How long does filler take to settle under eyes

At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, we are passionate about helping our clients feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Many of us grew up on Pensacola Beach soaking up the sun without sunscreen. We are now older, wiser, and want to reverse the signs of sun damage and premature aging. Today, we’re looking at dermal fillers and what you need to know on how long does it take for fillers to settle.

Everything You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers

How Long Does It Take for Fillers to Settle? They Settle Fairly Quickly

One of the most compelling benefits of dermal fillers is how quickly they settle. While you can undergo an invasive medical procedure to address one of your cosmetic concerns at a time, you will be waiting between six and 12 months to see the final results of treatment. And they’re not even permanent!

With dermal filler injections, you are looking at waiting 14 days at most for the filler to settle. Even better, you can address several aesthetic concerns in a mere hour while it can take two to three hours to address one aesthetic concern with an invasive cosmetic procedure.

They Are Extremely Versatile

Another incredible benefit of dermal fillers is they are incredibly versatile. Years of research and third-party clinical trials have gone into every formulation to ensure the highest level of comfort, quality, and durability.

At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, we have a dermal filler for you. Whether you are looking to remove excess fat from your chin and neck, you want to non-invasively re-contour your cheeks, you want to plump up your lips, or you need to erase wrinkles in minutes, we have your solution.

The Results Look Natural

The results of dermal filler injections look natural because they are. Most of our dermal filler formulations work due to the active ingredient hyaluronic acid or collagen. Hyaluronic acid is a chemical compound found in the foundational layers of your skin. It is most often used to smooth wrinkles by adding volume.

Similarly, collagen is a protein found throughout the layers of your skin and is responsible for keeping your skin looking healthy, young, hydrated, tight and smooth. Because your health and safety are two of our top priorities, we only use dermal filler formulations with collagen that is safe for use in humans. Even better, these injections encourage your body to produce its own collagen.

The Results Improve Over Time

Because these injections stimulate your body’s production of collagen and elastin, the final results of treatment won’t be seen for several weeks. Even as the hyaluronic acid is processed by your body, healthy collagen and elastin grow at a more significant rate. This means you will see initial improvement nearly immediately. They will improve over six to eight weeks.

The Results Are Durable

The results of dermal filler treatments are incredibly durable. In the case of Kybella, the results are permanent. Once fat cells are removed from the body, new fat cells cannot be grown in their place. Therefore, you will permanently have fewer fat cells in your neck and chin region. If you gain a significant amount of weight, you can have a touch-up treatment for the remaining fat cells.

The results of volume-adding treatments are durable, as well. Depending on the formulation you choose, the final results can last anywhere from six months to two years.

It’s Okay to Be Indecisive

Are you unsure about how large you want your lips to be? No worries. Because our dermal filler formulations feature hyaluronic acid, we can quickly and easily reverse your treatment with a painless injection of hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that naturally “eats” hyaluronic acid within three to four days of injection.

You Can Easily Extend the Results of Treatment

Many people are satisfied with looking years younger for 18 to 24 months. Others want to take their skincare game to the next level and extend the longevity of their results even further. This is easily accomplished by making healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, limiting alcohol consumption, wearing sunscreen and not smoking.

Not Smoking May be the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Skin

While Florida banned smoking indoors in most workplaces, it can be hard to stay away from cigarettes in bars and restaurants that still allow outdoor smoking. How are you supposed to socialize with all your friends who are smokers?

We get that it’s hard to quit smoking. However, we invite you to reach out to your primary care physician and ask him or her for local resources to help you quit smoking. Cigarettes, and cigarette alternatives like e-liquid, contain nicotine. Nicotine elevates your blood pressure by constricting your blood vessels and preventing rejuvenating nutrients from reaching your skin.

Wearing Sunscreen May Be the Next Best Thing You Can Do for Your Skin

While nicotine quickly destroys the collagen required for youthful skin, the sun’s harmful UV rays destroy healthy collagen just as fast. If you must be outside between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, wear at least a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen and reapply every four hours you are outside during daylight hours.

You Are Probably a Good Candidate

Another reason dermal filler injections are so popular is that nearly everyone is a good candidate. Some formulations are made with bovine collagen and other “unnatural” substances that can cause allergic reactions. We only use dermal filler formulations with hypoallergenic active ingredients. That way, only your aesthetic goals determine which filler is ideal for you.

However, to be an ideal candidate, it is important that you take good care of your skin between now and your scheduled appointment. Your session must be rescheduled if you have an active bacterial, viral, or skin infection, you have a fever, you have a sunburn to the treatment area, you have active shingles, or you have an active cold sore or fever blister.

The Right Dermal Filler for You


Kybella is one of our most popular dermal filler options because it is designed to address submental fullness. Submental fullness refers to the appearance of excess fat under the chin and in bands around the neck. This condition most often affects people with actual excess fat in the region. However, it may also be caused by bad genes or old age.

