How far is Duluth from Buckhead

There are 18.89 miles from Duluth to Buckhead in southwest direction and 23 miles (37.01 kilometers) by car, following the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard route.

Duluth and Buckhead are 32 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .

This is the fastest route from Duluth, GA to Buckhead, GA. The halfway point is Chamblee, GA.

Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 3:26 pm.

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Gas Consumption and Emissions

A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 0.94 gallons of gas to cover the route between Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA.

The estimated cost of gas to go from Duluth to Buckhead is $3.16.

During the route, an average car will release 18.38 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile.

  • Average USA gas price used for calculation is $3.37 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on September 1, 2022.
  • Read more about our CO2 calculation.

Best Hotels In or Near Buckhead, GA

Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Buckhead, GA? Check out our hotel recommendations:

Halfway Point Between Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA

If you want to meet halfway between Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 33.915249 and -84.287613, or 33º 54' 54.8964" N, 84º 17' 15.4068" W. This location is 11.68 miles away from Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA and it would take approximately 16 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations.

Closest City or Town to Halfway Point

The closest town to the halfway point is Chamblee, GA, situated 14 miles from Duluth, GA and 9 miles from Buckhead, GA. It would take 18 minutes to go from Duluth to Chamblee and 15 minutes to go from Buckhead to Chamblee.

Major Cities Along the Route

The only major city along the route is Atlanta, GA.

Weather in Duluth and Buckhead

Compare the weather today and the next four days in Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA:

Lowest Price Rental Cars in Duluth, GA

Planning on renting a car to go from Duluth, GA to Buckhead, GA? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Duluth, GA:


How far is Duluth from Buckhead

From $14


How far is Duluth from Buckhead

From $18


How far is Duluth from Buckhead

From $24


How far is Duluth from Buckhead

From $28


How far is Duluth from Buckhead

From $40

Compare rental car prices in Duluth »

Distance conversions

Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Duluth, GA and Buckhead, GA in this table:

Distance typeMilesKilometersNautical miles
Straight line distance 18.89 mi 30.40 km 16.42 nautical mi
Driving distance 23 mi 37.58 km 20.29 nautical mi

Road Trip Tips

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Is Duluth in Buckhead?

The distance between Duluth and Buckhead is 18 miles. The road distance is 23.4 miles. How do I travel from Duluth to Buckhead without a car? The best way to get from Duluth to Buckhead without a car is to bus and subway and line 110 bus which takes 1h 38m and costs $29 - $40.

Is Buckhead Atlanta a nice area?

Buckhead is most well-known for its incredibly beautiful estates, affluent community members and variety of upscale amenities. It's one of the most desirable areas in Georgia, and the South overall, if you can afford the price of entry.

What cities are near Buckhead?

Buckhead is bordered by Cumberland and Vinings in Cobb County to the northwest, the city of Sandy Springs to the north, Brookhaven and North Druid Hills in DeKalb County to the east, Midtown Atlanta to the south, and West Midtown to the west.

Is Duluth close to Atlanta?

Duluth is a city in Gwinnett County, Georgia, United States. Located north of Interstate 85, it is approximately 22 miles (35 km) northeast of Atlanta. As of the 2020 census, Duluth had a population of 31,873, and the United States Census Bureau estimated the population to be 31,864 as of 2021.