How far is qatar from afghanistan

Calculate the distance from Kabul, Kabol Afghanistan to Doha, Qatar . Use our travel planning tools to get the distance, driving directions, mileage and road journey times for a trip and see the results on a map.

How far is the distance between Kabul Kabol and Doha driving by road, and what might the journey cost in fuel?

Factors like water, mountains, time of day and road closures can drastically affect driving estimates. Please review supplied maps and driving directions for a more accurate view.

These are estimates, factors like water, mountains, traffic, weather etc can all impact on drive times and based on the geo coordinates of 34.5167,69.1833 and 25.2867, 51.5333.

Location place name nearest the "from" coordinates:کابل, کابل ښاروالۍ, ولایت كابل, 1001, افغانستان 0.718 mi - Location place name nearest the "to" coordinates:الدوحة, قطر 0.436 mi

What is the flight distance (as the crow flies in a straight line) from Kabul to Doha?

How long does it generally take to fly between these two places in a modern commercial jet airliner?

What is the halfway point between these two places?

Geographic Half Way (Midpoint) distance between these places

  • According to our data the geographic midpoint or halfway distance between Kabul and Doha locations as the crow flies is 615.85 (mi) 991.12 (km)
  • ⏳ The nearest land based town or city to this geographic midpoint is Madeh, Iran which is 71.14 miles away from the mid point.

Would you like to do this journey in reverse? Want to know how far the distance is between Doha and Kabul?

Show A Driving Route For This Journey From Kabul to Doha (where available)

See a Map of Villages, Towns and Cities near Doha

For other locations that are nearby in distance click a town to populate the search box for a trip to or from Doha and get drive times and maps, or click on the mileage distances to get a quick overview offuel costs and consumption.

View Towns near Al Muntazah, QatarAl Muntazah 1.27 mi - View Towns near Naeejeh, QatarNaeejeh 2.86 mi - View Towns near Al Rayyan, QatarAl Rayyan 6.81 mi - View Towns near Al Wajba, QatarAl Wajba 8.73 mi - View Towns near Al Wukair, QatarAl Wukair 9.39 mi - View Towns near Wakra, QatarWakra 9.42 mi - View Towns near Lusail, QatarLusail 14.87 mi - View Towns near Rawdat Rashid, QatarRawdat Rashid 20.95 mi - View Towns near Umm Ash Shubrum, QatarUmm Ash Shubrum 21.34 mi -

Interested in seeing more Towns & Cities Near Kabul Kabol or Cities Near Doha We'll show you all the towns within a radius of your choosing.

Search for places that are around Doha - eg restaurants, bars, pubs, hospitals etc. Caution, language will be a factor.

Display Towns Around Doha Within A 21.34 mi Radius

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Where available, we'll return driving distance estimates and drive times for the distance between the two locations and a map with driving directions from Kabul to Doha. You can calculate fuel (gas) costs and get the straight line flight distances as the crow might fly too...(read more)

Nearest airports and rail stations to Doha are also displayed where we have the data, along with the midpoint of the journey. Some users will also see a variety of additional routing options and maps; truck and lorry routes, non motorway routes, avoiding toll routes, going via the midpoint and for some locations; pedestrian, bicycle and public transport routing options showing mileage and distance.

Where are the nearest travel hubs and stations to your destination?

We've put together a list of stations and airports near to Doha along with journey estimates and general guidance.

Major Travel Hubs within 20 miles of destination Doha

Airports or Rail Stations within 20 miles of DohaAirport or Station NameLocationDistance MilesDirDoha IntlDoha, Qatar2.66SEAl Udeid ABDoha, Qatar17.6SW

Estimate The Fuel Cost From Kabul Kabol to Doha

If you know the cost of fuel per litre and the mpg of your vehicle then you can calculate the estimated fuel cost with this journey Fuel Calculator tool. It will tell you an estimated petrol cost for the estimated driving miles for a road trip from Kabul Kabol to Doha *

* Toll roads may often add an additional cost to your journey, please factor these into your budgets. A journey through France for example using tolls might add around €10 per 100 miles but will save you time and fuel too.

