How do I keep my small apartment from smelling like cat litter?

Everything about sharing our lives with cats is wonderful, well, except maybe just one thing. The cat litter box – that one thing about cat parenthood that we all have to deal with, but wish we didn’t!

Does your home have a tell-tale scent that screams out, “cats live here!” the moment you walk in the door? Or maybe you’ve become nose-blind to the cat box but wonder if your houseguests can smell it and are just too kind to tell you? Not to worry, here are 5 ways to ensure the litter box can only be seen, not smelled!

1) Try a New Litter

If you’re struggling with odor, it might be time to try a different kind of litter or box. Try using a different litter in each box in your home and see what you (and your cat) prefer – and also which one controls odor the best. Keep in mind, though, that most cats prefer unscented litter! You might also want to try a litter box that separates the liquid waste onto a changeable pad, like the Tidy Cats Breeze system or the PetSafe Deluxe Crystal Litter Box System.

2) Know When to Replace the Litter Box

This should go without saying, but scoop that litter box every single day. Also, even though you’re scooping every day, little bits of waste slips through the scoop and stays behind so you need to completely dump the dirty litter weekly, wash the box with soap and water and fill it with fresh litter. Over time, your cat’s scratching at the box will make grooves in the plastic that make it harder to clean – and easier to trap odors. Because of this, you should replace your litter box once a year.

3) Keep the Box in a Well-Ventilated Area

This is a huge mistake that many cat parents make! If you hide the box away in a closet or tiny, dark space it actually allows odors to concentrate – thus creating a stronger, stinkier stench that will eventually permeate the rest of your home. It should be in an open area, easily accessed by your cat, but also in a well-ventilated spot where scents can quickly disperse.

With that in mind, a quick word about covered litter boxes…
A lot of people will get a covered box, thinking that it will help trap odors and keep them in the box. And, while that’s partially true, a covered box is the feline equivalent of a port-o-potty to us humans! Would you want to do your business in a stinky port-o-potty every day? Cats’ noses are even more sensitive than ours. For this reason (and several others), we don’t usually recommend using a covered litter box.

4) Use an Air Purifier to Remove Odors

Air purification is more than covering up odors. It’s about cleaning the air you (and your cats) breathe every day. Sure, you can use sprays and deodorizers to tackle a recent smell, but air purifiers work continuously to actually clean the air, destroy odors and improve the air – and the smell – in your home.

5) Change Your Cat’s Diet

You know the old saying, “Garbage in, garbage out?” Well, that applies to your cat’s digestive system too! If you feed a diet that includes lots of fillers and grains that your cat doesn’t need, he (or she) will eliminate those fillers – right into the litter box. What your cat eats can have a profound effect on the smell and amount of urine and feces they leave in the litter box. So, feed your cat a species-appropriate, high-quality diet (if you aren’t already) and you’ll notice an improvement in the litter box AND in your cat’s overall well-being!

What other tips have you found to help combat litter box odors in your home? Tell us about them!

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Related Items:cat litter box smells, featured, how to keep your house from smelling like litter box, litter box odor, stinky litter box

No one likes a home that smells of cat odor. Cat odor can come from a variety of places: litter boxes, cat urine and feces. Each can be managed effectively with a little attention.

Litter Boxes

The simplest solution for a smelly litter box is to move it to an area where people are less likely to smell it. Moving, however, is not always a viable solution for many cats or cat-owners. So, what are your options?

