How far is 30km from my location

Note: With this tool, you can know the radius of a circle anywhere on Google Maps by simply clicking on a single point and extending or moving the circle to change the radius on the Map.

Click in the Button Draw a Circle, then Click on map to place the center of the circle and drag at same time to start creating the circle. You can also create a circle with a fixed size.

This tool will allow you to plot a radius around a point on a map. That point is defined by the position of the postcode input.

Radius From UK Postcode Map



  • Type in a UK postcode. The format should be XX00 0XX or XX00 or X0 0XX. The important thing to remember is the space in the middle.
  • Type in the value of the radius to plot in miles
  • Click Plot to plot the radius
  • Continue to add more radii to the map by varying the postcode and radius and clicking Plot again and again
    Click Zoom to fit to fit all the radius data on to the map
  • The clear the map click the Clear Map Button

Future Ideas

  • Allow user to change transparency and line thickness of radius plotted
  • Allow radius to be entered in kilometers
  • Allow remove a circle once placed
  • Ability to bulk upload postcodes
  • Allow a radius to be saved for loading in future
  • Allow a radius to be saved for loading in future (with label)
  • Allow a radius label to be edited
  • Allow a single radius to be removed

Any comments, bugs or feedback regarding this postcode radius tool would be greatly appreciated!

Version History

  • 28th November 2020 - Bug fix : Issue with KML export of multiple radius
  • 5th October 2018 - UI Updates. Fixed bug with colours, thickness and transparency not taking effect
  • 16th September 2018 - Changed to Leaflet Maps
  • 28th March 2017 - Bug Fix : Invalid, expired or partial postcodes were not found. There is now a catch-all method to find these postcodes
  • 20th January 2016 - Added option to Show Postcode Area Boundaries
  • 22nd April 2014 - Radius circle can now be removed by clicking on it
  • 10th February 2014 - Added option to Generate KML File of radius
  • 21st January 2014 - Added option to show UK county borders
  • 23rd July 2013 - Option to input radius in km
  • 13th January 2013
    • Converted to Google Maps API V3
    • Added extra options for line thickness, line colour and transparency of the radius fill
    • Add / Show marker now works retrospectively on all radii
    • New option to add a label below the marker
  • 9th January 2012 - Added [Show Mid-Postcode] option
  • 15th February 2011 - Reduced opacity from 50% to 30%
  • 4th April 2009 - Zoom to fit automatically runs after a radius is plotted.
  • 17th May 2008 - Added area covered output. Added colour choice for fill colour.
  • 21st February 2008 - Basic version created

Comments For This Page

Return to this radius map here, just save this link

Use this tool to draw a circle by entering its radius along with an address. You can also click a point on the map to place a circle at that spot. You can adjust the placement of the circle by dragging it to a different location. You can also change the radius by either dragging the marker on the outside of the circle or by entering the radius in the field below and clicking edit circle. After drawing the circles you can come back to the map or send someone else to it by copying the link listed below. I hope that you find this radius tool useful.

Create Multiple Radius Circles?

You can use this tool to add as many radius circles to the map as you want. This allows you to find out where they intersect, and what areas are not within the radius of any of your locations.

    Radius Map Calculator

    Draw a radius map

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    Creating a distance radius map

    The tool lets you draw circles around a point on a Leaflet map. Adjust the size of the circle using the drop down box and select your location by typing in the box. You can create a miles radius or a km radius map

    Drawing a travel time radius

    You can draw a travel time radius using this tool. It allows you to visualise where's reachable within any time limit up to 2 hours.

    The tool was built to showcase some of the features of the TravelTime API. Using the API you can add journey time data into your own application and calculate journey times to thousands of points of interest in milliseconds. Get a free API key and get started now.

    Explore Driving Radius & More

    To adjust the departure time or add more than 1 area on the same map try our TravelTime Maps tool. You can search for points of interest within the area or find overlapping areas between 2 start points and more.


    How do you draw a 30 mile radius on Google Maps?

    Click on the map and create a popup marker to select the point. From there, opt for the “Draw Radius.” Choose the proximity distance from the given address found within the radius options in the software.

    How do I see a radius on Google Maps?

    Google Maps does not support the radius functionality, which means that you can't determine the radius around a given location. But you can measure the distance between two or more points. As a quick reminder, the radius of a circle is the distance from its edge to its center.

    How do you measure 25km radius on Google Maps?

    Simply touch and hold the location on the map until the red pin appears, then scroll down and click 'measure distance' below the venue's details.

    Can Google maps show 5km radius?

    Sweet. Find the map's scale, extend your compass to cover 5km, stick the pin in your home address and give that bad boy a 360 degree twirl. That's your radius. Have fun, and stay safe.