Fuel cost driving from Kabul to Doha

Estimated Driving Miles For This Journey > Your Vehicles MPG
Distance in kilometres is Your Vehicle's KPG
Price you pay per Litre for your fuel in pence or cents
Price Per Gallon:

Capital Cities within a Maximum of 1000 miles of Doha

These are the nearest 10 Capital cities to Doha Qatar within 1000 mi (1604.9 km ) radius showing the shortest and furthest distances. Calculation centered around latitude: 25.2867 longitude: 51.5333 geo coordinates.

Distances To Capital Cities From DohaNearest 9 Capital cities to Doha QatarDir1. Manama > Distance from Doha to Manama Bahrain 88.48 mi - 142.39 km
> Capital Cities Close to Bahrain GeoCords - Latitude:26.2361 - Longitude: 50.5831NW2. Abu Dhabi > Distance from Doha to Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 185.88 mi - 299.14 km
> Capital Cities Close to United Arab Emirates GeoCords - Latitude:24.4667 - Longitude: 54.3667SE3. Riyadh > Distance from Doha to Riyadh Saudi Arabia 300.77 mi - 484.04 km
> Capital Cities Close to Saudi Arabia GeoCords - Latitude:24.6408 - Longitude: 46.7728SW4. Kuwait City > Distance from Doha to Kuwait City Kuwait 359.45 mi - 578.48 km
> Capital Cities Close to Kuwait GeoCords - Latitude:29.3759 - Longitude: 47.9774NW5. Muscat > Distance from Doha to Muscat Oman 456.01 mi - 733.88 km
> Capital Cities Close to Oman GeoCords - Latitude:23.6133 - Longitude: 58.5933SE6. Baghdad > Distance from Doha to Baghdad Iraq 713.12 mi - 1147.66 km
> Capital Cities Close to Iraq GeoCords - Latitude:33.3386 - Longitude: 44.3939NW7. Teheran > Distance from Doha to Teheran Iran 719.94 mi - 1158.63 km
> Capital Cities Close to Iran GeoCords - Latitude:35.705 - Longitude: 51.4216NW8. Sana > Distance from Doha to Sana Yemen 722.57 mi - 1162.86 km
> Capital Cities Close to Yemen GeoCords - Latitude:15.4 - Longitude: 47.7667SW9. Ashgabat > Distance from Doha to Ashgabat Turkmenistan 974.09 mi - 1567.65 km
> Capital Cities Close to Turkmenistan GeoCords - Latitude:37.95 - Longitude: 58.3833NE

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FAQ Summary Kabul Kabol to Doha

Click on a heading to expand the answers to commonly asked questions.

What is the fuel cost of driving by car from Kabul to Doha?

Fuel cost will always depend on the route taken, the price that you pay for your fuel and your vehicle's fuel efficiency. You can calculate the cost using this to learn more...

What is the geographic midpoint between Kabul to Doha?

Our data says that the geographic midpoint (half way ) distance between these locations is 615.85 (mi) 991.12 (km) Latitude: 30.1968080861 Longitude:59.9453786539

The nearest land based town or city to this midpoint is Madeh, Iran which is 71.14 miles away from the mid point.

What is the distance in mi and km from Kabul to Doha?

A recent recorded road journey was 1625.86 miles or 2616.57 kilometers. The distance from Kabul to Doha is of course very much subject to the route you take and type of distance required. The link that follows gives detailing straight distance and drive distances in mi and km.

What is the drive time from Kabul to Doha?

A typical journey time for this route was 29 hrs 33 mins. The drive time from Kabul to Doha is very much subject to the speed that you go, the route that you take and the time that you leave. The link that follows gives detailing estimated times in days, hours or minutes

How many hours is it from Afghanistan to Qatar?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Afghanistan and Qatar is 1,858 km= 1,155 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Afghanistan to Qatar, It takes 2.06 hours to arrive.

How far is Qatar from Kabul Afghanistan by plane?

The flight distance from Kabul (Afghanistan) to Doha (Qatar) is 1235 miles. This is equivalent to 1987 kilometers or 1072 nautical miles. The calculated distance (air line) is the straight line distance or direct flight distance between cities.

How long is a flight from Doha to Afghanistan?

The total flight duration from Doha, Qatar to Kabul, Afghanistan is 2 hours, 58 minutes.

Where is Qatar in proximity to Afghanistan?

Qatar is located around 1983 KM away from Afghanistan so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Afghanistan in 39.67 hours.


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