How long should I keep my Brazilian Blowout?

There are quite a number of straightening hair treatments that may have a negative effect on your comfort. For instance, most keratin straightening treatments require users to take a 3-day break away from washing their hair to ensure the success of the treatment. For some people waiting as long as three days to wash their hair could be a nightmare.

Unlike traditional keratin straightening, completing the Brazilian Blowout procedure doesn’t extend beyond the salon. It doesn’t require any waiting time before you can wash your hair. You can return to your normal activities without worrying about messing the treatment up. You can exercise and put your hair in a ponytail or style it the way you want. Your hair will remain smooth, frizz-free, and radiant.

Brazilian Blowout Aftercare

Once the Brazilian blowout process has been completed, you need to follow a few specific rules. This, of course, refers to things you should and should not do to lengthen the lifespan of your treatment. The right aftercare and maintenance are needed to ensure that your hair continues to look good for as long as possible. Since the Brazilian Blowout is an expensive treatment, extending its longevity will help you reduce the bill at the salon since you can stretch out the time between salon visits.

Washing Your Hair after Brazilian Blowout

Brazilian Blowouts generally last longer when there is minimal hair washing involved. Try to wash your hair no more than three times a week. This helps to prolong the effects of the treatment.

Hair professionals warn against using hair shampoos that contain harsh sulfate cleansers in their formula. Another ingredient that should be avoided in hair care products after straightening service is sodium chloride. Salt is often used as a thickening agent in hair shampoos, but it can negatively affect the beauty and longevity of your blowout treatment.

Although most drugstore shampoos are formulated with sulfates to boost the leathering effect, there are also many sulfate-free and salt-free formulas available in beauty stores. Make sure to purchase sulfate- and salt-free shampoo and conditioner, preferably those formulated with natural and organic ingredients.

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Brazilian Blowout Shampoo and Conditioner

With proper aftercare, your hair will stay soft and frizz-free for about 10 to 12 weeks. The Brazilian Blowout procedure requires the use of their associated take-home product line to maintain smooth, frizz-free, and manageable hair for up to 12 weeks. The Brazilian Blowout aftercare line features anti-frizz shampoo, conditioner, smoothing serum, and a deep conditioning masque.

Brazilian Blowout Shampoo and Conditioner contain the same complex of amino acids that can be found in the Brazilian Blowout Professional Solution. This way amino acids are deposited back into the hair with every hair wash, providing longer-lasting smoothing results.

Pure Brazilian Anti-Frizz Shampoo & Conditioner are sulfate and sodium chloride-free formulas that smoothen thick coarse hair and take away frizz, making hair much more manageable. Both products are safe for chemically straightened hair.

Brazilian Blowout and Hair Coloring

It is advisable to color the hair before receiving the Brazilian Blowout treatment. Hair coloring can be done the same day you have received the straightening treatment. The Brazilian blowout will seal in the color and enhance the results of the coloring service. If you plan to color after receiving the Blowout treatment, it would be best to wait at least two weeks. If you apply color earlier, the results will not be consistent. The protective protein layer from Blowout treatment makes hair more color resistant.

When applying color prior to Brazilian Blowout, consider coloring your hair a shade darker than your desired color. This is important as the color will fade a bit during Brazilian Blowout treatment. Choosing a darker shade will give you results closer to the color you want after the Brazilian Blowout treatment is completed.

It is advised that the color should only be applied to the root area after the smoothing treatment for maximum preservation of achieved straightening results.

Protection Before/After Swimming

Before you hit the beach on a hot, sunny day, or take a swim in the chlorinated water, you should know that chlorinated and saltwater could affect your Brazilian Blowout treatment if your hair is not properly protected. Applying the Brazilian Blowout Smoothing Serum on the hair prior to swimming acts as a protective barrier. The serum also provides protection from UVA rays and helps preserve your hair color. After exposure to saltwater or chemicals in the swimming pool, rinse your hair with clean water and then reapply the Brazilian Blowout Acai Daily Smoothing Serum.

Deep Conditioning

Using a deep conditioner twice a month will keep your hair healthy-looking and silky. Apply a deep conditioning masque to freshly washed hair to infuse your strands with essential proteins that seal in the Brazilian Blowout treatment. By doing this, you will keep your hair shiny and smooth for longer.

Brazilian Blowout Acai Deep Conditioning Masqueis designed to replenish your strands with vital moisture and deposit amino acids into your hair. It makes your Brazilian blowout smooth and fresh and keeps the frizz away.

Styling Products

Choosing a hair styling product must be done with a lot of scrutiny. You are required to be very selective during this search. Your hair may get heavy and oily much faster if you over-use styling products.

Each time you wash your hair, allow the strands to dry by air. Avoid blow-drying. If you must blow-dry, make sure to use a heat protectant.

Brazilian Blowout Ionic Bonding Spray is designed to strengthen weakened fibers, seal the cuticle, and prolong the results of your Brazilian Blowout. It cuts blow-drying time, prevents frizz, and protects your hair from heat and environmental damage. This bonding spray also leaves your hair soft, shiny, and easy to brush.

Apply a few sprays to damp, freshly washed hair before blow-drying. Use a small amount, otherwise, your hair may feel greasy.

Brazilian Blowout Thermal Straightening Balm is supposed to be used before blow-drying and flat ironing. It makes your hair look like you have just done the Brazilian blowout. It also will keep your hair smooth and shiny once your Brazilian blowout starts to wash out.

Brazilian Blowout Thermal Straightening Balm can be used as a hair heat protectant regardless of whether you’ve received the Brazilian blowout service or not. It protects the hair against hot tools and makes curly hair easier to straighten with a flat iron. The straightening effect is temporary and lasts until the next wash.

This straightening balm works best for wavy or curly hair that tends to get frizzy in the humidity.

Be careful to apply a small amount, as too much of the product can weigh down the hair and make it look greasy.

Brazilian Blowout Daily Smoothing Serum is designed to smooth, condition, and detangle your hair before blow-drying. It offers heat protection and leaves your hair manageable and flowing with a gorgeous shine. It mends split ends, keeps the curls defined, and tames frizz. Apply to damp hair, concentrating on the ends.

This formula also protects your hair from the sun and the damage associated with chlorine and salt water.

Disclaimer: All content on this blog is created for informational purposes only. It would be best if you didn’t use it as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Gaga is a blogger and founder of the Softer Hair website. She often says that insomnia is to blame for her first blogging attempts. Being the night owl, she hated the morning alarm. She left her office job and returned to what she loved most - writing.

How long should I leave a Brazilian Blowout on?

For at least the first 48 hours your hair must remain down, as the keratin is still malleable. You run the risk of creating dents if you put it up. Also you should wait at least 48 hours before washing. The Brazilian Blowout has no such restrictions, you are free to put your hair up and even wash it immediately after.

How often should I get a Brazilian Blowout?

A Brazilian blowout typically lasts about three months where a keratin treatment typically lasts three to five months. This all depends on how often you shampoo and the natural texture of your hair.

What can ruin a Brazilian Blowout?

potential chemicals in Brazilian blowout products.
methylene glycol..
methylene oxide..
formic aldehyde..

How do you maintain a Brazilian Blowout?

Extend the Life of Your New Brazilian Blowout with these Tips.
Sulfate-Free Shampoos. Don't pop into the drugstore and grab any shampoo off the shelf. ... .
Three Times Weekly. Don't over-shampoo. ... .
Hair Color Results. ... .
Chlorinated Water Woes. ... .
Do Deep-Condition. ... .
Hi, Heat Protectant. ... .
Sleep On Silk..


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