How do you save Red Dead online on ps4?

How to Save in Red Dead Online

updated Nov 29, 2018

Red Dead Online may share many similarities with its single-player counterpart, but its save system differs greatly. Because you're playing Red Dead Online on an online server, you cannot manually save your progress.


Instead, Red Dead Online will automatically save after you complete some sort of activity. We recommend waiting a minute or so after adding an item to your inventory or completing an activity before hopping off Red Dead Online. Try not to drop out of a game mid-mission if you can.

If you do drop out during an activity, Red Dead Online should boot you back in at a checkpoint. For instance, one IGN editor dropped out of Red Dead Online while choosing an outfit for her character during the intro mission. When she reconnected to Red Dead Online, she started from the wardrobe selection but was given different wardrobe options.

Up Next: How to Get the Best Gun in Red Dead Online

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When autosave isn't an option

How do you save the game manually in Red Dead Redemption 2? How do you load a game in RDR2? The game doesn't do a great job of telling you that you can actually save your game manually whenever you want. It's perfectly possible to play through the entire thing with autosaves alone, but it's probably best to make a manual save now and then just to make sure that your progress is properly kept.

How to save the game manually in Red Dead Redemption 2

To save your game manually in Red Dead Redemption 2, you're going to have to head into the game's pause menu by pressing the Options button on your controller. From here, scroll down to 'Story' and hit X. This is where you'll find the 'Save Game' and 'Load Game' options. Yeah, it took us a while to realise they were hiding away in there, too.

Selecting 'Save Game' will bring up a list of 15 available save slots. Selecting 'Load Game' lets you load from any of these slots, or your latest autosave. Easy!

Robert's been a dedicated PlayStation fan since the days of Tekken 2, and he still loves a good dust up. When he's not practising combos, he's usually getting lost in the latest 100-hour RPG, or, y'know, replaying The Witcher 3.

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  • Red Dead Online: How to Save

Red Dead Online, the online multiplayer mode for the open world western Red Dead Redemption 2, is now available to the masses, and here is how to save in it.

Red Dead Redemption 2's Red Dead Online mode is now rolling out to the masses, giving all Red Dead Redemption 2 owners on PS4 and Xbox One the chance to see what the online multiplayer functionality is all about. However, some fans of the game may be confused about how some things work in Red Dead Online, like saving their progress, for instance, as it's much different than saving in the story mode.

In Red Dead Redemption 2's story mode, players have to go to "Story" in the menu and then click the save icon from there. However, in Red Dead Online, there is no such option. On the contrary, players have no way to manually save their game, which is pretty much par for the course in an online multiplayer experience. Even so, there are some steps players can take to make sure that they don't lose any progress in Red Dead Online.

We recommend doing something like completing an activity or mission with friends, changing clothes, equipping an item, or even just sitting in the pause menu for a minute. Then wait another minute or so, and it should be safe to close out of the game without losing any progress. We don't recommend players quit the game mid-mission or while they're in the middle of doing anything really, as it's possible they'll have to redo whatever they were doing once they jump back into the game later.

Completing an activity in Red Dead Online could be anything from doing a story mission, participating in a free roam mission, or joining a posse. It could also be something like looting items from the game world, such as cash or gold bars.

Gold bars (and the lesser gold nuggets, of which players need 100 to get 1 gold bar) serve as the primary in-game currency for Red Dead Online. Eventually, Rockstar will make it possible for Red Dead Redemption 2 players to purchase gold bars using real world money, but for now, fans of the game simply have to grind to get gold bars in the game.

To speed up that grinding process, we recommend players complete some of the game's treasure maps, like the Bard's Crossing treasure map that they will unlock at rank 10. Just be sure not to actually collect the treasure before closing the game.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PS4 and Xbox One.

How do you save Red Dead Redemption on ps4?

To save your game manually in Red Dead Redemption 2, you're going to have to head into the game's pause menu by pressing the Options button on your controller. From here, scroll down to 'Story' and hit X. This is where you'll find the 'Save Game' and 'Load Game' options.

How often does Red Dead online autosave?

Auto saving is where the game save files automatically, most often after missions are completed. Auto-save is also enabled when changing setting and can be disabled in the options menu. Manual saves advance the in-game clock by six hours, similar to that in GTA games.

Does rd2 online save automatically?

With the multiplayer portion of the massively popular title from Rockstar Games being connected to the servers of the developer, players will see that their progress in Red Dead Redemption 2 is saved automatically by the game itself whenever a player completes an activity.


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