How long to cure a zombie villager

A zombie villager is a variant of the zombie that can be cured into a normal villager using a golden apple while it is under the effect of Weakness.


A plains zombie villager with an enchanted iron sword.

When a group in the normal spawn cycle spawns zombies, there is a 5% chance to instead spawn a group of zombie villagers‌[Bedrock Edition only], or a single zombie villager.‌[Java Edition only]

If any type of zombie kills a villager, there is a chance for the villager to transform into a zombie villager.

Difficulty Chance
Easy 0%
Normal 50%
Hard 100%

In Java Edition a zombified zombie villager does not despawn if the player has traded with it at least once prior to its death, but unlike all other persistent mobs it still counts toward the hostile mob cap. If the zombie villager picks up any item however, it remains persistent but is excluded from the mob cap. In Bedrock Edition all zombified villagers are persistent.

A cleric zombie villager appears alongside a cleric villager in every igloo basement (a normal zombie villager in Bedrock Edition and a cleric zombie villager in Java Edition). One of them transforms into a leatherworker, due to the workstation (a cauldron). They also generate as part of abandoned villages. Zombie villagers generated in both of these structures do not despawn naturally.


Baby zombies[]

All mobs that can be ridden by baby zombie villagers in Bedrock Edition.

Baby zombie villagers make up 5% of zombie villager spawns. They have big heads, unlike normal baby villagers. They behave similarly to regular zombie villagers, with the following differences:

  • They are 30% faster than normal zombies, yet they have the same health as normal zombies. This makes baby zombie villagers more dangerous than their bigger counterparts.
  • The noises they make are higher-pitched than adult zombie villager sound effects.
  • They can sometimes ride chickens. They can also ride‌[Bedrock Edition only]:
    • Cows
    • Ocelots
    • Wolves
    • Mooshroom
    • Adult chickens
    • Pigs
    • Sheep
    • Horses
    • Donkeys
    • Mules
    • Zombie horses (unused jockey variant)
    • Skeleton horses
    • Adult zombies
    • Adult zombie villagers
    • Pandas
    • Adult husks
    • Adult zombified piglins
    • Stray cats
    • Spiders
    • Cave spiders
      • It moves at the baby zombie villager's speed, instead of the mob's speed.
      • If riding a neutral mob, it becomes hostile, but does not anger any mobs nearby that are the same mob as they are.
      • If a baby zombie is riding a mob that is also rideable by a player, that mob becomes non-rideable by a player.
      • A baby zombie has a 15% chance to become a jockey when try attacking villagers, players or golems.
  • Baby zombie villagers turn into baby villagers, if cured. In Java Edition, their heads turn back to small baby villager heads.
  • Worn armor shrinks to fit their body size.
  • They are able to fit through 1×1 block gaps.
  • They drop 12 experience when killed by the player instead of 5.
  • Unlike most other baby mobs in the game, they stay as babies indefinitely and never grow into "adult" zombie villagers.
  • They have a decreased hitbox size.

Baby zombie villagers are spawned when a zombie kills a baby villager, the chance of infection being the same as adult zombie villagers. Baby zombie villagers also spawn naturally, but the combined chance (5% villagers × 5% babies) is low at 0.25% (or 1 in 400 chance) of all newly spawned zombies.

Armed zombie villagers[]

Along with skeletons and regular zombies, some zombie villagers are capable of picking up dropped items. These zombie villagers automatically pick up and hold any item that they come across (except jack o'lanterns‌[Java Edition only], mob heads and pumpkins, as these are worn on their heads), and use any armor, weapons, or tools picked up. If they encounter another similar item, they pick it up and drop their previous item:

  • if the new item is armor or a sword and the old item was not (for example, zombie villagers prefer swords to pickaxes and helmets to pumpkins),
  • if both items are armor/swords and the new item is better damage-wise (reduces more damage for armor, or inflicts more damage for swords),
  • if both items are armor/swords with the same damage reduction/infliction, the new item has NBT tags while the old does not or the new item is more damaged than the old item, or
  • if both items are bows and the new item has NBT tags while the old does not.

