How do you say stupid in Japanese

Here is a quite unassuming article to present some of the most commonly used insults in Japanese. Since the Japanese themselves may prove rather reluctant to teach you, you may not be able to learn the words directly from them.

Most of the insults in print manga are written in katakana (the writing system for foreign words). Please be warned that we have tried to provide English translations of matching coarseness … We do apologize for the uncouth language!

In Japanese, the word insult or swear-word translates as 侮辱 / bujoku.

  • baka 馬鹿 or aho アホ = idiot, stupid (may be used in an affectionate way in some contexts)
  • bakayarô 馬鹿野郎 = its coarser version, and its derivative kusoyarô クソ野郎 (asshole)
  • kuso 糞 = shit !
  • kusobaba 糞ばば = to insult a grand-mother / kusojiji 糞じじ = to insult a grand-father
  • chikushô 畜生 = fuck/damn it
  • the less polite versions of kimi 君 (you), such as teme テメ or kisama 貴様 (bastard)
  • yarô 野郎 or konoyarô この野郎 = jerk
  • urusai うるさい = literally means "noisy", and is more or less equivalent to "shut up !"
  • a much tougher version: damare 黙れ = shut your fucking face
  • onore 己 = mother fucker or kusotare 糞たれ = shit face
  • busu ブス = fucking ugly
  • and generally speaking, all imperative/prohibitive phrases and conjugations which are considered as extremely rude in Japanese... For example shine 死ね = die !

Needless to say that as a rule, the Japanese do not often use insults in everyday language. Young people probably tend to use them more, although within limits, but most Westerners learn them in anime.

In every language, there are some words that you should use with heavy caution. Especially swear words.

Japanese is no different. For many English learners, the vast differences in Japanese lettering, accents, and culture may cause more confusion than usual. But don't mistaken the value of knowing the most common Japanese swear words, if you're serious about learning this language.

People from Japan are known to be one of the most polite citizens. Since it's rare for a random stranger to throw out casual Japanese swear words, you must learn to use them carefully.

The first step is to learn the basic swear words in Japanese so you can learn to avoid them (or use them when needed). If you're just starting to learn the language, don't worry about mastering the lettering initially. Get familiar with the sounds and definition first, then the rest will come soon enough.

Let's get started.*

‍Note: Please use the following words in caution.

General offensive Japanese words (Level 1 Japanese Swear Words)

Let's start nice and soft.

1. ばか (Baka)

Meaning: Stupid

‍Baka (stupid) is a fairly general offensive word that's commonly used in English and many other languages. Some may debate whether this counts as a swear word or not. Since every culture is different, you want to play on the safe side in most cases.

2. うざい (Uzai)

Meaning: Annoying, (pain in the ass)

‍Know a special someone that is just a pain? Uzai is the perfect word to describe them. It can also mean noisy, which may be a pet peeve in Japan as most citizens are usually to themselves. If you want to apply some emphasis to it, end Uzai with a long 'e' (i.e. Uzaeee), and it'll be similar to saying that 'someone is so annoooooying'.

3. わるがき (warugaki)

Meaning: Brat

‍Warugaki is likely a word you would use to someone who's younger than you. Similar to English, when you have a child who just won't leave you alone, you can use this word.

4. ぶす (busu)

Meaning: Ugly woman

‍Not the kind of word you want to be using to a stranger, but if you're joking around with friends -- maybe. Either way, it's good to know this in case someone else decides to call you busu.

5. 奴 (Yatsu)

Meaning: Guy

‍At first glance, you're probably confused. What does 'guy' have to do with Japanese swear words? The truth is, there are nuances in Japanese that are different from other cultures. The word 'guy' can have a negative connotation that is used as a condescending way to put another person below your level.

6. ちくしょう (chikushō)

Meaning: Oh shit!

‍This isn't directed at someone, but likely used when you forget your keys in the car, late for your language lessons, or when you drop gym weights on your toes!

On the other hand, it doesn't always have to be used for negative situations. It's not uncommon to use chikusho when something great happens, like your favorite basketball team has a major comeback from a losing half!

