How do I protect my neuter incision?

As a pet owner, you are probably very familiar with the necessity of spaying or neutering your pet dog. Not only will it help you with your dog’s future training endeavors, but it will also help protect the domestic dog as a species and eliminate several different health concerns.

The spaying and neutering procedures are relatively routine these days, with more and more people understanding the importance of this step in their dog’s life. However, with any surgical procedure, your dog will need to go through a recovery period. 

While your dog is recovering, you can still spend lots of quality time with them. You can pick up a few professional grooming tools, like dog nail clippers, to ensure that your dog is still being pampered during recovery. Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed will help you avoid having your dog scratch and pull out stitches. 

Here are six practical tips to remember to care for your dog after neutering or spaying.

1. Rest and recuperate 

The week after your dog’s surgery, you must make every effort to keep life low-key. This may not be easy if your dog is a puppy, and they probably are. Puppies are notorious for being balls of energy. 

Your dog may cause harm to himself if you allow too much physical activity after spaying or neutering, so try and keep things as low-key as possible to prevent injury. 

2. Check for signs of infection

You must check for any signs of infection and call your veterinarian if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Your pet could have sutures that you can see on their skin and around the wound. 

Keep an eye out for redness and swelling of any kind. It’s not uncommon for a dog to develop an infection after the operation, so if you notice anything odd, call your vet immediately. 

3. Prevent licking and chewing

Your dog may try to lick the stitches or even chew on them. If this is the case, talk to your veterinarian about placing an Elizabethan collar on your dog. These are standard protection measures for dogs and have an extremely high success rate. Another option, use an inflatable collar.

E-collars can be uncomfortable and irritating for your dog, so it’s best to use them when other options fail. These collars will ensure that the wound is less likely to get inflamed or infected, so it is usually recommended for fussy or sensitive dogs.

4. Try a belly wrap

Another smart way to prevent damage post-surgery is to pick up a belly wrap or protective clothing to shield the wound. There are vet-approved skincare products that are very effective for post-surgery protection. 

They aid in the healing process and will provide light relief for most irritation. They also significantly reduce the likelihood of licking or biting the wound. 

5. Check the odor

One thing that many pet owners forget is that their dogs can get smelly. Most vets will restrict bathing after surgery for up to 14 days. This time is essential for the wound to heal correctly, but it can cause your dog to smell foul.

Because your dog cannot groom himself, you may also notice general smelliness around your dog’s private areas, which can become mildly unsettling for some pet owners. Just remember, this problem is temporary.

Remember, if your dog has a yeasty or putrid odor post-surgery, that could be a sign of infection. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian for advice. 

6. Distract your dog

The key to successful recovery post-opt is to keep your dog distracted from the surgical site. You’ll also have to keep your dog calm to avoid having him tear out the stitches and prolong the healing process. Take your dog for leisurely walks, but try to keep your dog from jumping on or off furniture. 

Keep him on a leash to control his movements when you take your dog out. You also may want to crate your dog when you are not home to supervise him.

Check your dog’s stitches throughout the day to ensure they remain intact.

Care for your dog after neutering or spaying to ensure speedy healing

The good news is most dogs recover quickly after they are spayed or neutered. Follow these six helpful tips to care for your dog after neutering or spaying and ensure a speedy recovery.

Amy Davis loves her pets. She has a diverse variety, including two cats, one dog, three rabbits, two guinea pigs, a rat, and a beautiful macaw. She loves writing about everything pet-related and spends as much time as possible sharing her personal experiences on her blog Ultimate Pet Hub.

If you are the proud parent to a precious pooch, you have many different aspects of his care to consider. Aside from your immediate concerns of where he is going to sleep and what he is going to eat, you need to be prioritizing his medical needs and in particular, preventative care. Neutering your dog should be the next most important thing you think about once your furbaby has settled in.

What is neutering?

Neutering refers to the surgical removal of the male reproductive organs – the testes. This can be done in a fairly simple and straightforward procedure which is carried out while your dog is under the effects of a general anesthetic. This means that he won’t have any awareness of the procedure, nor will he feel any pain.

