How do you say yellow in spanish

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (color)

a. el amarillo

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The maids of honor will dress in yellow.Las damas de honor se vestirán de amarillo.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


2. (color)

a. amarillo

That yellow shirt does not suit you.Esa camisa amarilla no te favorece.

b. rubio (hair)

The girl I met yesterday had yellow hair.La chica que conocí ayer tenía el pelo rubio.

c. ámbar (traffic light)

With a yellow light, it is better to stop.Con el semáforo en ámbar es mejor parar.

An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The man sneezed.).

intransitive verb

3. (to turn yellow)

a. amarillear

The pages yellowed with time.Las páginas amarillearon con el tiempo.

Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.


A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (general)

a. el amarillo

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


2. (in color)

a. amarillo(a)

to turn or go yellowamarillear, ponerse amarillo

yellow cardtarjeta f amarilla

3. (medicine)


yellow feverfiebre amarilla

4. (telephone)


the Yellow Pages®las páginas amarillas

the Yellow Riverel río Amarillo or Huango Ho

5. (colloquial)

a. cagueta, gallina (cowardly)

An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The man sneezed.).

intransitive verb

6. (general)

a. amarillear, ponerse amarillo(a)

Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited

yellow [ˈjeləʊ]


yellower (comparative)yellowest (superlative)

1 (in colour) [+ribbon, paint, colour] amarillo; [+hair] rubio; [+teeth, fingers] amarillo; amarillento

to go or turn yellow volverse or ponerse amarillo; volverse or ponerse amarillento

the whites of his eyes were turning yellow In this season, leaves turn yellow and fall Why do people with jaundice go yellow? protective cream to keep workers" complexions from turning yellow while handling TNT bananas change from being starchy and tasteless to a delicious soft, sweet flavour as their skin turns yellow

the fields were yellow with buttercups los campos estaban amarillos, llenos de ranúnculos; his fingers were yellow with nicotine tenía los dedos amarillos or amarillentos de la nicotina

2 (by race) amarillo

3 (cowardly) gallina (informal); miedica (informal); cagueta (very_informal)

to have a yellow streak ser un poco gallina or miedica (informal)

he always did have a yellow streak


1 (colour) amarillo (m)

2 (yolk) yema (f)

intransitive verb

volverse amarillo; ponerse amarillo

the paper had yellowed with age el papel se había vuelto or puesto amarillo con el paso del tiempo; yellowing leaves/pages hojas (f) amarillentas

the yellowing pages of the manuscript

transitive verb

yellowed newspapers periódicos amarillentos (por el paso del tiempo); grass verges yellowed by weeks of sunshine la hierba seca y amarillenta al borde del camino tras semanas de sol

The white leather is yellowed, and half the satin lining is gone


yellow belly (n) gallina (informal) (m); cagueta (very_informal) (m)

yellow card (n) (Ftbl) tarjeta (f) amarilla

yellow fever (n) fiebre (f) amarilla

yellow line (n) línea (f) amarilla (de estacionamiento limitado)

a double yellow line una línea amarilla doble; a single yellow line una línea amarilla

yellow ochre (n) ocre (m) amarillo

Yellow Pages (n) (Telec) páginas (f) amarillas

the yellow peril (n) la amenaza amarilla

the yellow press (n) la prensa amarilla; la prensa sensacionalista

the Yellow River (n) el río Amarillo

the Yellow Sea (n) el mar Amarillo

yellow wagtail (n) lavandera (f) boyera

Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


the yellow pencil

el lápiz amarillo

yellow fever

la fiebre amarilla

the sun is yellow

el sol es amarillo

yellow rice

el arroz amarillo

Dorothy followed the yellow brick road.

Dorothy siguió el camino amarillo.

yellow agate

la ágata amarilla

yellow speckled


yellow lab

el labrador amarillo

yellow shoes

zapatos amarillos

yellow dress

vestido amarillo

bright yellow

el amarillo brillante

the banana is yellow

el plátano está amarillo

the bell is yellow

la campana es amarilla

the color of the Texas rose is yellow

el color de la rosa de Texas es amarillo

bananas are yellow

los plátanos son amarillos

yellow jacket wasp

la avispa chaqueta amarilla

I do not want yellow shoes

no quiero zapatos amarillos

the Texas rose is yellow

la rosa de Texas es amarilla

it is yellow

es amarillo

the bananas are yellow

los plátanos están amarillos

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