How do you get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

How to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina

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There are 6 ways to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina by bus, taxi or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

Bus, taxi

  1. Take the bus from San Luis Potosí to Rayón
  2. Take a taxi from Rayón to Huasteca potosina

Bus via Rayón

  1. Take the bus from San Luis Potosí to Rayón
  2. Take the bus from Crucero Rayón to Tambaca


  1. Take the bus from San Luis Potosí to Ciudad Valles

Bus #2

  1. Take the bus from San Luis Potosí to Tamazunchale


  1. Take a taxi from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina


  1. Drive from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina

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Rules to follow in Mexico

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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I allowed to travel from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

Yes, travel within Mexico is currently allowed.

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What are the travel restrictions in Huasteca potosina?

Domestic travel is not restricted, but some conditions may apply

  • Face masks are mandatory
  • There is a social distancing requirement of 1.5 metres
  • Observe COVID-19 safety rules

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What is the national COVID-19 helpline number in Huasteca potosina?

The national COVID-19 helpline number in Huasteca potosina is 911.

Do I have to wear a face mask on public transport in Huasteca potosina?

Wearing a face mask on public transport in Huasteca potosina is mandatory.

What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Huasteca potosina?

Make yourself known to an official member of staff and/or call the national coronavirus helpline number on 911.

Last updated: 4 Jan 2023
Exceptions may apply, for full details: Secretary of Foreign Relations.

We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.
This information is compiled from official sources. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.
Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help.

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

The cheapest way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina is to drive which costs $35 - $55 and takes 3h 31m.

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What is the fastest way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

The fastest way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina is to taxi which takes 3h 31m and costs $130 - $170.

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How far is it from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

The distance between San Luis Potosí and Huasteca potosina is 181 km. The road distance is 236.8 km.

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How do I travel from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina without a car?

The best way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina without a car is to bus and taxi which takes 4h 3m and costs $80 - $100.

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How long does it take to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

It takes approximately 4h 3m to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina, including transfers.

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Can I drive from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

Yes, the driving distance between San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina is 237 km. It takes approximately 3h 31m to drive from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina.

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Where can I stay near Huasteca potosina?

There are 106+ hotels available in Huasteca potosina. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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What companies run services between San Luis Potosí, Mexico and Huasteca potosina, Mexico?

Autonaves operates a bus from San Luis Potosí to Ciudad Valles hourly. Tickets cost $46 and the journey takes 4h.

How do you get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?


How do you get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

Grupo Vencedor

How do you get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

Servicio Expreso Metropolitano

Taxi from Rayón to Huasteca potosina

Ave. Duration1h 3mEstimated price$55 - $70

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Trips from San Luis Potosí

Trips to Huasteca potosina

How to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina?

The fastest way to get from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina is to taxi which takes 3h 31m and costs $1800 - $2200. How far is it from San Luis Potosí to Huasteca potosina? The distance between San Luis Potosí and Huasteca potosina is 181 km. The road distance is 236.8 km.

How do you get to Huasteca potosina?

The easiest ways to get in is by flying into the capital of the region, San Luis Potosi, and then taking the 4/5 hours bus to Ciudad Valles. The beachside city of Tampico in Tamaulipas is also very close to the region. You can fly here pretty easily and cheaply, and then take the two hours bus west to Ciudad Valles.

When should I go to Huasteca potosina?

The best time to visit La Huasteca Potosina is during the dry season or winter (except maybe El Salto because the water won't be running). The rainy season runs between July and August, and high water levels can make many of the waterfalls inaccessible. Plus, it turns the famously blue colored water brown.

Can you swim in Huasteca potosina?

The large turquoise pool here is surrounded by lush rainforest, and you can even swim through a small cave on one side of the pool to check out stalagmites and stalactites.