How far apart are Charleston and Hilton Head?

Hilton Head Island to Charleston by bus

Only 185 miles separate Hilton Head Island and Charleston, so choose a convenient bus route to save money. It takes 7 hours to get from one place to another. The average ticket will cost around 50 USD. Also, it will cost 36 USD to get to your destination by bus, if you choose the cheapest solution. You will have 42 stopovers during your bus trip. Southeastern Stages operates buses from Hilton Head Island to Charleston.

Trains from Hilton Head Island to Charleston

How long is a train journey to Charleston from Hilton Head Island?

Driving directions from Hilton Head Island to Charleston

The driving distance between Hilton Head Island and Charleston is 99 miles. Driving to Charleston takes about 2 hours under normal driving conditions with reasonable traffic and no excessive lines at the border crossing, making it the fastest way between the two cities. If you are going to get there by car, the fuel price is 12 USD.

Places to stay in Charleston

Information about hotels, motels, apartments and other accommodations in Charleston on .

This map shows the distance from Charleston, Usa to Hilton Head, Usa. You can also see the distance in miles and km below the map.

How to Use

Input the name of the two places in the text boxes and click the Show button.

The recommended format to use is [City, Country] i.e. [City(comma)(space)Country].

Once a result is returned, you can copy a link to use as a permanent referance back to the result or to send on to others.

Note : For ZIP Codes, use Distance Between ZIP Codes, For UK Postcodes, use the UK Postcode distance tool. Also, to find the distance between points that are not named, you can use the Measure Distance tool.

About How Far is it Between

This tool can be used to find the distance between two places.

There are two distances output:

  • As the Crow Flies - The direct distance between points
  • Distance by land transport (When possible) - Distance estimate when you travel by road and sea.

The distances can be output in the following units:

  • km (kilometers)
  • miles

The output is via a measurement of the distance and also a map that shows that two locations and the path between them as the crow flies and the route by land transport.

You can use the controls on the map to:

  • Pan the map
  • Zoom the Map
  • Switch between Map and Satellite views

Some Examples of Distances

Some of the distances between cities that can be found using the system. Click on one to see it or type in your own places above in the text boxes.

  • How Far is it Between Shanghai, China and Jerusalem, Israel
  • How Far is it Between Stockholm, Sweden and Benghazi, Libya
  • How Far is it Between Manchester Airport, England and Brasilia, Brazil
  • How Far is it Between Reading, Berkshire and Heathrow, Airport London
  • How Far is it Between Manchester, England and Brighton, Sussex Uk

Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps

Charleston to Hilton Head Island midpoint and places to stop along the way

If you're looking for a meeting place or a good stop around ½ or halfway between Charleston and Hilton Head Island, you can try Hickory Hill, SC, which is almost an hour west of Charleston, or about 1 hour north of Hilton Head Island.

Another possible place to stop near the midpoint is Radnor.

About ¼ or a fourth of the way, you can stop at Jericho, SC. This is about half an hour west of Charleston.

About or a third of the way, you can stop at Ponpon, SC. This is almost an hour west of Charleston.

About or two thirds of the way, you can stop at Grays Hill, SC. This is a little over 1 hour west of Charleston, or almost an hour north of Hilton Head Island.

About ¾ or three fourths of the way, you can stop at Dowlingwood, SC. This is about 1½ hours southwest of Charleston, or about half an hour north of Hilton Head Island.

Nonstop driving from Charleston to Hilton Head Island

If you drive straight through without stopping at all, the total distance is 98 miles. The distances shown above don't include local roads to get into each town, so if you're planning a long road trip, make sure you factor in traffic and road conditions, rest stop breaks, and interesting detours along the way. If you're in a rush, you can do the trip with zero stops, and your total travel time would be around 2 hours, 2 minutes.

Distance between Charleston and Hilton Head Island is 99.09 km. This distance is equal to 61.57 miles, and 53.47 nautical miles.

Country Cities » United States » Charleston | Hilton Head Island

The distance line on map shows distance from Charleston to Hilton Head Island between two cities.
If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles per hour) between Charleston to Hilton Head Island,
It takes 0.11 hours to arrive.

Charleston32.7765656 -79.9309216
Hilton Head Island32.216316 -80.752608
Distance99.09 km 61.57 miles
  • Distance between Charleston and Savannah (134,06 km.)
  • Distance between Charleston and Jefferson (369,23 km.)
  • Distance between Valdosta and Charleston (383,08 km.)
  • Distance between Charleston and Phenix City (475,94 km.)
  • Distance between Charleston and 911 Driving School (9,80 km.)
  • Distance between Charleston and Holiday (194,12 km.)

Is Hilton Head closer to Charleston or Savannah?

A beautiful island resort off the southern end of South Carolina, Hilton Head Island is just 20 miles north of Savannah, Georgia and 95 miles south of Charleston.

Is there a ferry from Hilton Head to Charleston?

There is no direct connection from Hilton Head Island to Charleston. However, you can take the taxi to Savannah, take the train to Charleston Amtrak Station, take the walk to North Charleston Transit Center, take the line 104 bus to N.

What city is Hilton Head closest to?

Bluffton is the closest town to Hilton Head. It is immediately across the Intra-Coastal Waterway on US 278.

Is there a shuttle from Charleston to Hilton Head?

There is no direct connection from Charleston to Hilton Head Island. However, you can take the line 10 bus to N. Charleston SuperStop, take the line 104 bus to North Charleston Transit Center, take the walk to Charleston Amtrak Station, take the train to Savannah, then take the taxi to Hilton Head Island.