How long after breast augmentation can they be touched

Numbness is a normal part of any surgical procedure and can be expected for several weeks or months after surgery, as the nerves are traumatised by surgery and may be compressed by swelling. Sensation in the breast and nipple can increase or decrease after augmentation surgery – ranging from a total loss of feeling through to tingling or sharp twinges.

Most loss of feeling will resolve in 2 to 3 months, however, some areas – such as the nipples and the area directly around the scar line – can take up to 2 years to resolve. The last place to regain the sensation will be directly adjacent to the incision, as the nerves make their way from the periphery to the scarline. In some cases, sensation may never return to 100% of what it felt like previously over the scar area.

This is slightly more likely to be the case when breast lift surgery is performed along with the augmentation.

The usual signs of the nerves regenerating is itching, followed by a burning sensation and then occasional sharp pains; these are normal. Sometimes women feel hesitant to touch the numb areas of their breast as they can feel strange and separate from their body, however, it is important to massage and stimulate the nerves to encourage regeneration – you can combine this with your daily scar minimisation massage.

The size of the implant relative to the size of your chest diameter is the most important factor that impacts sensory changes, especially numbness; which is why it is important to select an implant size that is appropriate for your body. Breasts are a normal aspect of female pleasure and there’s no point having the breast size you always wanted, if you can no longer enjoy normal sensation.

The smaller the implant, the less dissection required relative to the base of the breast, and the lower the likelihood that nerves innervating the breast from the periphery of the breast will be disturbed.

If persistent sensory changes concern you, it is important to discuss this with your surgeon.

See also: Can I Breastfeed After A Breast Reduction?


Project decription


Breast augmentation increases the fullness and projection of the breasts.

Breast augmentation does not correct sagging breasts. During the consultation you will discuss the size and type implant that is best for your body.


The ideal candidate is in generally good health and desire larger breasts. The candidate should not be on any medication that inhibits blood clotting. Smoking greatly increases the risk of healing problems.

Overview of the procedure

The implants are placed under the pectoralis major muscle through a small incision under the breast. All stitches are under the skin and absorbable.

All breast implants have a silicone cover. Inside this cover, the implant contains either saline or silicone.


Patients may shower the next day. Recovery time is approximately one week. A bra is worn for comfort and to help hold the dressings in position. It may be loosened or removed for bathing, beginning the day after surgery. For several weeks, patients should not wear any underwire bras to allow their breast implants to settle into place. Follow up appointments are at 7-10 days after surgery, 1 month and 3 months.


1. What does breast augmentation mean?

Augment comes from the old French word “Augmenter” which means to make larger.  Breast augmentation is a procedure where implants are placed under the breasts to increase their size.

2. What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast implants are used during breast augmentation.  Breast implants are the objects placed under the breasts to increase their size.  “Breast augmentation” is the name of the entire procedure.

3. How much do breast implants cost?

In 2020, breast implants costs between 5 to 10 thousand dollars in 2020.  The cost varied considerably based on the training of the surgeon (plastic surgeon = costs more,  cosmetic surgeon = costs less), facility (certified operating room = costs more), and other factors such as the patient and complexity of the procedure.

4. How much for a good boob job?

The average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $3947 in 2019 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  This cost does not include the total price, which will include the cost of the implants, anesthesia, operating room, and scar cream.  During consultations, we provide our patients with custom quotes that explain the total price.

5. Do your nipple still get hard after breast implants?

Nipples have smooth muscle which erect the nipples when a woman is feeling cold of stimulated.  A breast augmentation does not affect these muscles.  Sometimes sensation to the nipples can change after breast surgery.  This risk is decreased by using an incision away from the areola, such as under the breast.

6. Do breast implants feel different to touch to a man?

Yes – they are larger and fuller.

No – the skin is still the same.

7. Is breast surgery painful?

Breast augmentation and breast lift patients are both comfortable enough to go home the same day of surgery.  Surgeons will often use long acting numbing medication to reduce discomfort for the first 48 hours.  At that point, the need for narcotic pain medication is reduced.  Most patients can return to light activities within a week.

8. How long after breast augmentation can they be touched

Most surgeons recommend that patients wait 4-6 weeks before intimate activity with their augmented or lifted breasts.  This gives the incisions time to heal.


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