How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

This tip is about the how to find a settlement on your home in No Man’s Sky Frontiers planet. So read this free guide, How to find a settlement on your home in No Man’s Sky Frontiers planet step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.

How to find a settlement on your home in No Man’s Sky Frontiers planet – Guide

Finding a settlement is easy in No Man’s Sky Frontiers. The Borders update has added settlements that you can manage and expand, build new structures, defend against enemies, and settle disputes between citizens. You can get started with the new settlement system as soon as you start the game.

There are two ways to find a settlement and you might want to consider both, especially if you want to manage your settlement on a specific planet rather than a random planet.

See how settlements work in No Man’s Sky

Settlements were added to No Man’s Sky as part of the Frontiers update. Since then, you can find alien villages and become Supervisor, allowing you to manage them. Here it is how to find alien settlements in No Man’s Sky, and how to become Supervisor. We’ll also take a look at owning multiple settlements and finding one on non-extreme planets.

Nobody’s Heaven: How to Find settlements and become a supervisor

To find your first settlement in No Man’s Sky, you just need to get on your ship and fly into space. You will then receive a Distress Signal and a beacon will be marked on a nearby planet.

Once you reach the Agreement, you will need to speak to one of the villagers. Sentinels will appear that you must defeat. After that, you will be directed to assume the position of Supervisor at a terminal in the center of the area.

Take control of the Accord to become its leader. you will be led through a series of objectives that help expand the village.

Can you have multiple settlements?

You can only be the Supervisor of one Agreement at a time. Taking control of a new one will abandon the one you are already running. This will eliminate the old Agreement, and you will need to build up the new from scratch.

Change of settlements

If you would like to switch settlements, perhaps because your first one was on a hostile planet, go to a space station and talk to the cartographer. You can purchase planetary settlement maps for 5 navigation dice per piece. Drop down to a desirable planet and open the map. This will mark a Colony on the planet, allowing you to become a Supervisor. Note that after your first settlement, taking control of new ones will cost you resources, usually related to the dominant race in a given system. You might be asked to give 3 Vy’Keen Daggers, for example.

You can also use the advanced scanners on certain Exocraft to look for settlements. You will need the Tau update for Exocrafts like Roamer.

Final note

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How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

If you find one in a peaceful planet, that would be a good settlement.

Other than that, all the settlements are equally useless.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

They can be fun, until the novelty wears off. Then just annoying messages about your settlement being attacked.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

My first one was luckily on the same planet as my home base. Pleasant world with scarce sentinels. Even so, the mini game is just for fun and pretty quirky.

The only good thing about it is you can ignore it for as long as you like...months in my case. It will still be there when you return.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

Mine is also on my home planet, not ranked a good one but it's been pretty passive as far as sentinel attacks go.
Got it out of debt super fast as well.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

They all have to start out low class. You are intended to build it's class up.

There is also a quest, "Touch of Metal", that can only be experience by having a settlement.

That being said, you can also have a settlement and ignore it as much as you want. Attacks don't happen until you show up there.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

They all have to start out low class. You are intended to build it's class up.

There is also a quest, "Touch of Metal", that can only be experience by having a settlement.

That being said, you can also have a settlement and ignore it as much as you want. Attacks don't happen until you show up there.

True, but I still get the pop up messages. Annoying, but I just ignore them.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

They all have to start out low class. You are intended to build it's class up.

There is also a quest, "Touch of Metal", that can only be experience by having a settlement.

That being said, you can also have a settlement and ignore it as much as you want. Attacks don't happen until you show up there.

True, but I still get the pop up messages. Annoying, but I just ignore them.

Yeah, I was going in daily but now that nothing else can be built, I go in once in a while to make bad decisions to see how they fare. It's better if you wait a day or two so you can collect a decent amount of goods. It wasn't designed to rush through anyhow.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

Some people don't like NPC's, so a settlement without any settlers would be a good one for them, I guess...?
Well, after having maxed out several settlements in the past, I'm now trying hard to get the settler count to 0. It's harder than it sounds. While I'm managing to get dead settlers now and then via expeditions, it's too few and too long in between. Even offset sometimes by bad rng in building choice that offers me to choose between medium housing and big housing (and I don't save scum). A settlement without some people running around would be a nice, cozy spot.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

A good settement is simply one where the 'maintainence cost' keeps lower than 'Productivity' and you build enough compounds to reward you with some trade item production that you can sell. This can happen pretty anywhere with every initial settlement. It requires that you make 'right' decisions most of the time, that's it. You cannot avoid everything else like attacks from pirates or sentinels, the better your settlement gets, the more likely it will be attacked by sentinels, I'm not sure that the planet's sentinel level matters at all.
And if really you're going bad with it you can change settlement.

Last edited by japp_02; 8 May @ 6:54am

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

It's possible to find a B class settlement, but there are no real long term advantages to hunting for it. I just pick one on a planet I'd like to spend some time on. The only thing to think about is that they're going to produce a quantity of 1 trade item(white background0 from that system's economy and a quantity of 1 other item from a list unique to that planet each day once they are turning a profit. One of my settlements, for example, is on a temperate world and produces about 200 starbulb and about 20 trade items(white background) that can be sold in a manufacturing system.

I wouldn't count these out as useless just yet. There isn't much to them right now, but I think they have plans for them. I have a feeling that moving forward they're going to kinda be a quest hub. The sentinel update added the first quest to use them. My guess is the management is just going to be something extra to do while you're doing these other missions that buffers your median income. Much like the base computer missions.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

A good settlement is one I can watch from the deck of my main base. NPC ships come and go. The settlers walk between buildings. Sometimes they run as a klaxon alarm blares from the town center. Maybe the market sells salvaged data? That’s a nice bonus.

Yeah, I must confess: the bigger my settlement gets, the more I get lost inside :) A good overview like yours is helpful.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

Does the location look nice? Then it's a good settlement.

How do you get a settlement on a certain planet NMS?

The criteria for a "good" settlement is "triggers the quest to upgrade your Minotaur with Sentinel parts". Which they all do.
The only other factor that matters is visuals, assuming you want to spend any more time there than you need to for said quest.

Every settlement starts out with debt and a bunch of negatives that you can replace with positives by picking the right choices when making settlement decisions, but the rewards for a well-running settlement are peanuts in the grand scheme of things that you can get easier and faster elsewhere.
Go for it if the conflicts of your dumbass settlers amuse you, otherwise you're not missing much by ignoring them.

Is there only one settlement per planet NMS?

Planetary Settlements are one of the various Points of Interest in No Man's Sky. There are several settlements per planet and they can be in close proximity or far away. Planets have multiple settlements. They can be found with Settlement Charts, purchased from the space station cartographer.