How do I make my Brazilian laser not hurt?

Okay ladies, let’s have some real talk. Hair down there is the worst. Shaving takes forever and requires advanced shower yoga to get everything. Waxing is essentially the most terrifying thing you’ll ever experience. Not that lying on a waxing table naked and afraid isn’t fun, but something about getting hot wax poured on my lady parts and ripping out the hair follicles just isn’t my thing.

Another option is laser hair removal, which seems like a dream come true compared to the other options for the rest of my life. Going into my Brazilian treatments, I had three major concerns.

  1. Awkwardness
  2. Pain
  3. Effectiveness

It’s time to get everything out in the open. Here is everything you need to know on how to survive your Brazilian laser hair removal treatments.

1. Awkwardness

A stranger, a high-powered laser and your whoo-ha sounds like an uncomfortable combination, and to be honest, it’s pretty awkward. Here is what goes down so you know what to expect. Your technician will leave the room while you remove your underwear and cover yourself with a paper drape. You can choose what exactly you get treated. Before your treatment, shave whatever you want to be treated. If you choose to, they will do everything, and I mean everything. At one point, you’ll lay on your side so the technician can get a better angle on your backside. They will ask you to lift up one of your cheeks so they can reach every crevice. I’ll admit, I was cringing more from the awkwardness than from the pain.

Even though it definitely isn't the greatest thing you'll ever experience, the technicians are very professional and make it as comfortable as possible. Remember, they see people's south of the border every day, so it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Luckily, it only takes a couple of minutes, so you can quickly put your pants back on and forget it ever happened.

2. Pain

For me, I was surprised about how little it hurt. It was by no means pleasant, but definitely bearable. The sides, where you would normally get a bikini treatment, didn’t hurt at all. The most painful part for me was near the top and middle. Although pain is subjective, most people agree that it is way less painful than a Brazilian wax. It is also permanent, which helps put the pain in perspective. 

One important thing to know about the treatments is that they turn the laser up every treatment. My first treatment didn't bother me as much as my sixth treatment. The pain is immediate but doesn't last longer than a couple of seconds. I started using the Desensitizing Gel they offer, which acts as a numbing cream. If you apply it 20-30 minutes before, it helps significantly with the pain.

3. Effectiveness

It typically requires 18 months of treatments to see the full effect of laser hair removal, but after my first treatment, I already saw a difference. My hair grew in slower and patchier. Some places still grew hair, but others didn’t at all. This is because hair grows in cycles. After each treatment, I noticed less hair growth. I have had six treatments so far and I rarely have to shave. With results like these so soon, I can't wait to see my results after I've completed 18 months.

Overall, I’d say even though Brazilian laser hair removal is kind of awkward and painful, the results make it totally worth it. I’d take it over waxing or shaving any day. If you have any interest in getting started, we have amazing deals on Brazilian laser hair removal treatments.

Having laser hair removal on the Brazilian area should not hurt any more than any other area of the body.  Treatment on this area should be taken slowly and regular breaks should be taken over areas of heavy growth on the bikini area. A Brazilian is an extended version of a bikini line shape. All hair is removed from the sides, labia, bum and a small piece of hair is left at the front of the bikini.

We are experts – but you are in control

You should feel a slightly warm bearable pinch. If you are feeling anything more than this please let your therapist know so that they can adjust the laser settings accordingly. It is important that you feel in control of the pace of your treatment. Our rule of thumb is on a pain scale of 1-10 you should feel about a 5.

Sections of hair on the top, labia and bum area may be thicker so it is important that the setting of the laser be decreased, especially on the first few sessions to compensate for this. Laser settings can be increased on subsequent sessions but only when it feels comfortable for you. If you are finding your session of laser hair removal does hurt, don’t continue tell your therapist.

Pulsing slowly over the more sensitive areas ie. labia and perianal areas of the bikini is recommended to allow for a more comfortable session. Request mini breaks in between pulses if you need more time to work over these areas.

The vast majority of people say it’s the anticipation and thought of it which is the worst part, the actual treatment itself is fine. If you have had a bikini wax or used an epilator in the past then the feeling of laser will be familiar to you as they are slightly similar in ways. If Brazilian laser hair removal does hurt speak to your therapist.

How does laser actually feel on the Brazilian area?

The sensation of laser varies greatly from person to person. There are a number of different factors that affect how laser feels; hair colour, hair density, skin type and pain threshold all influence how treatment will feel for each individual. The sensation of laser does decrease after each session as hair growth is becoming finer and lighter after each treatment. If treatment on your Brazilian does hurt during your session ask for settings to be adjusted.

‘You should feel a slightly warm bearable pinch’

Advancements in laser technology over the years has provided us with far superior cooling systems to help minimise any discomfort during your session.

Laser feels like a series of small hot pulses of energy over the skin. When the laser session begins the first few pulses may feel a little sharp but over the duration of your session they do get easier to manage. This is because your body becomes accustomed to the feeling over time. The more treatments you have the more the heat sensation will decrease as a finer, lighter hair will absorb less energy than a thicker, stronger one. Throughout your session it is important that you feel comfortable, if you are feeling too much heat from the laser it is important that you let your therapist know so that the laser can be adjusted for you. Laser hair removal on the Brazilian area should not hurt and you should feel comfortable throughout your treatment.

How long does a session of laser hair removal take on the Brazilian area?

A session of laser on the Brazilian or Hollywood bikini area takes approx. 20 minutes to complete.

Is there anything that I can do to make Brazilian laser hair removal hurt less?

  • Shave the day/night before your session
  • Ensure you have removed ALL excess hair from the labia and bum sections of your bikini
  • Avoid Caffeine before your treatment
  • Take a mild pain reliever (Not Ibuprofen)
  • Try to schedule treatment the week before or the week after your period
  • Most importantly, Relax, you’re in safe hands.

See our ‘How do I prepare for Brazilian laser hair removal?’ blog post here.

It is normal to be nervous before starting a course of laser treatment in this area. It is a very sensitive part of your body so it is essential that treatments are comfortable, safe and discreet. If you are unsure about any aspects of this treatment please book a free 30 minute consultation . Our dedicated laser hair removal specialists will talk you through the process.

We treat 100’s of bikini lines on a weekly basis so please feel comfortable to talk to us. Feel free to chat through any reservations you may have. We are here to help guide you through.

Should Brazilian laser hurt?

It was by no means pleasant, but definitely bearable. The sides, where you would normally get a bikini treatment, didn't hurt at all. The most painful part for me was near the top and middle. Although pain is subjective, most people agree that it is way less painful than a Brazilian wax.

What makes laser hair removal hurt more?

Because a lack of sleep and dehydration can increase pain sensitivity, try to stay hydrated and get a good night of sleep before your laser hair removal session. To further reduce discomfort, your Laser Bar and Spa provider may rub topical numbing cream onto your skin before your session.

Does laser hair removal ever stop hurting?

Yes, laser hair removal does hurt less the more sessions you have. After each session hair is becoming lighter and the amount of hair is reduced. If you leave too long in between sessions you may find treatments are a little more sensitive.

What hurts more Brazilian wax or laser?

No. Laser hair removal isn't more painful than waxing–but it is more uncomfortable than using depilatory creams or tweezing. Most people compare the pain caused by laser hair removal to that of a rubber band being snapped against their skin—which isn't that bad, really.


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