How long should you stretch before a workout

The Truth About Stretching

Find out the best ways to stretch and the best times to do it.

Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 17, 2022

Do any of these lines sound familiar?

  • You have to hold a stretch to get the benefit.
  • Don't bounce in the stretch -- you'll tear your muscle.
  • If you don't stretch before a workout, you'll hurt yourself.

Well, they're all wrong. But first, there's a bigger question to answer.

"It's a nice way to end a workout." -- exercise physiologist Mike Bracko

Do You Need to Stretch at All?

It's a good idea, says the American College of Sports Medicine. The ACSM recommends stretching each of the major muscle groups at least two times a week for 60 seconds per exercise.

Staying flexible as you age is a good idea. It helps you move better.

For example, regular stretching can help keep your hips and hamstrings flexible later in life, says Lynn Millar, PhD. She's a physical therapist and professor at Winston-Salem State University.

If your posture or activities are a problem, make it a habit to stretch those muscles regularly. If you have back pain from sitting at a desk all day, stretches that reverse that posture could help.

Simple Back Stretch

Exercise physiologist Mike Bracko recommends doing the "Standing Cat-Camel" as a work-related back stretch. Here's how:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent slightly.
  • Lean forward, placing your hands just above your knees.
  • Round your back so that your chest is closed and your shoulders are curved forward.
  • Then arch your back so that your chest opens and your shoulders roll back.
  • Repeat several times.

If your job keeps you in the same position all day, Bracko suggests doing 2-minute stretch breaks to reverse that posture at least every hour.

Do You Need to Hold a Stretch to Get the Benefit?

Not necessarily.

Stretching a muscle to the full extent of your ability and holding it for 15 to 30 seconds is what's called a static stretch, and there's no harm in stretching that way as long you don't stretch until it hurts.

But studies suggest a dynamic stretch is just as effective, and sometimes better, especially before your workout.

A dynamic stretch, like the Standing Cat-Camel, moves a muscle group fluidly through an entire range of motion.

Here's a static version of the Cat-Camel:

  • Lace your fingers together and turn your palms to face outward in front of you.
  • Reach your arms as far as you can, curving your back and shoulders forward.
  • Hold for about 10 seconds.
  • Now release your fingers, and grab your wrists or fingers behind your back.
  • Raise your arms as high as you can behind your back without releasing your hands so your chest opens and your shoulders roll back.

With any stretch, static or dynamic, you should feel a stretch, but you shouldn't feel pain. So there is no need to stretch farther than the range of motion you typically need.

Should You Stretch Before Exercise?

Not necessarily. It's not proven to help prevent injury, curb muscle soreness after exercise, or improve your performance.

Static stretching before exercise can weaken performance, such as sprint speed, in studies. The most likely reason is that holding the stretch tires out your muscles.

You should warm up by doing dynamic stretches, which are like your workout but at a lower intensity. A good warm-up before a run could be a brisk walk, walking lunges, leg swings, high steps, or "butt kicks" (slowly jogging forward while kicking toward your rear end).

Start slowly, and gradually ramp up the intensity.

Should You Stretch After Exercise?

This is a great time to stretch.

"Everyone is more flexible after exercise, because you've increased the circulation to those muscles and joints and you've been moving them," Millar says.

If you do static stretches, you'll get the most benefit from them now.

"After you go for a run or weight-train, you walk around a little to cool down. Then you do some stretching. It's a nice way to end a workout," Bracko says.

Can You Stretch Anytime?

Yes. It is not a must that you stretch before or after your regular workout. It is simply important that you stretch sometime.

This can be when you wake up, before bed, or during breaks at work.

"Stretching or flexibility should be a part of a regular program," Millar says.

Working out consistently is hard enough -- and with all of the disagreements about how to structure your routine, it's easier to forget it all together. One part of exercise I've consistently seen disagreements on is stretching. Some people are vehemently opposed to the idea, saying that the practice is bunk and a waste of time. Others swear by it, believing that stretching is vitally important and helps ward off all kinds of injuries.

Stretching is not actually as simple as it sounds. There are several different types of stretching, and each one is beneficial during a distinct point of your workout routine.

Stretching isn't just for your legs -- if you use a computer all day, loosening achy wrists feels great.