Items dropped by mobs in exchange for another cannot be picked up by players or mobs for 10 game ticks (0.5 seconds, barring lag), but can be picked up by hoppers.

Armor worn by zombie villagers is not damaged from most damage sources, which means it cannot "wear out" the way player armor does. Helmets (not blocks like pumpkins) on zombie villagers can wear away and break if the zombie villager is exposed to daylight, or has an anvil or other falling block dropped on its head. Zombie villagers also have a natural armor rating of 2 (

), which gives 1.6 - 8% damage reduction from most sources.

Some zombie villagers that are capable of picking up items spawn already in possession of such items, and those items may also be enchanted. The chances of that event are listed below. If a zombie villager spawns wearing multiple pieces of armor, the armor is never mismatched (i.e. all pieces are made of the same material).

Chances of zombie villagers wearing or picking up armor, per difficultyEasy Normal Hard
Can Pick Up Loot 0% 0%-55%[note 1] 6.875%-55%[note 1]
Armor 0% 0%-15%[note 1] 1.875%-15%[note 1]
Armor Enchantment[note 2] 0% 0-50%[note 1] 6.25%-50%[note 1]
Weapon[note 3] 1% 1% 5%
Weapon Enchantment[note 2] 0% 0%-25%[note 1] 3.125%-25%[note 1]

  1. ↑ a b c d e f g h i Value is based on the regional difficulty.
  2. ↑ a b Enchantment is the same as on an enchantment table at level 5–22.[note 1]
  3. 1⁄3 chance of an iron sword, 2⁄3 chance of an iron shovel

If a zombie does spawn with armor, the chances of specific armor are as follows:

Chances of different armor pieces, per difficulty Armor Easy & Normal Hard
Helmet 100% 100%
Helmet & Chestplate 75% 90%
Helmet & Chestplate & Leggings 56.25% 81%
Full set 42.19% 72.9%

The chances of it being of a particular material are:

Chances of different armor types Armor Type Chance
Leather 37.06%
Gold 48.73%
Chain 12.90%
Iron 1.27%
Diamond 0.04%

Any zombie villager that spawns with equipment (picked-up items don't count) drop 1–3 extra experience per item.

Villager variants[]

In Java Edition, a zombie villager retains its biome and profession after conversion from a villager. They also retain their trades. Below is a table of the variant and what workstation it required before zombification. The zombie villager cannot work at a job site block. In Bedrock Edition, zombie villagers do not display their professions, but they still have the same profession after curing as before zombification. They use the texture of an unemployed villager from their corresponding biome.

Below is a table listing the various professions, along with the specific job site block that each profession requires:

Job Site Block Biome Desert Jungle Plains Savanna Snowy Swamp Taiga
Unemployed[note 1] N/A
Armorer Blast furnace
Butcher Smoker
Cartographer Cartography table
Cleric Brewing stand
Farmer Composter
Fisherman Barrel
Fletcher Fletching table
Leatherworker Cauldron
Librarian Lectern
Mason Stonecutter
Nitwit N/A
Shepherd Loom
Toolsmith Smithing table
Weaponsmith Grindstone

  1. In Bedrock Edition, all naturally spawned zombie villagers use the unemployed textures.


When they die, zombie villagers drop 0–2 rotten flesh. The maximum drop is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III.

They can also drop an iron ingot, carrot, or potato when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This drop has a 2.5% chance of occurring, increasing by 1% per level of looting. Individual items have the following chances of dropping:

  • 1⁄120 (about 0.83%)
  • 7⁄600 (about 1.17%) with Looting I
  • 9⁄600 (1.50%) with Looting II
  • 11⁄600 (about 1.83%) with Looting III

Any picked-up equipment has a 100% chance of dropping on death or when cured and drops with the same damage level it had when picked up.

