How do you say sasuke in japanese

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Sasuke Uchiha pronunciation in Japanese [ja]
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  3. Why is Sasuke pronounced Saske?

ThunderballX360 8 years ago#1

silent u why?

someclown911 8 years ago#2

It isn't, it's just sharp

"Why you're trying to bring ~reality~ into it is beyond me."

copenhagenLongC 8 years ago#3

Same reason you might occasionally hear characters say "nardo" and all characters say "sakra". The u is always silent. Remember that. Japanese cant english very well as a principle. Also, its pronounced "sauce-kay".

Bestia_Somnia 8 years ago#4

The "u" isn't silent. It's just pronounced in such a soft way that it's hardly noticeable unless you speak slowly.

Between the "Sas" & "Kay", the "u" is spoken as apart of an empty inward breath. It's more like "Sa-suh-kay".

Scorpion122178 8 years ago#5

it's not just sasuke either, any name that ends in suke is pronounced like that.

I remembered i checked in a family who had a kid named Ryunosuke.

I think its the T in japanese names and words that end with su thats silent, like Tsunade.

"Why should I harbor hatred towards someone who is obviously inferior to myself?
All I feel is pity."

Cloud_6671 8 years ago#6

Yes but why would it be spelled like that in english..

Bestia_Somnia 8 years ago#7

Cloud_6671 posted...

Yes but why would it be spelled like that in english..

Just because "Sasuke" isn't being spelt with Kanji does not mean that it's in English. Most languages in the world use the same alphabet as the English language.

copenhagenLongC 8 years ago#8

Bestia_Somnia posted...

Cloud_6671 posted...
Yes but why would it be spelled like that in english..

Just because "Sasuke" isn't being spelt with Kanji does not mean that it's in English. Most languages in the world use the same alphabet as the English language.

If we're going full hipster, the correct term is "latin alphabet".

Junta_Jast 8 years ago#9

copenhagenLongC posted...

Bestia_Somnia posted...
Cloud_6671 posted...
Yes but why would it be spelled like that in english..

Just because "Sasuke" isn't being spelt with Kanji does not mean that it's in English. Most languages in the world use the same alphabet as the English language.

If we're going full hipster, the correct term is "latin alphabet".

NaughtyGhost - "Cute is nice but it doesn't pay the bills"

Rharyx211 8 years ago#10

Scorpion122178 posted...

I think its the T in japanese names and words that end with su thats silent, like Tsunade.

Even then, the T isn't silent. It might be hard to hear sometimes, but it's there. Tsunade. Tsuchikage. Tsunami. etc.

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  1. Boards
  2. Anime and Manga - Naruto
  3. Why is Sasuke pronounced Saske?

Is Sasuke a Japanese name?

Sasuke is a Japanese name long associated with ninjas and popularly refers to a major character from the manga and anime series Naruto.

Is U silent in Sasuke?

The "u" isn't silent. It's just pronounced in such a soft way that it's hardly noticeable unless you speak slowly. Between the "Sas" & "Kay", the "u" is spoken as apart of an empty inward breath. It's more like "Sa-suh-kay".