How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

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  1. Take the bus from Atlanta to Nashville

4h 10m

$45 - $65

2 alternative options


  1. Drive from Atlanta to Nashville

4h 12m

$65 - $100


  1. Fly from Atlanta (ATL) to Nashville (BNA)

3h 23m

$115 - $487

Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between

Atlanta to Nashville by bus

21 Weekly Buses

4h 10m Average Duration

$45 Cheapest Price

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Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Atlanta to Nashville?

The cheapest way to get from Atlanta to Nashville is to bus which costs $45 - $65 and takes 4h 10m.

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What is the fastest way to get from Atlanta to Nashville?

The fastest way to get from Atlanta to Nashville is to fly which takes 3h 23m and costs $110 - $490.

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Is there a direct bus between Atlanta and Nashville?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Atlanta and arriving at Nashville. Services depart three times a day, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 4h 10m.

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How far is it from Atlanta to Nashville?

The distance between Atlanta and Nashville is 346 km. The road distance is 400.6 km.

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How do I travel from Atlanta to Nashville without a car?

The best way to get from Atlanta to Nashville without a car is to bus which takes 4h 10m and costs $45 - $65.

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How long does it take to get from Atlanta to Nashville?

The bus from Atlanta to Nashville takes 4h 10m including transfers and departs three times a day.

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Where do I catch the Atlanta to Nashville bus from?

Atlanta to Nashville bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, depart from Atlanta station.

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Bus or fly from Atlanta to Nashville?

The best way to get from Atlanta to Nashville is to bus which takes 4h 10m and costs $45 - $65. Alternatively, you can fly, which costs $110 - $490 and takes 3h 23m.

Mode details

How long is the flight from Atlanta to Nashville?

The quickest flight from Atlanta Airport to Nashville Airport is the direct flight which takes 1h 3m.

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Where does the Atlanta to Nashville bus arrive?

Atlanta to Nashville bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, arrive at Nashville station.

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  • Distance: 346.3 km
  • Duration: 4h 10m

What companies run services between Atlanta, GA, USA and Nashville, TN, USA?

Greyhound USA operates a bus from Atlanta to Nashville 3 times a day. Tickets cost $45 - $65 and the journey takes 4h 10m. Alternatively, Delta and Southwest Airlines fly from Atlanta to Nashville every 3 hours.


How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville


Flights from Atlanta to Nashville
Ave. Duration1h 5mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$190 - $750

How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

Southwest Airlines

Flights from Atlanta to Nashville
Ave. Duration1h 10mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$100 - $400

Bus operators

How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

Greyhound USA

Greyhound is a leading bus company based in Dallas, Texas, serving over 3800 destinations across North America, Mexico and Canada. Greyhound carries around 18 million passengers a year who travel 5.4 billion miles (8.6 billion km) a year on their fleet of around 1700 vehicles. For travel flexibility, you can board or get off a Greyhound bus at official Greyhound stations, partner stations and curbside stops. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the US where you can both catch your bus and buy tickets, that are also available on the official website and via the mobile app.

Rome2rio's guide to Greyhound USA
Contact Details
Phone+1 214-849-8100/[email protected]
Bus from Atlanta to Nashville
Ave. Duration4h 10mFrequency3 times a dayEstimated price$45 - $65Websitegreyhound.comEconomy$45 - $65Flexible$80 - $120

How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

Greyhound interior


How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

Greyhound exterior


How is the drive from Atlanta to Nashville

Greyhound exterior


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More Questions & Answers

What is the time difference between Atlanta and Nashville?

Nashville is 1h behind Atlanta. It is currently 8:25 PM in Atlanta and 7:25 PM in Nashville.

Can I drive from Atlanta to Nashville?

Yes, the driving distance between Atlanta to Nashville is 401 km. It takes approximately 4h 12m to drive from Atlanta to Nashville.

Where should I stop between Atlanta and Nashville?

Best stops along Nashville to Atlanta drive. The top stops along the way from Nashville to Atlanta (with short detours) are Tennessee Aquarium, Ruby Falls, and Six Flags Over Georgia. Other popular stops include High Country Adventures, Lookout Mountain, and Marietta Square.

Are there mountains between Atlanta and Nashville?

An Atlanta to Nashville road trip through the Appalachian Mountains can be as short or as long a trip as you want to make it.

What is halfway between Nashville and Atlanta?

Halfway between Nashville, TN and Atlanta, GA The best city between Nashville, TN and Atlanta, GA to meet is Chattanooga, Tennessee which is about 7 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Wildwood, Georgia. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 30750.

How long is a car ride from Atlanta to Nashville?

How long is the drive from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, TN? The total driving time is 3 hours, 45 minutes.