How do you say female horse in Spanish

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (general)

a. el caballo hembra

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Female horses are called mares.Los caballos hembras se llaman yeguas.

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How do you say female horse in Spanish

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Much like English, Spanish has different words for male, female, and young horses. "Caballo" is the Spanish word for a male horse. Use "yegua" to describe a female horse. If you are talking about a foal, say "el potro" or "el potrillo."

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  1. How do you say female horse in Spanish


    Call a male horse "caballo." Pronounce it like "ka-by-o" or "cabayo."[1] In Spanish, the double "l," "ll," is pronounced as "y." Caballo is an exclusively masculine word – so it is always "el caballo," and never "la caballo."[2]

    • You can also say "garañón" to mean "stallion" or "stud." Pronounce it "ga-ran-yohn."

  2. How do you say female horse in Spanish


    Say "yegua" to refer to a mare. Pronounce it "yeg-wa." Use it specifically to talk about an adult female horse above the age of three.[3]

    • Do not use "caballa" to describe a mare. A caballa is a type of fish!


  3. How do you say female horse in Spanish


    Use "el potro" to describe a foal. Pronounce it "po-tro." You can also say the diminutive form, "el potrillo," to refer to a very young horse.[4]

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    How do you say female horse in Spanish

    The verb is "beber", then the forms for the different pronouns are the same as in regular -er verbs. Bebo, bebes, bebe, bebemos, bebéis, beben.

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Spanish is apparently like English in that there are a multitude of words for horses.

In English, we have "colt", "equine", "filly" (female), "horse", "mare" (female), "mount", "stallion" (male), and "steed".

In Spanish, I've found "caballo", "corcel", "equino", "montura", "padrillo" (male), "protranco", "potro", "semental" (male), and "yegua" (female).

The clearly gendered terms aside, my questions are:

(1) Which of the remaining terms allow gendered forms? Can I use "caballa"/"caballo", "equina"/"equino", "montura"/"monturo", etc?

(2) Which of the remaining terms allow gendered articles? Can I use "el caballo"/"la caballo", "el corcel"/"la corcel", "el equino"/"la equino", "el montura"/"la montura", etc?

If SpanishDict is any indication, "potra", "potranca", "potro", and "potranco" are all valid terms, so I guess they don't need any explanation; see and

I've seen indications that terms like "caballa" are never valid (to refer to a horse, not a fish) in any circumstance, however, and it's not clear to me whether I can still use "la caballo" if that's the case.

What do you call a female horse?

In horse: Form and function. …male horse is called a stallion, the female a mare. A stallion used for breeding is known as a stud. A castrated stallion is commonly called a gelding. Formerly, stallions were employed as riding horses, while mares were kept for breeding purposes only.

Is horse masculine or feminine in Spanish?

List of animals with two different forms.

What is a Spanish horseman called?

(skilful) caballista m ⧫ charro m (Mexico)

What is the feminine of El caballo?

The words for 'the' in Spanish are either masculine or feminine, according to the gender of the word: el caballo = masculine word; la tortuga = feminine word.