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I'm here to dispel the confusion once and for all and explain how exactly stretching should fit into your exercise habits so that you can finally get back to what's really important -- actually working out.

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Why should you stretch at all?

In general, stretching is a great practice to incorporate into your daily routine, even if you don't exercise often. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible and able to perform their entire range of motion. If you aren't flexible enough, your muscles won't extend to their full length, and you face a greater likelihood of muscle strain, joint pain and injury.

But, it turns out "stretching" isn't as simple as it sounds. There's static stretching, dynamic stretching, passive stretching and more, and different types are better suited for separate times of your workout.

Static stretching is probably what you're most used to. It involves striking a pose and standing still for 30 seconds, like the classic touching your toes or holding one arm across your chest to stretch the shoulder. On the other hand, dynamic stretching involves running a muscle through its range of motion 10-20 times, like swinging a leg back and forth or rotating your trunk to warm up the back. The other types of stretching can be beneficial, but aren't as common.

Stretching puts you in a good mood, so it's a fun activity to do with friends.

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Should you stretch before your workout?

No matter what your middle-school gym teacher said, you actually shouldn't perform static stretching before you exercise, especially if your workout involves the lower body. The muscles aren't warmed up yet, and performing static stretching while you're still cold won't do anything in terms of injury prevention. 

A comprehensive review found that static stretching, when done alone before working out, led to decreases in strength, power and explosive performance. So static stretching won't stop injuries from happening, and it'll also lead to bad workouts.

Instead, what you can do for 10 to 15 minutes before working out is an active warmup. (Think jumping jacks, a brisk walk or jogging in place.) This easy activity will get your heart pumping and your muscles warm, and then you'll be ready for strenuous activity. 

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Jumping rope is a great way to quickly warm up for your workout.

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Your active warmup should include dynamic stretching, so you'll technically be performing some stretches, but not in the way you might be used to. Dynamic stretching improves range of motion and decreases injuries by getting your muscles properly prepared for the exercise and helping them achieve full functionality. Many strains happen when the muscle is forced into a movement it's not ready for, so an active warmup with dynamic stretching will mitigate this risk.

For example, leg swings and walking lunges are great dynamic stretches to do before running and other cardio, and arm circles can be useful for before lifting upper-body weights.

Should you stretch after your workout?

Help keep your workout buddy accountable to stretching after you're done.

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If you love the more static stretches like the classic touching your toes, the good news is that you don't have to give them up. Static stretching is beneficial to do after your workout to help you recover and get ready for the next one.

While stretching probably won't make you less sore the next day -- by this point, the microscopic damage that causes sore muscles has already happened -- research suggests that it helps improve blood flow to the limbs you stretch. The blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to the affected muscles, helping aid in recovery and rejuvenation. It's also associated with helping your nervous system calm down, which isn't surprising to anyone who's practiced gentle yoga. This relaxing effect will help slow your heart rate down, and one study showed that over time static stretching decreases heart rate variability (how fast your heartbeat returns to normal after exercise).

Although all this warming up and cooling down may seem like a waste of time, properly easing into and out of your strenuous activity is vitally important for warding off injury and decreasing stress on your heart and other organs. So, if you're really crunched for time you might want to consider shortening the actual workout. Your health and wellbeing will thank you in the long run.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

How soon should you stretch before a workout?

So static stretching won't stop injuries from happening, and it'll also lead to bad workouts. Instead, what you can do for 10 to 15 minutes before working out is an active warmup. (Think jumping jacks, a brisk walk or jogging in place.)

Is it good to stretch before training?

Should You Stretch Before Exercise? Not necessarily. It's not proven to help prevent injury, curb muscle soreness after exercise, or improve your performance. Static stretching before exercise can weaken performance, such as sprint speed, in studies.

How long do I need to stretch before I see results?

Stretching can be time-consuming. But you can achieve the most benefits by stretching regularly, at least two to three times a week. Even 5 to 10 minutes of stretching at a time can be helpful.

Can you stretch too much before a workout?

It Can Lead to Injuries Yet when you stretch too much before a workout with non-warmed up muscles, you're making it more likely that not only will your muscles endure damage during the workout, but also during the stretching, making it more likely—rather than less—that you'll end up getting injured that day.


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