How long should a 4 month old sleep

Around 4 months old, a big change occurs in a baby’s sleep patterns. This is due to the maturation of the internal clock (aka circadian rhythm). We’ll provide you with the schedule information you need to help ensure your baby gets the rest they need for their growing mind and body.

Editor’s note

The recommendations listed below represent the average amount of sleep typically needed at this age. However, please note there is a range of normal as some children have lower or higher sleep needs. Your child’s schedule may vary, and that is normal.


  • How much should a 4 month old sleep?

  • Sample 4 month old sleep schedule

  • Naptime schedule for 4 month old

  • Bedtime for a 4 month old

  • 4 month old baby sleep FAQ

How much should a 4 month old sleep?

At this age, most babies need at least 14.5 hours of total sleep in a 24-hour period.  

[Note: for children who were born early, we go by their adjusted age for sleep development.]

Top sleep tip for 4 month old:

If your baby’s still swaddled, please transition away from it for safety reasons. Also, with free hands and their increased motor control at this age, they may now be more able to use their hands or fingers to soothe.

Sleep fact for 4 month old babies:

This age is the perfect time to start shaping a baby's sleep habits in order to lay the foundation needed to ensure they become a great sleeper.

Sample 4 month old sleep schedule

Note: Sleep needs vary by child and this chart should be viewed as an example.

Naptime schedule for 4 month old

How long should a 4 month old nap?

At this age, we can expect to see 3.5 - 4.5 hours of daytime sleep. Try not to feel discouraged if you’re seeing a lot of short naps — it’s common to see naps of 30 - 45 minutes. The first nap or two of the day may start to lengthen around this time. We recommend limiting each individual nap to no more than 2 hours to ensure that day sleep does not interfere with night sleep.

How many naps should a 4 month old take each day?

Most babies this age need 3 - 4 naps per day. Babies who are already taking longer naps can typically stay awake longer, so they tend to do well on a 3-nap schedule.

On the other hand, if a child takes shorter naps, they’ll get sleepier sooner and are likely to need a 4-nap schedule. Since naps can still be irregular at this age, it’s also common to see babies take some 3-nap days and some 4-nap days in the same week. 

3-nap schedule

Morning rise 6:30 AM
1st nap 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM (1.5 hours); 1.75 hours of awake time
2nd nap 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM (1.5 hours); 2 hours of awake time
3rd nap 3:30 PM - 4:00 pm (30 minutes); 2.25 hours of awake time
Get ready for bed 6:00 PM
Asleep 6:30 PM; 2.5 hours of awake time

4-nap schedule

Wake time 6:30 AM
1st nap 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM (1.25 hours); 1.5 hours of awake time
2nd nap 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (1 hour); 1.75 hours of awake time
3rd nap 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM (1 hour); 1.75 hours of awake time
4th nap 4:45 PM - 5:15 PM (30 minutes); 2 hours of awake time
Get ready for bed 6:45 PM
Asleep 7:15 PM; 2 hours of awake time before bedtime)

How much awake time should a 4 month old have between naps?

Most babies this age need between 1.5 and 2.5 hours of wakefulness before they are ready for sleep again.

Bedtime for 4 month old

What’s a good bedtime for a 4 month old?

The appropriate bedtime depends on when your baby wakes up in the morning and how many naps they take. In other words, expect bedtime to still vary at this age. While the start of night sleep should remain somewhat flexible, earlier bedtimes between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM are common. They can also ensure that your 4 month old gets enough sleep and remains well rested. 

Now that your baby is 4 months old, they should be settling into a more regular 24-hour rhythm of sleeping and eating, thanks to a sufficient production of melatonin. While we don’t expect nap lengths or times to be entirely predictable yet, we can focus on a regular wake-up time and a consistent bedtime routine, which will help to further regulate their schedule.

4 Month Old Baby Sleep FAQ

Q: Can a 4 month old baby sleep through the night?


While all babies wake briefly throughout the night, some are capable of falling back to sleep without seeking parental assistance - which leads parents to feel as though their baby has “slept through the night.” However, in our experience, it’s quite common for babies to need help falling back to sleep at this age, especially in the second half of the night. Additionally, some babies continue to wake for feedings at this age.

Q: How often do 4 month old babies sleep?


We suggest aiming for 10 - 11 hours of sleep at night and 3.5 - 4.5 hours of day sleep (split into 3 - 4 naps) to fulfill the recommended 14.5 hours. As babies get older, the amount of wake time will increase. While newborns may fall asleep after just 30 minutes of wakefulness, most babies this age need between 1.5 and 2.5 hours of awake time before they are ready for sleep again.

Q: How much nighttime sleep is expected for a 4 month old?


We recommend aiming for 10 - 12 hours of total night sleep at night.

Q: How much daytime sleep is expected for a 4 month old?


Babies this age should sleep for 3.5 - 4.5 hours during the day.

Q: When should the last nap be for a 4 month old?


This will vary depending on your child’s typical morning rise time. If your baby usually wakes at 7:00 AM and you want them to get at least 10 hours of sleep throughout the night, you’ll want to ensure they are up from their last nap by 6:30 PM. It’s often better to offer an earlier bedtime than to offer an additional nap and a later bedtime.

Q: Can a 4 month old nap too long?


Yes. Too much day sleep can interfere with nighttime sleep. Aim for no more than 4.5 hours of total daytime sleep, with no one nap lasting more than 2 hours.

Q: What’s the 4 month regression?


The “4 month regression” isn’t really a regression at all, but rather a period of a baby’s development that marks a change in the stages and cycles of sleep (similar to an adult). This is a sign of maturation, rather than a temporary stage to get past. You can read more about pediatric sleep patterns and the 4 month regression here.

How long should a 4 month be sleeping at night?

Q: How often do 4 month old babies sleep? A: We suggest aiming for 10 - 11 hours of sleep at night and 3.5 - 4.5 hours of day sleep (split into 3 - 4 naps) to fulfill the recommended 14.5 hours. As babies get older, the amount of wake time will increase.

What time should 4 month olds go to bed?

Bedtimes will vary from day to day and from baby to baby, but you might expect a bedtime for a 4-month-old to be between six pm and eight pm. Be aware of the awake time from the last nap of the day, and don't be afraid to use an earlier bedtime to avoid overtiredness.

How long can a 4 month old sleep for?

At 4 months, they can go eight hours at night without feeding; by 5 months, they can sleep for 10 or 11 hours straight. Both 4-month-olds and 5-month-olds will sleep four to five hours during the day, spread out over three naps.

How many naps is a 4 month old supposed to take?

Between 4 and 6 months, your little one's naptimes may still vary, but they'll most likely be napping somewhere between 2 and 4 hours in total during the day. Your baby might enjoy 3 naps between 4-5 months, and 2 longer naps around 6 months of age.


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