How far is Michigan from Canada in hours

Michigan shares a 721 mile (1160 kilometer) border with the Canadian province of Ontario. All of the border crossings in this state rank among the top 10 highest volume crossings between the two countries. Each is a major trucking portal, although Sault Ste. Marie carries mostly auto traffic.

Detailed Information on Each Michigan Border Crossing

Below are links to our pages with detailed information on each of the drive-able border crossings between the State of Michigan and Canada. These pages include travel tips, current border wait times, road conditions and other real-time information. As you read down the list, you are seeing the border crossings running from West to East.

The distance from Michigan to Canada is 788 miles by road including 524 miles on motorways. Road takes approximately 12 hours and 48 minutes and goes through Grand Forks, Fargo, Watertown, Brookings, Sioux Falls, Sioux City and Omaha.

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Compare this route in other services:

PointDistanceFuelMichigan0 mi0.0 galGrand Forks52 mi1.7 galHillsboro89 mi3.0 galFargo126 mi4.1 galWatertown265 mi8.9 galBrookings311 mi10.5 galSioux Falls365 mi12.3 galSioux City457 mi15.1 galOmaha545 mi18.3 gal

I 680 NE 50 243 mi, 4 h 22 min

Canada788 mi26.8 gal

PointDistanceFuelMichigan0 mi0.0 galPetersburg6 mi0.1 galShawnee17 mi0.5 galGrand Forks52 mi1.7 galHillsboro89 mi3.0 galBrooktree Park109 mi3.4 galFargo126 mi4.1 galWatertown265 mi8.9 galBrookings311 mi10.5 galSioux Falls365 mi12.3 galJefferson432 mi14.5 galNorth Sioux City441 mi14.9 galSioux City457 mi15.1 galGrable527 mi17.9 galAscot531 mi18.0 galOmaha545 mi18.3 galChalco554 mi18.8 galSpringfield562 mi19.1 galMeadow565 mi19.2 galLouisville568 mi19.3 galSyracuse592 mi20.1 galTecumseh608 mi20.5 galBurchard636 mi21.6 galSummerfield644 mi21.9 galBeattie659 mi22.4 galFrankfort669 mi22.7 galManhattan713 mi24.1 galOgden721 mi24.5 galGrandview Plaza728 mi24.7 galJunction City731 mi24.8 galHerington757 mi25.8 galLincolnville770 mi26.1 galMarion782 mi26.6 galCanada788 mi26.8 gal

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Michigan to Canada?

Fuel cost: 104.6 USD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 787.9 mi) / (Fuel consumption 29.4 mpg) * (Fuel price 3.9 USD / gal)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How far is Michigan to Canada by land?

The distance between Michigan and Canada is 787.9 mi by road including 524.4 mi on motorways.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Michigan and Canada respectively.

How far is Michigan to Canada by plane?

The shortest distance (air line, as the crow flies) between Michigan and Canada is 670.5 mi.

This distance is calculated using the Haversine formula as a great-circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. The start and finish points are the centers of Michigan and Canada respectively. Actual distance between airports may be different.

How many hours is Michigan from Canada by plane?

Boeing 737 airliner needs 1 h 20 min to cover the distance of 670 mi at a cruising speed of 497 mph.

Small plane "Cessna 172" needs 4 h 54 min to flight this distance at average speed of 136 mph.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, airport location and other real world factors.

How long is a helicopter ride from Michigan to Canada?

Fast helicopter "Eurocopter AS350" or "Hughes OH-6 Cayuse" need 4 h 29 min to cover the distance of 670 mi at a cruising speed of 149 mph.

Popular "Robinson R44" needs 5 h 8 min to flight this distance at average speed of 130 mph.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, aerodrome location and other real world factors.

What city is halfway between Michigan and Canada?

The halfway point between Michigan and Canada is Sioux Falls. It is located about 29 mi from the exact midpoint by road.

The distance from Sioux Falls to Michigan is 365 mi and driving will take about 5 h 46 min. The road between Sioux Falls and Canada has length 423 mi and will take approximately 7 h 2 min.

Which Canadian city is close to Michigan?

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario is just across the border from a twin city of the same name in Michigan. The two were actually one city up until the war of 1812 when the border was drawn along the St. Mary's River, but they are still connected by the International Bridge across the river.

Can you drive from Michigan to Canada?

Crossing the Canada–U.S. Border by Car, Ferry, or Tunnel There are several locations that allow you to cross over from Canada to Michigan. The most frequented crossings include the Ambassador Bridge, the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, the Blue Water Bridge, and the Sault Ste Marie International Bridge.

Is Michigan next to Canada?

There are 13 states that border Canada: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Alaska. Canada is the country to the north of the United States. The U.S. border with Canada changed many times in American history.

How far is Canada from Michigan by plane?

Flying time from Michigan to Canada The total flight duration from Michigan to Canada is 2 hours, 58 minutes.


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