How do the underlined words affect the meaning of this excerpt?

Read this excerpt from Through the Looking-Glass.

"What is it you want to buy?" the Sheep said at last, looking up for a moment from her knitting.

"I don't QUITE know yet," Alice said, very gently. "I should like to look all round me first, if I might."

"You may look in front of you, and on both sides, if you like," said the Sheep: "but you can't look ALL round you—unless you've got eyes at the back of your head."

But these, as it happened, Alice had NOT got: so she contented herself with turning round, looking at the shelves as she came to them.

How do the underlined words affect the tone of the passage?

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21 Select the correct text in the passage. A writer is using the following text to write a paper about men's fashion: adapted excerpt from HOUSE Decoration by Oscar Wilde And how shall men dress? Men saythat they do not particularly care how they dress. and this it is little matter. I am bound to reply that I agree: I can observe that you do not give much thought to your fashion. In all myjourneys through the country. the only well—dressed men that I saw — and in saying this. I truthfully do mean to criticize the trendy men of Fifth Avenue — were the Western miners. Their wide—brimmed haE. which shaded their faces from the sun and protected them from the rain. and their cloaks. which are the most beautiful pieces of drapery ever invented. are worthy of being admired. Their high boots. too, were sensible and practical. They wore only what was comfortable. and therefore beautiful. Which sentence in the writer's paper should the writer revise to include an in—text citation? Men's fashion isn't discussed as often as women's fashion is. but perhaps it should be. Most men wear simple outfits consisting of basic pants and shirts. However, there are actually many options available to men, despite the fact that they might not be familiar with certain historical and contemporary fashions. In fact. the nineteenth—century Western miners" exquisite cloaks, large hats. and practical boots are excellent examples of high—quality men's fashion. ....

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16 excerpt from The Story-Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre Select the correct answer. Uncle Paul had just cut down a pear-tree in the garden. The tree was old, its trunk ravaged by worms, and for several years it had not borne any fruit. It was to be replaced by How do the underlined words affect the meaning of the excerpt? another. The children found their Uncle Paul seated on the trunk of the pear-tree. He was looking attentively at something. "One, two, three, four, five," said he, tapping with his O A. They suggest that the children will prefer the new pear tree to the old one. finger upon the cross-section of the felled tree. What was he counting? O B. They explain why Uncle Paul gets a new axe every year. "Come quick," he called, "come; the pear-tree is waiting to tell you its story. It seems to have some curious things to tell you." O C. They convey the idea that the way trees mark the years is fascinating. The children burst out laughing. O D. They show why the wood of a pear tree is more difficult to cut than other types of wood. "And what does the old pear-tree wish to tell us?" asked Jules. 'Look here, at the cut which I was careful to make very clean with the ax. Don't you see Reset Next some rings in the wood, rings which begin around the marrow and keep getting larger and larger until they reach the bark?" "I see them," Jules replied; "they are rings fitted one inside another." "It looks a little like the circles that come just after throwing a stone into the water," remarked Claire. 'I see them too by looking closely," chimed in Emile. "I must tell you," continued Uncle Paul, "that those circles are called annual layers. Why annual, if you please? Because one is formed every year; one only, understand, neither more nor less. The learned who spend their lives studying plants, and who are called botanists, tell us that no doubt is possible on that point. From the moment the little tree springs from the seed to the time when the old tree dies, every year there is formed a ring, a layer of wood. This understood, let us count the layers of our pear-tree." Uncle Paul took a pin to guide his counting: Emile. Jules, and Claire looked on attentively. One, two, three, four, five-They counted thus up to forty-five, from the marrow to the bark. "The trunk has forty-five layers of wood," announced Uncle Paul. "Who can tell me what that signifies? How old is the pear-tree?" That is not very hard," answered Jules, "after what you have just told us. As it makes one ring every year, and we have counted forty-five, the pear-tree must be forty-five years old."

