How do you keep cooked chicken moist after cooking?


Leftover chicken can be delicious. But a microwave or oven can dry out a most meal. The heat used to warm up the chicken also evaporates the moisture in the meat. Fortunately, whether reheating in the microwave or in the oven, there are several things you can do to keep the moisture locked inside. In the mean time, keep your leftovers stored in the refrigerator and covered with a lid, aluminum foil or plastic wrap to keep the chicken as moist as possible.

Warm Up Chicken in the Microwave

Put the chicken in a microwave-safe dish.

Wet a paper towel and spread it over the chicken.

Cover the container with microwave-safe plastic wrap, and poke one set of holes in the plastic with a fork. Or, cover the microwave safe dish loosely with a lid.

Microwave the chicken until it is hot and steaming.

Warm Up Chicken in the Oven

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Place the chicken in an oven save dish. De-bone the chicken and separate the meat if possible for more even heating.

Sprinkle the chicken with water.

Wet a paper towel and spread it over the chicken.

Cover the dish with aluminum foil and place it in the oven. The chicken will be warm in three to 10 minutes depending on the size of the meal. If you can smell cooked chicken, its probably warm.

Writer Bio

Based in Houston, Texas, Meg Butler is a professional farmer, house flipper and landscaper. When not busy learning about homes and appliances she's sharing that knowledge. Butler began blogging, editing and writing in 2000. Her work has appered in the "Houston Press" and several other publications. She has an A.A. in journalism and a B.A. in history from New York University.



When chicken is moist and juicy, it can really affirm just why it’s in your dinner roster week after week. And yet, when it’s overcooked and as dry as sandpaper, it can seriously have you considering banishing the bird forever. Not so fast! There are five tips to ensure chicken breasts or thighs do not dry out when you’re pan-frying, baking or roasting them. Follow these tips and you will never have to chew your way through a piece of dry chicken again.

1. Always remember the power of chicken thighs.

If you’re at all worried about your chicken dinner being dry, skip the breast in favor of chicken thighs because they are practically foolproof. It’s nearly impossible to cook them to be any other way than moist and tender. They have a higher fat content than chicken breasts and also happen to be more wallet-friendly than breasts as well.

2. When baking chicken breasts in the oven, dry-poach them.

If you’re really craving chicken breasts, just memorize the best ways to cook them in the oven. Using a method called “dry-poaching” is best. It involves covering the breasts with a piece of parchment paper before they go in the oven. This allows them to baste in their own juices so they cook up to be tender and juicy.

3. Or opt for a smart stovetop method for chicken breasts.

If you’d rather cook your chicken breasts on the stove, there’s another way to ensure they won’t dry out. It requires a little trust, as you must cover the pan and not peek for the 10 minutes the meat cooks, but it really does work!

4. Internal temperature is the best indicator for doneness.

We’re told that chicken is safe to eat when its juices run clear, the inside is no longer pink, and it registers at least 165°F in the thickest part of the meat. Checking the temperature is really the only surefire method for doneness, as sometimes fully cooked chicken can still retain a pinkish tinge. If you keep cooking it past 165°F, the meat will most definitely dry out, so always use that as your best indicator.

5. Milk is the secret to the juiciest roast chicken ever.

This method really is incredible — trust us. Roasting a whole chicken in lemon- and sage-infused milk not only ensures that every inch of meat will be as moist as it possibly can be, but it also results in a rich sauce for the chicken that you may find yourself finishing off with a spoon.


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