How do you say i love you too in spanish

HomeQ&Ahow do you say "I love you too" in spanish?

how do you say "I love you too" in spanish?

This girl, Helen, keeps saying, "I love you Joey" when she leaves me after lunch, i want to know how to reply to her, how do you say, "I love you to" in spanish?


updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by joeydorl

6 Answers

Yo también te amo! I love you too. (very romantic and deep)

Yo también te quiero less romantic and not too commited as amo.

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by juluque

Te amo támbien.

That's sweet!

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by xoxsarasxox

I agree it's sweet, but isn't it también? (Emphasis on the e) - Richard-Thomas, FEB 11, 2010

Yes También is the correct spell. Please revise. - juluque, FEB 11, 2010

how do i pronounce tambien?

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by joeydorl

tom bee EN - hyrumt, FEB 11, 2010

You can change the site from being in Spanish or English. All you have to do is go to the top and it should say "in English." It will then switch you from it all being in Spanish to English.

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by sarahjs

but the whole site is in spanish now!

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by joeydorl

uhhh, that's difficult to type, lol. Um, it would be like tah-m-byen. Emphasis on the a. Try the dictionary and click the pronunciation? Probably better than mine. lol

updated FEB 11, 2010

posted by xoxsarasxox

¿Cómo te quiero mean in english?

How I love you.

¿Cómo te amo What does it mean?

That's how I love you.


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