Naturally-spawned equipment[]

  • Carved Pumpkin [note 1]
  • Jack o'Lantern‌[Java Edition only][note 1]
  • Iron Shovel
  • Iron Sword
  • Random Armor
  • Zombie villagers have an 8.5% chance of dropping their naturally-spawned equipment (other than Halloween pumpkins), and drop it with a random durability. Each level of Looting increases the chance 1 percentage point (11.5% with Looting III).

  1. ↑ a b Zombie villagers spawn with pumpkins and jack o'lanterns‌[Java Edition only] only during Halloween.


Adult zombie villagers drop 5 and an additional 1–3 per naturally-spawned equipment. Baby zombie villagers drop 12 experience.


Zombie villagers behave as ordinary zombies, except that they do not convert to drowned when submerged.

In Java Edition, zombie villagers that were converted from villagers retain their professions and clothes, which gain a tattered appearance. Naturally spawned zombie villagers (or ones spawned with spawn eggs) have a random profession that is not retained upon being cured; instead, they become unemployed and may gain a new profession if a job site block is nearby. Zombie villagers can also spawn with the unemployed or Nitwit outfits. Zombified nitwits remain nitwits after being cured.

In Bedrock Edition, all zombie villagers have the same appearance, which looks like an unemployed zombie villager. Naturally spawned zombie villagers (or ones spawned with spawn eggs) have a random profession that is retained upon being cured. However, the profession is not locked and the cured villager may gain a new profession if in a village with an available job site block. Zombie villagers can be unemployed, but they cannot be nitwits (zombified nitwit villagers become unemployed zombie villagers). Baby zombie villagers are always unemployed.


Zombie villagers can be cured (converted to normal villagers) by first giving them the Weakness effect, which can be applied by:

  • A splash potion of Weakness thrown by the player, a dispenser, or a witch.
  • An area effect cloud of Weakness from a lingering potion.
  • An area effect cloud of Weakness from a creeper explosion.‌[Java Edition only]
  • A tipped arrow that was dipped into a Weakness potion.

The weakened zombie villager must then be healed by using a (non-enchanted) golden apple on them. The zombie villager begins to shudder, and its eyes turn red‌[Bedrock Edition only][verify] to signal that curing is in progress. Also, the Weakness effect is removed, replaced by Strength for the duration of the curing process. An internal countdown timer is then started, counting down the total time to cure.

Time to cure is initially 2000 ticks (nominally, 100 seconds or 1m 40s) in Bedrock Edition or a random integer between 3600 and 6000 ticks (180 to 300 seconds, 3—5 minutes) in Java Edition. On each tick, there is a 1% chance for the game to look for cure accelerants. It checks each block within a 9×9×9 cube centered on the villager for either an iron bar or a bed (either half: they're detected separately). For each one found up to 14, there is a 30% chance of decreasing the countdown timer by 1 more tick. Therefore, having at least 14 half-beds and/or iron bars within range speeds up conversion by an average of 4.2%.[1]

During the curing process the zombie villager behaves like a normal zombie except that it gains Strength (with a potency that doesn't depend on the difficulty level). Thus, a zombie villager is more dangerous during curing than at other times.

At the end of the curing process, the zombie villager transforms into a villager and gains the Nausea effect for 10 seconds (which has no effect on the villager's behavior). If it was holding any item it picked up, that item is dropped (unless it was enchanted with Curse of Binding, in which case it remains in the villager's inventory but is not worn and will not be dropped if the villager is killed). If it was a baby before it was transformed into a zombie villager, it remains a baby after the cure. If it had traded with a player at least once, it recovers its former profession and inventory of trades. Otherwise, it recovers its profession but might immediately change it if it finds and claims a workstation block for a different profession.

A newly-cured villager, if it had a profession prior to being zombified, offers a trading discount to the player who administered the cure. These discounts are permanent. If a villager is cured more than once, the discounts get deeper until the price reaches the minimum of one emerald. Villagers near the cured villager are also affected but offer fewer, smaller discounts.

