How do you give a girl a foot rub?

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Considering that a massage from our expert, massage therapist Trista Thorp of the Golden Door Spa in California, takes over an hour, there was no way we could capture all of her techniques in the magazine. We can't do it here, either, but at least we can offer you a few more.

1. Make her a Thai footbath. Slice up half a lime and put it in a bowl of warm water. Rest her feet in the water while you rub the bottoms of them with the other half of the lime, using it as a scrubber. The acid helps extract toxins, and the warm water will soften her feet and help her relax.

2. Take a hand towel and soak it in the footbath. Hold the towel above her knee, and, without letting it touch her leg, let the water drip down her calf and foot. Pat dry after one of you gets bored.

3. Gently holding her feet, rotate her ankles clockwise and then counterclockwise. Rotate each toe the same way, pulling gently on each.

4. After applying lotion, take one foot in both hands and walk your thumbs back and forth over the soles of her feet. Push deep with your thumbs, working the pressure points.

5. Directly beneath the ball of her foot, move your thumbs in semicircles, working back and forth horizontally.

6. Starting with your thumbs on opposite sides of her sole, slide them toward each other and to the opposite side of her foot. Move slightly down and bring them back. Continue until you reach her heel.

7. Interlace your fingers, resting them on the top of her foot with your thumbs on her sole. Slide your hands up and down over the whole foot, applying pressure with your thumbs.

8. Place your fingertips in the channels between each metatarsal (those are the long bones on the top of the foot), gently sliding all four fingers up and down between them.

9. Starting at the outside of her ankle, find where the muscle meets the bone. Glide your thumb along this line all the way up her shin, applying slight pressure.

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A foot massage is one of the best ways to pamper someone special and help them unwind after a long day. If you've never given a foot massage before, you might not know where to start. Don't worry—giving a good foot massage isn't hard once you know what parts of the feet to focus on and how much pressure to use. There are also some easy things you can do to create a super relaxing atmosphere so your foot massages are even more amazing.

Things You Should Know

  • Rub the top of the foot with your thumbs using firm pressure. Start at the tip of the big toe, move up to the ankle, and back down to the toes.
  • Apply light pressure to the arch of the foot, then massage the heel. Squeeze and pull each toe gently.
  • For a deeper massage, make a fist with your hand and gently press it into the sole of the foot. Move your fist using slow, circular motions.

  1. 1

    Rub the top of the foot with your thumbs. Start at the tip of the toe and move slowly up to their ankle. Move back down their foot, starting from their ankle. Apply firm pressure with your thumbs, cupping their foot in your hands.[1]

    • Move up and down their foot two to three times. Keep their foot close to your chest area, with your body leaning towards them. This will help you apply the right amount of pressure to their foot.
    • Use the strength of your body weight, rather than the muscles in your thumbs, to massage their feet. Using only the muscles in your thumbs can cause them to cramp up and get tired easily.

  2. 2

    Massage the arches of the foot. Use your thumbs to apply light pressure to the arch of their foot, right below the ball of their foot.[2] Move one thumb clockwise and the other thumb counterclockwise in small circles. Do this for at least 30 seconds.[3]

    • Place your thumbs on opposite ends of their foot and move them toward one another. Do this at least three to five times, moving up and down the bottom of their feet.
    • Grip their feet with firm pressure as you massage them. Light, soft touches can be ticklish to most people and distract from the massage.
    • If the person has any sore spots on their feet, do not put too much pressure on them as this can irritate the area.


  3. 3

    Rub the heels of the foot. Move your thumbs up and down their Achilles tendon, which runs from the heel and ankle up to the calf muscle. Rub the heel of their foot in circular motions using your thumbs.[4]

    • You may need to lift their foot up with one hand so you can access their heel.
    • The skin on this area tends to be dry or hard, so you can apply massage oil or lotion to your hands to help reduce any friction.

  4. 4

    Squeeze and pull each toe. Hold their foot with one hand, right under the arch. With your other hand, place your thumb on top of their big toe. Your index finger should be underneath their big toe. Rotate the toe slightly to one side and pull the toe from top to bottom. Go back to the top of the toe and squeeze it with your thumb and pointer finger. Do this for each toe to help loosen and relax them.[5]

    • Do not yank on the person’s toes, as this can injure them. Instead, simply rotate, pull, and squeeze each toe slightly, applying even pressure.

  5. 5

    Slide up and down each toe with your fingers. Hold the foot with one hand, right behind the heel. Place the index finger of your other hand between the person’s toes. Slide your finger toward the base of the toes and then back toward the end of the toes. Do this two to three times between their toes.[6]

    • Make sure you use your body weight to apply even pressure as you slide up and down their toes.

  6. 6

    Focus on one foot at a time. Leave the other foot soaking in warm water or relaxed on the pillow. Do a basic massage on one foot first and then turn your attention to the other foot. Repeat the same movements for each foot so that they both feel equally relaxed.

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  1. 1

    Do a deep massage on the ankles. Locate the hollow area below their ankle. Use your thumb or forefinger to gently squeeze this area for a few seconds. You can then use your thumbs to make circular motions around their ankles. Apply even pressure to this area to help it release.[7]

    • If their ankles are particularly stiff or sore, you can try cupping their heel with one hand and grasping the ball of their foot with the other hand. Then, slowly rotating their foot around clockwise three times, followed by three times around counterclockwise.

  2. 2

    Use your fist on the soles of the feet. For a deeper massage, hold their foot with one hand at the heel. Make a fist with your other hand and gently press it on the sole of their foot.[8] Move your fist against the sole in circular motions, like you are kneading dough. Then, slide it up and down the sole. This should help to release this area more deeply.[9]

    • Do not punch or hit the soles of the feet with your fist, as this will not be relaxing for them. Instead, use your fist to apply more even pressure to the area.