This FDA-approved aesthetic treatment features the active ingredient deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a chemical compound found naturally in your gut. It usually processes and eliminates dietary fat. However, when injected into your chin or neck, it will process and eliminate the localized white fat cells. If you have a “double chin” this is the treatment for you.

Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra Aesthetic is a dermal filler featuring poly-L lactic acid and is used to address all sorts of volume loss. It is most commonly used to re-contour the cheeks, volumize the lips, and restore volume to aging hands. However, it can also erase lines around the mouth, eyes, nose, chest, and forehead. If you are concerned about hand wrinkles, this may be the dermal filler for you.

On average, clients require a vial of Sculptra Aesthetic per decade of age to achieve their ideal aesthetic. For instance, a 35-year-old will need 3.5 vials of poly-L lactic acid to achieve their desired look. However, if you are looking to augment your buttocks, you may need significantly more vials to get the look you want.

Juvederm Ultra XC

Juvederm Ultra XC may be the right dermal filler for you if you are concerned about the appearance of your lips. Maybe the left side of your upper lip is larger than the right side. Or your lower lips have grown thin over time. Maybe you want to increase volume to your upper and lower lips. Regardless of your lip goals, we recommend Ultra XC.

Juvederm Ultra XC is our most popular dermal filler for lips because the results are so dramatic. Moreover, the “XC” at the end of the formulation name indicates that it contains lidocaine. Lidocaine is an injectable liquid anesthetic that ensures you feel no pain or discomfort during or after your treatment.

Juvederm Volbella XC

Juvederm Volbella XC is right for you if you are concerned about how lip injections will feel and want subtle volume added to your lips. This option is most often chosen by people looking to correct symmetry issues. However, this is also the right treatment for you if you want subtle overall enhancement, even if your lips are already symmetrical.

Moreover, this incredible dermal filler is FDA-approved to reduce the appearance of vertical lip lines. To discover if Juvederm Volbella XC or Juvederm Ultra XC will help you achieve your aesthetic goals, please call Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL to book an initial consultation.

Juvederm Voluma XC

Juvederm Voluma XC is the right dermal filler for you if you have age-related volume loss to the cheeks that you want to correct. While Sculptra Aesthetic is great for providing dramatic re-contouring, not everyone waits until they are desperate for treatment to enhance their aesthetic. The results of this painless dermal filler are more than adequate and incredibly durable.

Juvederm Vollure XC

Juvederm Vollure XC is designed to treat moderate-to-severe facial lines and wrinkles to smooth your appearance. This allows you to look years younger than your chronological age. The primary difference between this formulation and the original Juvederm formulation is that it lasts three to four times as long.


Restylane is a dermal filler that is incredibly similar to Juvederm Vollure XC in that it is FDA-approved to smooth moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds by adding volume to the area. It is primarily used to correct severe nasolabial folds. However, it may also be used to subtly augment the lips. If this is the right dermal filler for you depends on your aesthetic goals.

Restylane Defyne

Restylane Defyne is similar to the original Restylane formulation in that it can correct deep nasolabial folds (the deep lines that run from your mouth to your nose). However, this formulation may be right for you if you have no interest in adding volume to your lips but want to treat marionette lines (deep laugh lines).

This beloved hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler helps you look younger than you actually are. After treatment, you still have free range of motion in the muscles of your face. This means that you can still make natural expressions and never look “frozen.”

Discover How to Put Your Best Face Forward Today

You don’t have to settle for wrinkled or sagging skin. Dermal fillers may be just what you need to boost your self-esteem. To learn more, contact us today at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL our professional medical team are willing to teach you the importance of  how long does it take for fillers to settle. We can’t wait to meet you and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique aesthetic goals.

How long does it take eye filler to settle?

However, this is usually mostly minor swelling from the injections, and it is completely normal and safe. In reality, fillers take up to four weeks to “settle,” according to Healthline.

Does under eye filler need time to settle?

Fortunately, dermal fillers work very quickly, and you won't have to wait twelve months to see the full benefits of your injections. That said, these injectable treatments take some time to integrate into your tissues, and it's normal for your dermal filler to take up to two weeks to fully settle into your face.

What to expect after under eye fillers?

Common, temporary side effects from an under eye filler procedure include redness and swelling. Less common side effects include pain, bruising, asymmetry, and nodule formation. A rare but serious complication is skin necrosis due to intravascular (blood vessel) injection.

Do Under eye fillers improve over time?

The way the under eye filler is placed The truth is that all hyaluronic fillers stay in the body for longer than a year, sometimes they last for 5 years (I've seen it). Over time the fillers gradually degrade from as our body creates and enzyme called hyaluronidase that cleaves the bonds of the sugar chains in the gel.


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