How long is 5 miles in minutes

Online Calculators > Time Calculators > How Many Minutes is 5 Miles?

How Many Minutes is 5 Miles? - 5 minutes is how long it takes to drive 5 miles at a speed of 60 mph.

Convert 5 Minutes to Miles

Miles MPH Minutes
How long does it take to drive 5 Miles?

The following table shows how far is 5 miles in minutes with different speed. You can use this table to calculte how far you can travel by driving, walking, or jogging.

1 300
2 150
3 100
4 75
5 60
6 50
7 43
8 38
9 33
10 30
11 27
12 25
13 23
14 21
15 20
16 19
17 18
18 17
19 16
20 15
21 14
22 14
23 13
24 13
25 12
26 12
27 11
28 11
29 10
30 10
31 10
32 9
33 9
34 9
35 9
36 8
37 8
38 8
39 8
40 8
41 7
42 7
43 7
44 7
45 7
46 7
47 6
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55 5
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How many miles is a 10 minute drive?

Formula is simple, Distance Travelled is = Speed * Time. Time of travel is 10 Minutes which is equal to 10/60 Hours = 1/6 Hour. D = 30 * (1/6) = 5 Miles. That means, with a speed of 30 MPH, if moving object travels for 10 minutes, the moving object moves a distance of 5 Miles.

How many miles is 5 hours of driving?

300 miles per day of mostly highway driving is easily achievable with a single driver and an approximately 5-6 hour travel time.

How long would a 5 mile walk take?

So, how long does it usually take to walk 5 miles? The average time it takes to walk five miles is around 1 hour and 40 minutes. That's based on the British Heart Foundation's estimate that the average person walks roughly 20 minutes per mile on natural terrain.

How many minutes is one miles?

A noncompetitive, relatively in-shape runner usually completes one mile in about 9 to 10 minutes, on average. If you're new to running, you might run one mile in closer to 12 to 15 minutes as you build up endurance. Elite marathon runners average a mile in around 4 to 5 minutes.