Zombie villagers that are in the process of converting do not despawn if the player moves far away from them, but like all monsters, they despawn if the difficulty is changed to Peaceful.

Specific to Java Edition[]

  • If a zombie villager spawned as a nitwit or was a nitwit before it was transformed into a zombie villager, it remains a nitwit if cured.
  • Curing a villager spreads minor_positive gossip through the villager gossip system.

Specific to Bedrock Edition[]

  • A former nitwit zombie villager becomes an unemployed villager and can learn a profession after the cure.
  • Villagers who were unemployed before transforming into a zombie villager might immediately claim a workstation to gain a profession.
  • Villagers in a range of 16 blocks in a cube surrounding the cured villager also offer a small discount proportional to the number of cured villagers (up to 10).
  • Saving and reloading the world causes the curing process to finish as soon as the chunk containing the villager is ticked. This does not happen if the player moves out of range, then returns: In that case, the countdown timer pauses until the player returns.


Java Edition:
Zombie villagers use the Hostile Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
// Zombie Villager groans Hostile Creatures Randomly entity.zombie_villager.ambient subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.ambient ? ? 16
// Door shakes Hostile Creatures While a zombie villager is breaking a wooden door entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door subtitles.entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door ? ? 16
// Block broken None Unused sound event[sound 1] entity.zombie.attack_iron_door subtitles.block.generic.break None None None
// Door breaks Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager breaks a wooden door entity.zombie.break_wooden_door subtitles.entity.zombie.break_wooden_door ? ? 16
// Zombie villager snuffles Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager begins curing entity.zombie_villager.cure subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.cure ? ? 16
// Zombie Villager vociferates Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager finishes curing entity.zombie_villager.converted subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.converted ? ? 16
// Zombie villager dies Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager dies entity.zombie_villager.death subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.death ? ? 16
// Zombie villager hurts Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager is damaged entity.zombie_villager.hurt subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.hurt ? ? 16
// Turtle Egg stomped Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager is jumping on turtle eggs entity.zombie.destroy_egg subtitles.entity.zombie.destroy_egg ? ? 16
// Footsteps Hostile Creatures While a zombie villager is walking entity.zombie_villager.step subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.step ? ? 16

  1. "[MC-218122] Unused sound event: minecraft:entity.zombie.attack_iron_door - Jira" – Mojira, March 8, 2021.

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
// Hostile Creatures Randomly mob.zombie_villager.say 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Hostile Creatures While a zombie villager is breaking a wooden door mob.zombie.wood 1.0 1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager breaks a wooden door mob.zombie.woodbreak 1.0 1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager begins curing mob.zombie.remedy 1.0-2.0 0.3-1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager finishes curing mob.zombie.unfect 1.0-2.0 0.3-1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager dies mob.zombie_villager.death 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie villager is damaged mob.zombie_villager.hurt 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Hostile Creatures While a zombie villager is walking mob.zombie.step 0.45 1.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Zombie Villager zombie_villager entity.minecraft.zombie_villager

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Zombie Villager (old) zombie_villager 44
Zombie Villager (new) zombie_villager_v2 116

Entity data[]

Zombie villagers have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  ConversionTime: -1 when not being converted back to a villager, positive for the number of ticks until conversion back into a villager. The regeneration effect parallels this.
    •  ConversionPlayer: The UUID of the player who started curing the zombie, stored as four ints.

Zombie villager type

Zombie villager profession


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)PS4Other
Monster Hunter Attack and kill a monster. Kill a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: an enderman, a piglin, a zombified piglin, a spider, or a cave spider. 15G Bronze
Zombie Doctor Cure a zombie villager. Throw a splash potion of weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand) 40G Gold


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Zombie Doctor
Weaken and then cure a Zombie Villager We Need to Go Deeper Throw a splash potion of Weakness at a zombie villager, feed it a golden apple, and wait for it to be cured.
In multiplayer, only the player that feeds the golden apple gets the advancement.
Adventure, exploration, and combat Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity. adventure/root
Monster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 34 mobs:

  • Blaze
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Brute
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin

Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.
Monsters Hunted
Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 34 mobs:

  • Blaze
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Brute
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin

Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.


