yourself to stinky, sour smelling laundry. Learn how to make laundry smell good with these 10 simple steps. From how you clean your machine to the temperature of water you use, there are some easy solutions to the problem of stinky laundry.

Moldy Washing Machine

If you look inside your washing machine, chances are, it looks pretty clean. However, in the hidden areas, especially around the door gasket in front loaders, you may find lurking mold. According to Consumer Reports, this problem plagues at least 17 percent of those who own front-loaders, and it may be an issue with some top-loading machines too.

Overloaded Washing Machine

Just because you can fit that entire laundry basket full of dirties in the machine doesn't mean you should. Overloading your washing machine can keep the clothes from getting washed properly and lead to stinky laundry.

Body Soil That Isn't Going Away

When you wear your clothes or use sheets and towels, body soils get on the fabric. The Washington Post reports that 70 percent of laundry dirt is actually body soil, and today's laundry habits and detergents don't do much to combat it.

Laundry That's Wet for Too Long

If your laundry isn't dried quickly and thoroughly, it creates a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. These can lead to a sour smell that's hard to ignore.

Wrong Amount of Detergent

If you use too much or too little detergent, your clothes won't smell clean. Too much detergent creates an opportunity for dirt and mold to stick to the fabric and cause an odor. Too little detergent doesn't adequately clean the dirt off the fabrics.

10 Simple Solutions for Great Smelling Laundry

Getting great smelling laundry is easy if you follow a few simple rules. Keep these tips in mind to get the sour smell out of laundry and keep it smelling fresh.

1. Clean Your Machine

Start by eliminating the mold in your washing machine. Just as you can use vinegar to treat laundry, you can also use white vinegar to clean your washer. Run a load with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water. Alternatively, fill the bleach compartment of your washer and run it on the self-cleaning cycle if you have one. Keep in mind, you should never mix bleach and vinegar; simply choose one method to try. Either way, when the machine is done running, take a sponge or soft cloth and wipe the gaskets to remove mold.

2. Leave the Washer Door Open

Once your washer is clean, keep it that way. When you're done running a load of laundry, leave your washer door open so it can air out. Mold prefers dark, damp places, so good air circulation and old-fashioned sunlight will do a lot to keep it away.

3. Wash on Hot When You Can

One major component of body soils is sebum, which is an oily substance produced by skin. As with removing other oil stains, the solution involves detergents and hot water. The Washington Post article on body soil reports that more than 60 percent of today's fabrics are made from synthetics that can't handle hot water washing. However, in addition to sorting by color, you can sort by fabric type and washing requirements. That way, you can wash high-sebum laundry like undershirts and underwear in hot water.

4. Choose the Right Detergent and Correct Amount

If you can't wash on hot, choose a detergent that does well on body soils. Older laundry detergents may not be able to tackle the newer cold-water-wash-only fabrics. Consumer Reports recommends Tide Plus Ultra Stain Release, but there are many that can work. Select detergent that's designed to work in cold water and that does well with body soils. Then read the label and use the correct amount for your load of laundry.

5. Don't Wait to Wash

For very soiled items like workout clothes, don't wait to wash the laundry. Waiting gives bacteria time to reproduce. Instead, wash a small load as soon as you have it. Similarly, don't let unwashed laundry pile up if you can help it. Try to wash regularly, especially in the summertime or if you live in a warm climate.

6. Consider a Pre-Soak

If you want to get a perfume smell out of laundry or eliminate that sour odor from a previous washing mishap, take a little time to pre-soak. You can make a simple pre-soak by filling your laundry tub or sink with water and adding half a cup of baking soda (which can also help get rid of skunk smells). After the baking soda has dissolved, let the stinky clothes soak in the water overnight.

7. Don't Overload the Machine

On laundry day, resist the temptation to get the work done more quickly by overloading the machine. Part of properly doing laundry involves loading the machine correctly. Your machine shouldn't be more than 3/4 full, and you shouldn't pack the clothes tightly. Everything needs plenty of room to move.

8. Take Your Time With Hand Washing

Hand washing smelly laundry isn't fun, but it's sometimes the only option if you have delicate items. Refresh your skills on hand washing clothes so you know the overall process. Then take your time. Allow the clothing to soak in the soapy water for at least an hour. After that, make sure you rinse especially well. If you're in doubt, perform a second rinse.

9. Dry Laundry Right Away

Whether you're hand washing or machine washing, don't let the laundry stay wet. Immediately move items to the dryer if you can machine dry. For laundry you plan to line dry, ensure you have plenty of space between wet items so air can circulate. Consider moving your line drying to a spot by a window or outside so the sunlight can help kill any lingering mold spores or bacteria.

10. Make Sure Laundry Is Totally Dry

Before you put your laundry away, make sure it's totally dry. Sometimes, you can reduce wrinkles and shrinkage by leaving clothing just a little damp. If you do this, hang the item to dry completely before you put it away. Never fold damp laundry.

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How do people get their laundry smelling so good?

If you want your laundry to smell good, spray your dirty laundry with essential oil before putting it in the washer. For an even stronger scent, use a scented detergent or soap to wash your clothes and make them smell fresh. Use dryer sheets or make your own dryer sheets to use in the dryer.

How can I deodorize my laundry naturally?

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and brightener, and it's probably already in your pantry. To make your laundry detergent work harder, add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle of your washing machine.

What can I add to laundry for odor?

To dissipate the smell, don't respond by dumping in more detergent. Too much detergent means residue, and residue means trapped odors. Instead, add 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle or 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash cycle. You can also opt for one of the many sports detergents on the market.

Why do my clothes not smell good after washing?

Over time, components in your washer can become clogged with built-up detergent or fabric softener residue, which can become a playground for bacteria that can cause a sour smell. Regular cleaning of your washing machine can eliminate this issue and set you on the path to better-scented clothes.


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