  3. 3

    Apply pressure on specific areas of the foot. You can release certain areas of the person’s body by massaging certain areas of on their foot. Use your thumb and forefinger to apply even pressure to these areas to help relieve a particular issue the person may be experiencing, similar to a reflexology massage. You may put pressure on:[10]

    • Their heels and toes if they have a headache or urinary issues.
    • The center of the soles of their feet if they have headaches, insomnia or headaches.
    • The pinky toe side of their right foot or left foot to address back issues.
      • Use the back of your hand to lightly tap these areas to stimulate them. You can also rub them with your thumbs.
      • Do not apply too much pressure to these areas, as they can be sensitive. Start light and slow. Then, if the person still appears comfortable and relaxed, press a little deeper into these areas.

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  1. 1

    Soak the person's feet in hot water and sliced fruit. Have the person sit down in a comfortable chair. Then, pour 4 to 5 gallons (15 to 19 L) of warm water in a bucket or bin. Slice a lime, lemon, or orange and place the slices in the water. Have the person to gently slide their feet into the water for a five minute soak.[11]

    • Try rubbing the slices gently against their feet as they soak in the water.
    • Put 1 tablespoon (15 ml) sea salt in the water for a more soothing effect.
    • Add five to ten drops of essential oils like lavender, tea tree, or peppermint to the water for a pleasant smell.

  2. 2

    Dry their feet with a clean towel. After the person has enjoyed a five minute soak, sit down in front of them on a stool or pillow. Place a clean towel on a pillow and place it in your lap. Lift each foot out of the water and use a clean towel to pat their feet dry.[12]

    • Take both of their feet out of the water or remove them one at a time. You can then focus on one foot at a time, allowing their other foot to continue soaking in the bath.

  3. 3

    Use a small dab of massage oil or lotion on your hands. Rub your hands together to warm up the lotion. Using an oil or lotion will help prevent any roughness or friction between your hands and the person’s feet.[13]

    • Get massage oil or lotion that is made of natural ingredients that will be soothing to the skin. Ingredients like cocoa butter, coconut oil, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus are all good for a massage.

  4. 4

    Maintain a calm, quiet environment for the massage. Create a setting that is relaxing for the person and puts them in the mindset for a massage. Light candles that smell good. Make sure the lighting is low. Put on calming background music.

    • You can also make sure the person is situated in a comfortable position on a chair or bed with pillows and blankets so they are relaxed.

  5. 5

    Ask the person for feedback as you massage. Respond to their needs and desires. Ask them, "Does this feel good?" "Would you like me to go deeper?" or "How does that feel?" Listen to their response and focus on spots that feel good to them.

    • Only massage deeper into an area after you get consent from the person. Make sure they are fine with you going deeper so they do not experience discomfort or pain during the massage.

  6. 6

    Practice massaging their feet regularly. Get into the habit of giving the person a massage once a week. Pick a time when you know they will need a stress release, such as right after work or at night after dinner. Practice massaging them so you get better and learn what they respond well to during a foot massage.

    • You can also try deeper massage moves on them once you get comfortable with the basics. This will allow you to deepen their foot massages and really take them to the next level.

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Add New Question

  • Question

    What kind of cream should I use when giving a foot massage?

    You can use any cream that is thick, soft, and moisturizing. These creams will be the most soothing and relaxing for the person receiving the massage.

  • Question

    What can I do if my hands are not powerful enough and they don't like it?

    Get to a position where you can use leverage and your body weight to help.

  • Question

    What is the best cream or oil to use for a foot massage?

    Try a lotion or a nicely scented foot cream. This is a little thicker and can be used to make the feet feel soft and moisturized. Oil is hard to remove by washing, and tends to stick around on the person's feet for awhile. Just consider your client and what you prefer to use.

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Things You'll Need

  • Warm water in a tub or basin
  • Fresh fruit slices or essential oils
  • Clean towels
  • A pillow
  • Massage lotion or oil


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Article SummaryX

To give a great foot massage, first prop the person's feet up on a pillow in your lap so they're comfortable. Then, apply a little lotion or oil to your hands and rub your hands together to warm it up. Choose one foot to start with, and rub their entire foot to spread the lotion or oil around. Then, try squeezing the top of each of their toes to massage them. Use your thumbs to massage the bottom of their foot, working your way down from their toes. Once you reach their ankle, work your way back up to their toes. Spend a little extra time on the arch since it's usually the tensest part of the foot. Use your dominant hand to gently squeeze around the sides of their foot as well. Massage the top of their foot with your thumbs. Move slowly and spend a minute or two on each part of their foot to really massage the tissue. If your fingers get sore, make a fist and rest your knuckles against the center of their foot for a moment. When you finish with their first foot, repeat on their other foot. Read on to learn how to find pressure points in a person’s foot.

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  • "My mom's feet are feeling well now, thank you author."

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Why does getting your feet rubbed feel good?

Just like your neck, back, and shoulders, your feet can also benefit from a regular rubdown. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.

How do you rub someone's foot?

To use this technique:.
hold the foot with one hand on either side..
place the fingers on the top of the foot..
place the thumbs under each foot, on the toe pads..
use the thumbs to stroke down each toe, using moderate pressure..
move to the ball of the foot, repeating the downward stroke motion with the thumbs..

How do you give a good foot rub?

Firmly hold the foot with both hands. Rub the top of the foot using a firm motion with your thumbs. Start at the tip of each toe and move slowly all the way up to the ankle. Move back towards the toes and rub with a lighter stroke.


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