How long does it take to install a toilet valve?

How long does it take to replace a toilet?

If you only have one bathroom in your house, this is a very pertinent question. You don’t want to end up stuck needing to go during the middle of installing a new toilet with no options.

So before you remove your old toilet, you should know what you’re getting into. We’ve put together this guide to help you learn what to expect when you’re replacing a toilet and how long it will take.

Let’s get started!

How Long Does It Take to Replace a Toilet?

Replacing a toilet is a simple and straightforward job, so you should be able to remove the old toilet and install the new one in about two to three hours. However, if you don’t have a lot of DIY experience, you might want to add an hour or two to that timeframe.

You’ll also need to consider the amount of time you’ll spend at the store shopping for a new toilet. Finding the right toilet for your home (the right size and style) may take several hours (or even several days if you want to research different types).

But if you have the time, you should be able to pick up a replacement toilet from the store, bring it home, and install it all in the same day. Here’s a quick look at what’s involved in a toilet replacement so you know what to expect and are able to budget your time.

Shopping and Buying a Replacement Toilet

You can find a new toilet at any local home improvement or home supply store. Make sure you measure your bathroom before you go to ensure the toilet you buy will fit in your bathroom, match up with the pipe attachments, and feel comfortable as you’re doing the deed.

If you don’t have one already, you may also want to make the switch to a low-flow toilet. Since this type of toilet uses less water when it flushes, it will save you a lot of money.

Turn Off the Water

Once you get home with your new toilet, the first thing you need to do is turn off the water. Don’t forget this step! Otherwise, you may accidentally flood your bathroom during the replacement (which will require many more hours of cleaning).

Remove the Old Toilet

Now you’re ready to remove the old toilet.

Start by emptying the tank of water, and after that, you can unscrew the bolts fastening it to the floor with a wrench. This shouldn’t take you too much time, but emptying the water can be the longest part of the job. Don’t be surprised if you spend an hour on this step.

Replace the Flange (If Needed)

With the toilet gone, you should inspect the flange underneath. If you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or corrosion, you’ll need to replace it. This will add at least an hour or two to the job, and you’ll need to pick one up from the store.

Here are a few signs you need a new flange so you don’t get caught by surprise in the middle of your installation.

Add a New Wax Ring

You should set a new wax ring on the flange before you position your replacement toilet. This means you’ll have to remove the old one, and while this should be fast, it may not come out in one piece. You may have to spend a few minutes cleaning out the old wax, especially if it wasn’t in good condition.

Install the New Toilet

Set your new toilet into place and use your wrench to fasten the bolts into place. You’ll also have to connect the water pipe to the back of your toilet, but this should be a fast process.

Turn the Water Back on and Give It a Go!

Don’t forget to turn the water back on when the new toilet is secure. Flush the toilet a few times to ensure there isn’t any water leaking anywhere, and if everything stays dry, you’re good to go.

How Long Will Your New Toilet Last?

Your new toilet should last up to 50 years as long as you take care of it. Once you finish installing your new toilet, you may not have to worry about replacing it ever again.

Should You DIY Your Toilet Replacement?

If you have the time and the tools, you should be able to DIY your toilet replacement without any setbacks. However, if you don’t have a lot of experience DIYing, you might want to go ahead and hire a professional plumber. They’ll be able to ensure everything is set up properly and that there are no hidden leaks.

You may also want to stick with a professional if you have to install the toilet on the second story of your home. Toilets are heavy, and trying to carry one up the stairs can be difficult and dangerous.

It’s better to spend your money on a skilled local plumber than a hospital bill.

Getting Through the Replacement Process as Fast as Possible

So how long does it take to replace a toilet? If everything goes well, it should only take a few hours, but you don’t want to be caught without a toilet if something goes wrong during the installation. To make sure you get through the replacement as fast as possible, you might want to hire a professional plumber.

Not sure where to find one?

We can help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn more about our services!

How long does it take to replace a toilet fill valve?

Most do-it-yourself homeowners can handle this project in about 60 minutes. All you need is the most basic understanding of how toilets work, a replacement fill valve kit, and the instructions above.

Is it hard to change a toilet fill valve?

However, the good news is that replacing your toilet fill valve is something any homeowner can do. It does not take a lot of experience with plumbing or a lot of time. However, you do need a few parts, a couple of tools, and a little bit of effort.

How long does it take a professional to install a toilet?

It takes approximately 2 to 4 hours for a plumber to install a toilet at a base rate of $65 per hour. If the plumber runs into any unexpected issues after the installation begins, it can raise labor costs by as much as $800.

How long does it take to switch toilet?

Replacing a toilet is a simple and straightforward job, so you should be able to remove the old toilet and install the new one in about two to three hours. However, if you don't have a lot of DIY experience, you might want to add an hour or two to that timeframe.


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