How long can pasta sit out Reddit

Absolutely do not eat any type of improperly stored that has been left out at room temperature overnight. You are asking for food poisoning.

There was literally a news story two years ago (this actually originally happened in 2008 but for some reason went viral wayyy later) about some college kid home for break who microwaved a plate of spaghetti that had been left out and he fucking DIED. Your spaghetti sounds like it has been left out for less time than his, so maybe your risk is much lower, but it’s quite the game of Russian roulette to play. Always store leftovers in the fridge!

I know people are going to tell me to throw it away, but here's the thing.. normally I am really strict about food that's been out too long, and won't eat it past 2 hours of being unrefrigerated. But I made some amazing crockpot lasagna last night, and it cost around $20 to make, and we have no money right now and not a lot of food.. when I went to put my son to bed, the crockpot was still hot so I was going to get back up and put it away later, but I fell asleep.

I know a lot of people eat food that's been left out and don't get sick. Why is it that some people can do it without getting sick but others can't?

edit: I want to add that the crock pot dish was taken out of the actual crock pot and sat on the counter without a lid

edit 2: I ate the lasagna about 6 hours ago and feel fine so far! Hooray! I have never had food poisoning and was definately nervous about eating it, but now I feel better knowing I didn't waste it and won't waste future left out food!

Depends honestly on the weather in your kitchen. If it’s super humid they might get gloppy and a bummer. If it’s really dry they’ll get, well, dry, which isn’t as bad.

I like to make fresh pasta in big batches and feeeze. Then when I make it for dinner they pop out of the freezer, cook in 3 minutes, and you get all the joy of death pasta with no hassle.

Edit: I’m sticking with death pasta

So this was inspired by a facebook post. My friend left out a meticulously prepared dish overnight. She said she was in tears because it was so hard to prepare and now she had to throw it out. Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to still eat it.

I was raised by parents that were poor. My grandfather would regularly cut mold off of food and give it to us to eat. We would regularly eat food out of the garden without washing it first. As an adult I have regularly left food out overnight (most of the time out of laziness) and have eaten it for breakfast the morning after. I often don't put my work lunch in the fridge and just keep it at my desk. I have also traveled to and lived in third world countries, regularly eaten street food, and have never gotten sick. I have NEVER gotten sick from food. With the way people talk I should have dropped dead years ago.

Now I would never serve food to company or children that was not prepared appropriately. I understand why restaurants use the danger zone because they need to protect pregnant women, people with weaker immune systems, etc. And I wouldn't eat raw or undercooked food (especially meat) left out.

But I can't say this to anyone. If I mentioned this, people would act like I killed a kitten. It just seems like a major over reaction to me. And as anecdotal observation, the people who seem to be the most worried about this stuff, also seem to get sick the most. probably not correlated, but just an observation. So, change my view that I should never eat left out food again.

I'm curious what makes you think this? I mean it's certainly not food science/safety training. (also curious why you decide to make up facts, especially when they could make someone ill).

bacillus cereus along with other bacteria can (and is likely to) grow in the conditions and food that OP describes. This kind of thing can literally be fatal (especially if done repeatedly over time which could be likely for OP given OP's scenario).

Of course death is very unlikely, but foodborne illness with something like absolutely not unlikely.

Don't be an asshole and make things up for internet points- it's not nice

I'm a firm believer that following restaurant kitchen rules at home is overly restrictive, but that's wet food exposed to air kept at room temperature overnight. Toss it.

If you're a bit forgetful of stuff like this, there's nothing wrong with setting a phone alarm before you go to bed as a reminder to put away leftovers.

Bacteria grows whether it's in a commercial kitchen or a home kitchen. Wet warm environments are a breeding ground.

So last week, mate made a stew, left it sitting overnight in his stew pot. Offered it to his flatmate the next day. "Do you want some? It's lovely."

" thanks! Don't eat that if it has been left out all night "

Next day, " My guts are killing me...must have been that dodgy sandwich."

People have no idea about food safety. 48 million get food poisoning in the USA every year. 1 in 6.

How long can pasta sit out unrefrigerated?

Rice and pasta can contain bacteria whose spores survive the cooking process. If boiled rice or pasta are left out at 12-14o C for a long time (more than 4-6 hours), it can become extremely dangerous to eat. At this temperature the spore producing bacteria can form heat resistant toxins.

Can you eat pasta thats been left out all night?

It is not a good idea to eat spaghetti that has been left out overnight, especially in warmer months. If left out at a temperature above 40°F for more than a few hours, there is a chance of bacteria growth, which could lead to food poisoning if the spaghetti is eaten.

Can I eat food left out for 3 hours?

Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. This range of temperatures is often called the "Danger Zone." Never leave food out of refrigeration over 2 hours.

How many hours can pasta stay out?

Pasta should not be left out at room temperature for longer than 2 hours. After 2 hours, there is a good chance that the pasta will either become sticky or could start to go bad — either way, you won't want to eat it!