How do you get rid of dark spots left by mosquito bites?

Maxine Dean • Sep 12, 2017

Top Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Bug Bites & Dark Spots

Summer is the time of year when people are out soaking up sun and engaging in fun outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, swimming, taking trips to the beach and exploring other parts of nature. While the warm air, sunny skies, free time may be just what the doctor ordered, summer is also a time when people are most susceptible to bug bites.

While virtually harmless, bug bites can be troublesome and painful, too. They can show up just about anywhere on the body and can leave you feeling itchy and sore for days or even weeks, not to mention the unsightly scars they can leave behind.

There are plenty of ointments, creams, and sprays available to prevent summer bug bites, but they're not foolproof and sometimes we don't think about bug spray until it's too late! For those who don’t want to suffer from their bug bites, try out some of these top remedies to soothe the skin and the treatments available to get rid of dark spots that bug bites leave behind!

How to Soothe Bug Bites

  • Hydrocortisone: Hydrocortisone is a topical steroid that reduces inflammation, redness and swelling of the skin. Hydrocortisone blocks the body's chemical responses that naturally occur when the skin is exposed to certain irritants, and constricts blood vessels to calm and soothe the skin.
  • Witch hazel: Witch Hazel is a natural astringent, which means it helps to kill bacteria. Some people use witch hazel for acne and blemishes, but it is also incredibly effective for itchy bug bites. Simply soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and daub the affected area. It should relieve pain and itching and also reduce any swelling and inflammation. Witch hazel can be found in your local grocery.
  • Ice: It may sound simple, but a common ice pack can help soothe and heal summer bug bites. To tackle the swelling and itching that may occur from bites, stings, and rashes, apply a homemade ice pack. The best way to do this without causing harm is discomfort is to put some ice in a plastic baggy (or frozen veggies), wrap the pack in a towel, and apply directly to the affected area. The towel should help the skin from getting too cold too quickly, which can lead to pain and further injury. Just the right amount of cold therapy can reduce swelling and soothe itching.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Refreshing and fragrant, tea tree oil is a great for treating itchy, swollen insect bites. Only a little bit of this oil is needed; simply dip a Q-tip or soak a cotton ball and apply directly to the bite. This remedy should take away the itch and pain of most summer bug bites.
  • Corn Starch: Corn starch is one of the most common natural remedies out there. You can make a thick corn starch paste by simply mixing the starch with water and mixing well. Once the mixture is done, apply to the bite or sting and wait for the itch to disappear!
  • Garlic: It may sound strange, but garlic is a wonderful way to stop painful insect bites. Simply mash the clove of garlic and rub it directly into the bite. The pain should instantly go away and any swelling should be reduced as well. You may mind the smell, but this one is a quick fix!
  • Charcoal: Pure charcoal can help remove impurities from a summer bug bite by drawing out toxins and venom. Mix the charcoal with a little water until it creates a fine paste. Once done, rub the paste into the bite, then cover with a band aid, and allow it to heal. This should remedy both itching and swelling fairly quickly.

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots Caused by Bug Bites

  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels can help brighten dark spots left from bug bites by sloughing off the top layer of dead skin, revealing a brighter, more even skin tone. By removing the damaged, pigmented outer layer of skin, the cellular regeneration process is jumpstarted for faster cell turnover leaving you with clearer, brighter skin.
  • Lightening Creams: Medical strength bleaching creams can offer a simple solution to discoloration on the body. Body lightening creams often contain a high percentage of the bleaching agent Hydroquinone, along with other acids to assist in exfoliation and cellular turnover for faster lightening. The 12% Hydroquinone Body Cream with glycolic acid applies just like a regular lotion for easy skin lightening at home.
  • Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion can provide gentle exfoliation just about anywhere on the body. Similar to chemical peels, microdermabrasion helps to slough off the dead, pigmented skin cells, and overall smooth the skin. Microdermabrasion can also be combined with a brightening chemical peel for faster results.
  • Laser: In some cases, laser treatments can help fade dark spots from bug bites. IPL and Laser treatments are particularly good at resolving post-inflammatory hyperpigmenation. IPL is suitable for lighter skin types as it targets areas of pigmentation and delivers a shot of intense pulsed light to the area. Pigment in the treated areas rises to the surface of the skin, and flakes away. Laser Genesis can help resolve some redness associated with post inflammatory hyperpigmentation by heating dilated capillaries that cause redness.

If you're struggling with dark spots and scars left from summer bug bites, call MaxAesthetics at 267-528-3859 or email us at for a free consultation.

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