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11 Select all the correct answers. Imagine you are reading "What Is It That You Really Need?" as part of a research project and need to summarize the text. Which statements provide a correct objective summary of the passage?" O Maslow wrote two important books, Motivation and Personality and Toward a Psychology of Being. O Humans can be confident and successful even if they are not eating and sleeping properly. O Psychology is the branch of science that studies the mind and behavior. O Maslow's hierarchy of needs helps people understand themselves in a new way. O Humans must attend to their basic needs before they are able to achieve higher level desires. Reset Next

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What Is It That You Really Need? Sometimes it seems as if we never get what we want. But sometimes when we do get what we want, we realize that it's not what we really want. That's because our wants don't always match our needs. The solution to this problem is to try to understand and satisfy our real needs. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and human and animal behavior. A lot of psychological research has been done about human needs and how they should be satisfied. Studies have shown that humans have basic needs that must be consistently met. Studies have also shown that there is an order of importance in which these needs must be satisfied. An individual's basic functional needs must be satisfied before he or she can go on and meet other more creative and self-fulfilling needs. Abraham Harold Maslow (1908-1970) was an important psychologist who became famous for his studies regarding human needs and wants. He wrote two major works, Motivation and Personality and Toward a Psychology of Being. Maslow stressed that basic needs must first be satisfied before a person is able to be creative or function independently. He created his famous hierarchy of needs theory, which separates human needs into five layers. Each layer in the hierarchy must be satisfied before a person can proceed to the next layer. The five layers of human needs, according to Maslow, are as follows: 1. The physiological needs 2. The safety and security needs 3. The love and belonging needs 4. The esteem needs 5. Self-actualization The Physiological Needs The physiological needs include the basic requirements for physical survival, such as oxygen, water, protein, salt, sugar, minerals, and vitamins. Other physiological needs include a proper body temperature and pH balance, physical activity, a lack of pain, and adequate sleep. The Safety and Security Needs These needs become relevant only after the physiological needs are largely satisfied. The person will then become increasingly interested in such things as being safe and protected and having a stable life. He or she might also begin to need structure and order. The Love and Belonging Needs Once a person feels reasonably secure in life and has his or her basic bodily needs satisfied, he or she wants to be a part of a community or group, to have friends, and to be in loving and caring relationships. The Esteem Needs This level of needs has two components. The first covers a person's needs to be respected by others and achieve fame, attention, and dignity. The second component of this level of needs covers a person's needs for self-respect, confidence, independence, and freedom. Self-Actualization The highest level is different from the other levels in a crucial way. All the previous levels discuss needs that need to be satisfied; once they are satisfied, we no longer think about them. If we feel well fed, safe, appreciated, and confident, we don't think about those needs anymore. But on the complex level of self-actualization, a person continues to feel this need even after he or she has achieved it. This need drives us to be the most complete people we can-to be the best that we can be. The next time you are feeling as if something is missing from your life, think about Maslow and his theory of needs. Have you really satisfied the basic needs before trying to satisfy the higher levels of needs? Maybe you need to redefine what you are really searching for.

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6 Select the correct answer. Why did Pat Scully paint his hotel light blue? The Blue Hotel O A. because it blends in with the dazzling winter landscape by Stephen Crane O B. because it helps him make money The Palace Hotel at Fort Romper was painted a light blue. It is a shade that is on the legs of a O C. because herons are his favorite birds kind of heron; the color causes the bird to declare its position against any background. The Palace Hotel, then, was always screaming and howling in a way that made the dazzling winter O D. because he wanted it to match the clapboard houses landscape of Nebraska seem only a gray hush. It stood alone on the prairie; when the snow was falling, the town two hundred yards away was not visible. But when the traveler alighted at the railway station, he had to pass the Palace Hotel before he could come upon the low, Reset Next clapboard houses which made up Fort Romper; it was not to be thought that any traveler could pass the Palace Hotel without looking at it. Pat Scully, the owner, had proved himself a master of strategy when he chose his paints. It is true that on clear days, when the great express trains swept through Fort Romper, passengers were overcome at the sight. Adapted from Stephen Crane's "The Blue Hotel, " 1898.

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Select the correct texts in the passage. Which detail best supports the inference that Americans are remaining steadfast in their pursuit of consumerism? adapted fiom Prerecession Trends Bureau of Labor Statistics Leading up to the NUT—2009 recession. consumer spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product had risen for 40 years. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) growth also outpaced general economic expansion. Consumers bought increasingly more services. and the composition of PCE shifted over time with rising in—kind social benefits and third—party contributions towards health insurance and workers' compensation. As a result. the percentage of PCE stemming from direct household expenditures declined from 84.5 percent in 1960 to 67.6 percent in 2006. The late 1990s SEW a surge in spending as Americans bought new technology and globalization ushered in less expensive imports. Economic growth. rising home values and equity. easy credit. and declining personal savings rates also prompted higher consumer spending. In addition. baby boomers reached their highest earning years. The 2001 recession briefly tempered consumer spending, but growth rates rose again as Americans spent more on durable household items. new technology. and vehicles as the housing bubble peaked in 2005. ....

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