7. どけ! (doke!)

Meaning: Get out of my way!

‍Imagine you're late to work or a date, and you're trying to push your way across the subway lines before the door closes. If no one around you speaks English, it's going to be a pain to get by, and you'll probably offen more people if you just shove them.

Use 'doke' to let people know ahead of time that you're trying to get by them.

Things got a little more offensive up in here... (Level 2 Japanese Swear Words)

Now we're starting to direct some of these Japanese curse words towards other people. We should warn you that moving forward, you should use these with more caution. Preferably, only to know when others are using it against you.

8. くそくらえ (kuso kurae)

Meaning: Eat Sh*t

‍Pretty self explanatory. On a scale of 1 to 10, you'd have to at a 7 to be using this kind of language, but who are we to say. In case you didn't already know, 'kuso' is shit, so we're just adding another word 'kurae' (eat) on top of it.

9. ばかやろう (Bakayarou)

Meaning: Idiot/Assh*le

‍We already established (#1) what 'baka' means in Japanese. If you forgot, it means stupid. That means bakayarou is just another level up from that, emphasizing how 'idiotic' someone is.

10. しんじまえ (shinjimae)

Meaning: Drop dead/Go to hell

Ouch. Anyone else getting more offended up in here? Don't worry, it's all in good taste (and preparation for you).Shinjimae is one of those last resorts you use when you're fed up with someone during a conversation. You either can't seem to come to an agreement or resolution, and you say... 'ah, go to hell.'We've all been there.

11.  ちくしょう (Chikushou)

Meaning: Son of a Bitch

‍The literal translation for this is: despicable person. Given the complexity of the word, you can use this in several different ways depending on the context. It can also mean 'damn' or 'crap' if used suddenly after a surprising event.

12. くそ (Kuso)

Meaning: F**k

‍Kuso is the more common way to say 'sh*t' or 'f*ck' compared to chikusho (#6). And like chikushou (#11), it's a versatile word that can be used in many different ways.Fun fact, it's one of the most popular words for foreigners and new Japanese learners to use.

13. ふざけるな (fuzakeru na)

Meaning: F*** Off

‍The word 'na' is used to negate a word. 'Fuzakeru' mean to fool or mess around. That means 'fuzakeru na' literally means 'don't mess around' with me. If used aggressively against someone, it could also mean 'f*ck off.'

OK, now I'm officially offended... (Level 3 Japanese Swear Words)

Use with caution! You've been warned.

14.  だまれこのやろう (damare konoyarou)

Meaning: shut up you bastard!

‍If the traditional shut up isn't working, you can add the word bastard, 'konoyarou', to add some spice into it. Fair to say that you should start with just shut up in the beginning and progress from there.

15. やりまん (yariman)

Meaning: Slut

‍A highly offensive word, especially towards woman. It's no different in Japan, and be ready to met with some aggressive reactions if used incorrectly towards someone. Especially if you don't know who they are.

16. くたばれ (Kutabare)

Meaning: F*ck you

‍A good ol' swear word that exists in just about any language.

17. 死ねえ (shinee)

Meaning: Die!

‍You really can't get more offensive than this Japanese curse word. Unless you're using it as a joke, it may ruin some friendships.

Which of these 'dirty' Japanese words were your favorite? Hope you found this valuable, and that it protects you while in the streets of Tokyo!

What does Bakayaro mean?

Etymology. Borrowed from Japanese 馬鹿野郎 (bakayarō, “idiot”).

How do you say foolish in Japanese?

Baka (馬鹿, ばか in hiragana, or バカ in katakana) means "fool", or (as an adjectival noun) "foolish" and is the most frequently used pejorative term in the Japanese language.

What is baka Janai no in Japanese?

baka janai no - ばかじゃないの?are you crazy/stupid ?

What's the difference between baka and Aho?

Difference between “Aho” and “Baka” Both mean the same thing, so basically it does not matter which one you use. These two words tend to be used differently in different regions. “Baka” is a word used throughout Japan, especially in the Kanto region, while “aho” is a word often used mainly in the Kansai region.


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