Note: Zombie villagers have new textures and sounds as of Village and Pillage.


Java Edition1.4.212w32a12w34a12w34b12w37a1.513w03a1.6.113w17a13w21a13w23b1.6.2pre1.7.213w36a1.7.413w49a1.814w11a14w30a1.8.1pre11.915w32a15w33c15w34a15w35a15w36a15w43a1.1016w20apre11.1116w32a16w32b16w39a1.1217w14a1.1318w07a18w10d1.1418w50a1.1519w37a19w41a1.1620w06a1.1721w11a21w13a1.17.1Pre-release 11.1821w41a1.1922w17aPocket Edition Alphav0.12.1build 1v0.14.0build 1v0.15.0build 1Pocket Edition1.1.0alpha Edition?1.4.0beta Console EditionTU14CU1 1.04 Patch 11.0.1TU15 1.05 TU19CU7 1.12 TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3TU43CU33 1.36 Patch 13TU54CU45 1.56 Patch 241.0.4TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 301.0.11TU69 1.76 Patch 38 1.91 New Nintendo 3DS Edition0.1.0
Added zombie villagers.
Added baby zombie villagers.
5% of zombies spawned are zombie villagers, and villagers now become infected when killed by a zombie. Infecting a baby villager creates a baby zombie villager, which is faster than a normal zombie and does not age.
Zombie villagers under the effects of a potion of weakness can be cured by using a golden apple on them.
Zombie villagers now have two new rare drops – carrots and potatoes.
Zombie villagers can now pick up and equip dropped items.[2][3]
If killed, zombie villagers now drop the item they are holding.
Zombie villagers can now survive in sunlight, if they are wearing a helmet or a pumpkin.[4]
On Halloween, zombie villagers can now spawn wearing pumpkins or jack o'lanterns.
Zombie villagers are now able to set the player on fire, if they are on fire and they attack the player.
Zombie villagers can now call other zombies from the nearby area (radius dependent on difficulty) to attack the player, making packs of zombies approach shortly after damaging the zombie villager.
Zombie villagers now cause more damage when their health is lower.
When damaged, zombie villagers now have a low chance to spawn more zombies.
Zombie villager damage increasing with decreasing health has been removed.
Zombie villager AI and mechanics have been changed – this has now made them much more horde-like.
Zombie villagers are now able to detect the player up to 40 blocks.
Baby zombie villagers now spawn among regular ones.
Baby zombie villagers now have the same percentage of spawning as zombie villagers.
Baby zombie villagers now drop loot and experience.
Added zombie villager chicken jockeys – a rare version of the baby zombie villager.
Zombie villagers now run away from creepers that are about to explode.
Zombie villagers now drop a zombie head when killed by a charged creeper.
Zombie villagers no longer run away from creepers that are about to explode.
The detection range of zombie villagers is now halved when the player is wearing a zombie mob head.
The zombie villager's detection range for players wearing the zombie head has been adjusted, now 37.5% of the normal range.
Zombie villagers now have an attack animation similar to the one they had in Survival Test, even without weapons.
Zombie villagers now retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance. Before this version, the zombie villager's body texture shared the same texture as the regular zombie's body and Steve.
Baby zombie villagers now retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance.
A new VillagerProfession tag that determines what profession the zombie villager is, as well its profession when cured, has been added.
The zombie villager's detection range for players wearing the zombie head is now again 50% of the normal range.
A zombie villager priest can now be found caged in an igloo basement.
"Generic" green-robed zombie villager has been removed, due to the new ZombieType tag not allowing invalid villager professions.
Zombie villagers now spawn in abandoned villages.
The chance of a zombie villager setting the target on fire when burning, and the duration of the effect, now depends on raw regional difficulty.
Zombie villagers that spawn as part of abandoned villages no longer despawn.
Added a zombie villager spawn egg.
The entity ID Zombie has been changed to zombie, zombie_villager and husk for those respective mobs.
The ZombieType, IsVillager tag has been removed and the Profession tag to the zombie_villager has been added, and the ConversionTime has been made to apply to zombie_villager only.
Setting the Profession tag to 5 now makes green-robed villagers.
The zombie villager's in-game name has been changed to "Zombie Villager" instead of "Zombie".
Zombie villagers no longer drop zombie heads when killed by a charged creeper.
Zombie villagers no longer spawn from zombie spawners.[5]
Generic zombie villagers have been re-added, along with their normal villager counterpart.
Zombie villagers now have their own sounds.
Added ConversionPlayerLeast and ConversionPlayerMost tags to the zombie villager, for the purpose of the minecraft:cured_zombie_villager trigger for advancements.
Zombie villagers now intentionally stomp on turtle eggs and attack turtles.
Baby zombie villagers now burn in the sun.
Zombie villagers now have new skins, corresponding to biome and profession.