  • Use the right cat litter. There are dozens of brands of kitty litter for sale today. Litter can be made from corn, wheat, clay, crystals, synthetics, paper, wood, or other materials. Generally, litter that clumps does a better job of trapping odor than litter that does not clump and there are several with odor reducing agents or masking perfumes. Try a few to see which works best for your situation and for your cat. Some cats prefer a specific type of littler (clumping vs. non) or do not like heavily scented litters. Changing a litter too quickly may cause litter box avoidance so be sure to have a second box out so that you can see if there is a preference between the litters.
  • Clean the litter box frequently. In general, if your cat’s litter box smells, then it needs to be cleaned more frequently. A good goal should be to clean the litter box at least once (if not twice) daily. This will help the litter from holding on to odors (even clumping litter).
  • Use a covered box. Covered litter boxes do a better job at concealing odor than uncovered ones. Some litter boxes even offer air filtration and freshening systems. Keep in mind, though, that most of the odors are trapped under the lid where the cat needs to enter. Even with a covered litter box, scoop the litter once daily.
  • Change diets. Sometimes, a change in your cat’s diet can help mitigate odors. For example, your cat may not be digesting his current diet well if it is higher in fiber and a change in diet can help alleviate this.

Cat Urine

A kitten as young as three weeks of age will begin to use the litter box regularly as this is an instinctive behavior. However, there are reasons that a cat would stop using the litter box – it might not clean enough or there are new stresses in the cat’s life. Another very common reason for cats to lose their litter box training is for medical issues (urinary tract infection, kidney disease, diabetes, etc.) so a trip to your veterinarian would be a great place to start. Should your cat have a lapse in litter box habits, there are a few steps that you can take to eliminate the odor from inappropriate elimination.

  • Clean the stain quickly and thoroughly. Urine will not seep into the fabric or a rug if attended to promptly. In addition, cats are more likely to urinate repeatedly in one location if the smell remains. You should blot up as much of the liquid as possible if on fabric and use mild soap and water to initially clean the spot. A black light can be used to find errant urine.
  • Use a dedicated odor remover. There are several types of odor removers that work differently. Some contain masking perfumes to cover the odor, some contain enzymes to break down the urine, and, lastly, some products actually surround the odor molecule and eliminate it. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Whatever the product, it is important to use enough of it to saturate the area – remember that much of the urine in carpets may reside in the carpet pad.

Defecation and Vomit

Cat droppings left on a rug or floor are not just unsightly; they smell and can easily stain or damage a rug. Clean up the initial droppings using paper towels, but be sure not to rub any residue into the fabric. Follow that up with a light mixture of soap and water. Droppings that are firm and consistent generally clean up easily.

Diarrhea, on the other hand, can be much more difficult to clean because of the high water content. Clean up what you can with paper towels, and then use a light detergent and water. Unlike firmer feces, you may have to use a stain and odor remover to thoroughly clean and remove the smell completely.

Vomit should be cleaned similar to diarrhea, with one exception. Some cat foods contain dye, which can result in a stain on your rug. If your carpet is stained, products formulated to treat this specific type of dye are available to remove the damage. If your cat is vomiting often, a trip to your veterinarian is in order as this can be a sign of illness.

Removing Cat Urine from Clothing

If your cat urinates on clothing left on the floor or in laundry baskets, common laundry detergent is enough to remove the scent. Sometimes, a presoaking cycle and an extra rinse is helpful but do not use hot water as this could make matters worse. Here are some tips to treat machine washable items:

How do I make my apartment not smell like cat litter?

Use air neutralizers and masking scents like cleverly placed dryer sheets, carpet fresheners, scented candles, plug-in air fresheners, and sprays. Change Your Filters.

Why does my whole house smell like cat litter?

Multiple things can cause your house to smell like cat urine, even if you don't have a cat. Investigate if there is mold, leaking Freon, sewer gases, smelly plants, spoiled food, or even stains from previous pet owners.

How do you get rid of cat smell in a rental?

How to Get Rid of Pet Odor in Your Rental.
Clean Regularly with Pet Odor Eliminators. This may seem obvious, but we'll say it anyway. ... .
Deep Clean Periodically. Go beyond vacuuming your carpet or using a Swiffer on your hardwood floor. ... .
Clean the Upholstery. ... .
Clean the Walls. ... .
If All Else Fails, Refresh the Flooring..

How do you neutralize the smell of litter?

Use a mild, unscented dish detergent or a mild bleach spray (20 parts water to one part bleach) and rinse well. Clean your scooper also. When dry, add 2 to 3 inches of litter.


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