How does The Salvation Army support the community?

International Project and Development Services seeks to equip all Salvation Army centres to be catalysts of sustainable change in their communities. IPDS work though a culture of listening to the voices of the local community and then seeking to assist the aspirations of the community to be realised, aiming to restore economic, social, ecological and spiritual relationships.

Our Values 

Our core values are summarised into five main areas that represent the way we work, they are;  

Trust- Truth/Honesty/Fairness/ Transparency

Dignity- Respect/Cultural Relevance/Listening/Do no harm

Love- Relationships/Together/Inclusive/Participation/Others/ Peace/Unity

Grace - Humility/Forgiveness/Self-reflection/Christ-centred/Faith/Righteousness

Hope- Sustainability/Excellence

Our Theory of Change 

The way in which we carry out projects internationally is the underpinning factor in implementing successful programs. The integration with communities and ongoing inclusion of society’s members is the core of what we do.

In our experience we have seen that poverty is more than a lack of food or money. We see poverty as a breakdown of relationships: relationships between people, relationships with financial systems, relationships with the ecological environment and ultimately relationships with God.  We believe in an integrated mission that supports individuals and communities in tackling poverty by helping them rebuild these relationships.

In every stage of a project, including, planning, implementation, review and everything in between, the community must play a key role. 

Our Way of Working

Learning how to build deeper relationships is important for everyone and central to our way of working. Relationships often come under great pressure and can become fragile. Sometimes they break. Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues can always be better. Relationships can always be deeper.

Faith-Based Facilitation (FBF) is a way of helping people think, talk, explore and respond to their issues in the light of faith. It results in the development of healthier people and communities who enjoy deeper relationships. Faith-Based Facilitation is not a theory or a project - it is a way of working. It's not a new idea, but it needs to practiced, remembered and implemented. It needs to become a habit.

FBF will help you look at every day issues and events more objectively and find ways of responding to particular situations in the light of faith. People can be trained in these relationship-building skills and become faith-based facilitators. They can then form teams (or use the skills in their everyday personal relationships) to improve the relationships in their communities. Such an approach is not separate to normal Salvation Army processes but should become an integral part of its structure and way of working.

The FBF process is based on The Pastoral Cycle, which is widely used to help people of faith in their work.

Biblical Foundations 

Our love for God needs to be shown in our love for the world. This includes caring for the earth and making sure future generations can enjoy it too and building strong relationships with each other.

Matthew 22:37-39 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

Challenge the political, economic and social powers which keep people in poverty, seeking justice for all. 

Micah 6:8 ' justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God...'

Recognise the resources that God has already given to us and allow Him to show us how to use them for good. 

The Salvation Army Employment Plus was established as an agency by The Salvation Army to deliver on their aim of helping people find work to support their well-being.

As a not-for-profit organisation, any surplus we make is directed back into The Salvation Army’s social programs – providing relief to the homeless, the underprivileged, victims of disaster and many other local programs that make a difference in people’s lives.

The Salvation Army was established in London in 1865, and made its way to Australia in 1880. Today, The Salvation Army in Australia has over 350 established corps (churches) across Australia that work hand-in-hand with their social programs. Through these programs, the Salvos supported almost 190,000 people in 2018 in cities, country towns and rural communities, across every demographic and age group. They’re involved in national issues while also bringing hope to people who may be experiencing hardship or injustice.

The services provided by the Salvos are broad and far-reaching, including accommodation services, addiction recovery, aged care, emergency relief, support for our Defence Force, youth support, chaplaincy and financial counselling, among others.

How has the Salvation Army helped the community?

Today, The Salvation Army ministers in 128 countries around the world through a wide variety of spiritual and humanitarian programs ranging from day-care centres for children to nursing homes for the aged; programs to assist those with dependency issues, the homeless, and those without advocacy.

Why does Salvation Army help people?

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

How does the Salvation Army promote wellbeing?

The Salvation Army understands the importance of families. We work closely with parents and carers to help them understand and transform our approach to child safety and wellbeing. We encourage families to share their experiences, and voice their opinions on issues that are important to them and their children.

How does the Salvation Army raise awareness?

Fundraising not only raises funds, it also raises awareness of issues such as poverty, no access to clean water, sanitation, food, livelihood or education. Why not involve your corps, youth group, bible study groups or friends?


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