Added desert zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in badlands biomes.
Added jungle zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, jungles do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has a jungle village.
Added plains zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added savanna zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added snowy zombie villagers, which all have unique textures in snowy biomes. These zombie villagers spawn in any snowy biome, including frozen rivers, frozen oceans (and their variants) and snowy beaches.
Added swamp zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in swamp.
Added taiga zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for the biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in giant tree taiga and mountains biomes.
Added baby zombie villagers to desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snowy, swamp and taiga biomes. However, jungles and swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in those biomes.

Cured zombie villagers now retain their trades.
Mobs that spawn wearing carved pumpkins or jack o'lanterns on Halloween no longer drop them.
Zombie villagers that were converted from villagers are supposed to no longer despawn. However, they still do.[6]
Zombie villagers that were converted from villagers no longer despawn.[6]
The overlay texture of the zombie librarian now have been changed.
Legacy zombie villager texture[7] have been removed.
Zombie villagers drop baked potatoes instead of normal potatoes if on fire when killed or killed by a fire source.
Zombie villagers no longer pick up glow ink sacs.
The profession textures of Zombie Armorer and Zombie Weaponsmith have been changed.

The sole textures of the Jungle, Plains, Savannna, and Snowy and arms of Weaponsmith have been changed.
Added zombie villagers.
Added baby zombie villagers.
Zombie villagers retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance.
Baby zombie villagers now have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, adult zombie villager, adult zombie pigmen, cows, pigs, sheep, cave spiders, or spiders.
Baby zombie villagers can now mount adult husks and horse variants.
Zombie villagers now have their own sounds.
Baby zombie villagers can no longer mount adult zombie pigmen.
Baby zombie villagers now burn in daylight.
Zombie villagers now sink underwater.
Zombie villagers now attack baby turtles and stomp on turtle eggs.
Baby zombie villagers can now mount pandas and stray cats.
Zombie villagers are now split into 2 different mobs, new zombie villagers now have new skins, coresponding to biome and profession.

Added desert zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. These zombie villagers also spawn badlands biomes.
Added jungle zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, jungles do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a jungle village.
Added plains zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added savanna zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added snowy zombie villagers, which all have unique textures in snowy biomes. These zombie villagers spawn in any snowy biome, including frozen rivers, frozen oceans (and their variants) and snowy beaches.
Added swamp zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in swamp.
Added taiga zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for the biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in giant tree taiga and mountains biomes.
Added baby zombie villagers to desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snowy, swamp and taiga biomes. However, jungles and swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in those biomes.