Why is neutering your dog important?

The choice to get your dog neutered is a very responsible one for a number of different reasons. Firstly, you are doing your part to ensure that he does not make any babies. There is a massive overpopulation of pets in the United States, with millions living in shelters and temporary accommodation due to a lack of loving homes. By preventing your dog from breeding, you are taking a small step towards stopping further influxes of puppies onto the market.

Secondly, neutering your dog will help to reduce undesirable behaviors, such as urine spraying, humping and running away to try and find a mate. And finally, by removing your dog’s reproductive organs you are also preventing him from suffering from testicular cancer – one of the main cancers affecting intact male canines.

Taking care of your dog after his neutering procedure

Veterinarians across the country perform countless neutering procedures every week, and the surgery is considered to be low-risk provided that it is carried out by a qualified and experienced professional. Nevertheless, it is still a surgical procedure that this means that you can expect your dog to take some time to recover.

Here are our top tips for taking care of your dog after neutering.

Offer extra support while the anesthetic wears off

A general anesthetic can take up to 24 hours to wear off completely, and so during this time, your dog may still experience some side effects. These could include lethargy, loss of balance/co-ordination and even some unusual behaviors, such as a moody temperament. It is important that you give your dog plenty of time to recover from the anesthetic, while still supporting him if he is under its effects.

Offer food and water (but don’t be surprised if he doesn’t eat)

It is not uncommon for humans and animals alike to feel queasy and nauseous after a general anesthetic, so while you should offer your dog some food, it is nothing to be alarmed about if he doesn’t eat. However, he should drink so make sure he has easy access to plenty of fresh water.

Restrict his movement

After any type of surgery, including neutering, it is important to restrict his movements while the incision site heals. This isn’t always easy, particularly if you have a young and energetic dog. We strongly recommend that you invest in a crate and keep him crated as much of the time as possible. It may seem like a punishment, but it is vital if the wound is to heal properly. Fill the crate with plenty of comfortable bedding and a few treats. A puzzle toy with a treat stuffed inside is a good way to keep his mind active even if his body needs to be still.

Protect the wound

The incision site will be itchy and irritated, and your dog will want to scratch at it. However, he needs to leave it alone so that it can heal without the risk of infection. For this reason, our vet will probably give you an Elizabethan collar/cone for him to wear, which will prevent him from biting at it. Watch him carefully to distract him from scratching. If the site becomes red, sore and inflamed, or there is a foul smell emanating from it, the wound may be infected.

When you go out, use a leash

You may have a dog that walks perfectly when he isn’t on the leash, but the opportunity to run and climb may prove too tempting for him, and these activities could re-open his incision and cause complications with his recovery. Therefore, it is much safer if you keep your canine pal leashed while he out on walkies until his wound is completely healed.

For further advice on the best way to take care of your dog when he is recovering from neutering, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Can I cover my dog's neuter incision?

Do not put any topical ointment, including neosporin, or hydrogen peroxide on the incision, and do not cover the incision. If your female dog or cat was in heat at the time of surgery, you must keep them away from unneutered males for at least two weeks.

How do I protect my dog's wound after being neutered?

It is very important that your dog does not lick the wound site. Licking will slow healing and may cause the wound to open. Your dog will probably need to wear an Elizabethan collar for 6-8 days to prevent him interfering with the wound. These are available from Reception.

Can you put anything on a neuter incision?

Do not bathe your dog or allow the incision to get wet. Never apply any cream, ointment, disinfectant, or other substance to the incision unless specifically instructed to do so by your veterinarian.

How can I cover my neuter incision without a cone?

How do you cover a neuter incision without a cone? Flexible fabric E-collars: Soft and flexible yet keep most dogs away from their wound site. Neck control collars: Immobilize your dog's neck so he can't access the surgical site. Inflatable E-collars: Puffy and padded but not the best option for determined chewers.


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