Added nitwit, mason, and unemployed zombie villager professions.
Zombie villagers now attack wandering traders.
Cured zombie villagers can now retain their trades.
The new zombie villagers now have sounds.
The old zombie villagers no longer spawn naturally. However, they still exist.
Zombie villagers now have ability to pick up items.
Zombie villagers no longer pick up glow ink sacs.
Added zombie villagers.
Added baby zombie villagers.
Baby zombie villagers can be obtained only by having a zombie kill a baby villager, as a zombie spawn egg does not spawn them, due to baby zombies not being in game.
The rare loot of zombie villagers' drops have been changed to be carrots, potatoes or iron ingots.
Zombie villagers can now pick up items and occasionally spawn with armor and/or weapons.
Baby zombie villagers can now be spawned with a zombie spawn egg.
Baby zombie villagers now drop experience.
Zombie villagers now drop a zombie head when killed by a charged creeper.
Zombie villagers now retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance. Before this version, the zombie villager's body texture shared the same texture as the regular zombie's body.
Zombie Villagers no longer spawn from zombie spawn eggs or spawners, since they now have their own spawn egg.
Baby zombie villagers now have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, cows, pigs, sheep, spiders or cave spiders.
Zombie villagers now have their own sounds.
Zombie villagers now have new skins, corresponding to biome and profession.

Added desert zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. These zombie villagers also spawn badlands biomes.
Added jungle zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, jungles do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has a jungle village.
Added plains zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added savanna zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Added snowy zombie villagers, which all have unique textures in snowy biomes. These zombie villagers spawn in any snowy biome, including frozen rivers, frozen oceans (and their variants) and snowy beaches.
Added swamp zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in swamp.
Added taiga zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for the biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in giant tree taiga and mountains biomes.

Added baby zombie villagers to desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snowy, swamp and taiga biomes. However, jungles and swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers spawn only after the player has created a village in those biomes.
Added zombie villagers.
Added baby zombie villagers.


Issues relating to "Zombie Villager" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.



  • The original zombie villager texture.

  • The zombie villager textures added in 15w35a.

  • The Zombie Villagers from 18w50a.

  • A glitch that occurs when baby villager zombie 'wears' a wither skeleton skull.

  • A zombie villager in a full set of golden armor.

  • A comparison of zombie villagers wearing golden armor between Java and Bedrock.

  • A baby zombie villager wearing full diamond armor.

  • The base skin for all zombie villagers. This is never seen in-game.

  • A zombie villager can be seen outside wearing an enchanted diamond helmet.

  • A zombie village during the day. Multiple zombie villagers can be seen burning.

  • The original texture for the Baby Zombie Villager

  • A naturally Spawning Full gold Farmer Zombie Villager

  • Zombie villager wearing a pumpkin on Halloween.

  • A zombie villager encountered in the wild.


In other media[]

  • Lego Minecraft New Zombie Villager.


  • Zombie villagers never spawn with equipment in Bedrock Edition due to having rendering issues with armor on them.
  • Zombie villagers have a glitched design when using the programmer art Resource Pack. ‌[Java Edition only][8]
  • In Bedrock Edition, when a zombie villager holds a trident, the hand that holds the trident lowers.
  • The achievement ‌[Bedrock Edition only] Zombie Doctor uses the old zombie villager texture.


  1. //
  2. //
  3. //
  4. //
  5. MC-106146 – resolved as "Works As Intended"
  6. ↑ a b MC-159300
  7. /assets/minecraft/textures/entity/zombie/zombie_villager.png
  8. MC-140954

How many times do you need to cure a zombie villager?

You can cure a villager up to five times and get a discount on vanilla.

How do you know when a zombie villager is cured?

Feed the villager a golden apple - you can do this by approaching the zombie villager and pressing the 'use' button. The grey swirls will turn red, and the zombie villager will start shaking. Wait a few moments, and the zombie villager will turn into a regular villager.

Is it worth curing a zombie villager?

Hence, if players cure them and protect them from any dangers, they will remember it and thank them by lowering trade prices whenever they get a job. This is why whenever players find zombie villagers, they must be preserved and cured to get cheaper items from them.

Can zombie villagers be cured if they are holding something?

A zombie villager is a variant of the zombie that can be cured into a normal villager using a golden apple while it is under the effect of Weakness.


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