How many cups in 180 grams

180 Grams of Packed Dark Brown Sugar =12.05Tablespoons36.15Teaspoons0.75U.S. Cups0.63Imperial Cups0.71Metric Cups178.18Milliliters

  • All results are approximate
  • Ingredient weights vary
  • Flour is measured using the dip and sweep method
  • Most of our data comes from here

180 Grams of Vegetable Shortening =15.08Tablespoons45.24Teaspoons0.94U.S. Cups0.78Imperial Cups0.89Metric Cups222.96Milliliters

  • All results are approximate
  • Ingredient weights vary
  • Flour is measured using the dip and sweep method
  • Most of our data comes from here

180 g to cup conversion result above is displayed in three different forms: as a decimal (which could be rounded), in scientific notation (scientific form, standard index form or standard form in the United Kingdom) and as a fraction (exact result). Every display form has its own advantages and in different situations particular form is more convenient than another. For example usage of scientific notation when working with big numbers is recommended due to easier reading and comprehension. Usage of fractions is recommended when more precision is needed.

If we want to calculate how many Cups of butter are 180 Grams of Butter we have to multiply 180 by 200000 and divide the product by 45359237. So for 180 we have: (180 × 200000) ÷ 45359237 = 36000000 ÷ 45359237 = 0.79366414386556 Cups of butter

So finally 180 g = 0.79366414386556 cup

The number of cups corresponding to 180 grams of flour depends on the density of the flour. For example, if the density of all-purpose flour is 125 grams per U.S. cup, then 180 grams represents 1.44 U.S. cups.

The density of plain flour is also 125 grams per U.S. cup, and thus 1.44 cups of plain flour likewise represents 180 grams. Cake flour, on the other hand, has a density of 100 grams per cup; therefore, 180 grams of cake flour is equivalent to 1.80 U.S. cups. Bread flour has a density of 127 grams per cup, thus 180 grams of bread flour is equivalent to approximately 1.42 cups.

Converting grams to cups is a tricky thing to do when it comes to flour. It is simply not precise at all. If you check a measurement chart, it will tell you a cup of sifted all-purpose flour is equal to 120 grams. However, if you scoop the flour with a measuring cup, you might end up with 180 grams flour or more in one cup. Even sifting flour into a measuring cup will yield different weights, depending on the type of flour you’re using (I never got 120 grams by the way). Plus, it takes extra time to sift the flour, and leaves a mess on the kitchen counter.

For cooking Chinese dumplings and buns, precise measurement of flour is not a requirement if you’re familiar with the cooking process. You can always add a bit more or less water by judging the texture of the dough. However, an accurate measurement will prevent you from cooking failure. Especially if you’re a beginner at Chinese cooking.

How to measure flour with a cup

The perfect solution to this problem is getting an electric scale. I highly recommend you buy one, because it will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

If you don’t have an electric scale, you can follow the process below:

1 cup

left: 1 teaspoon right: 1 tablespoon

  • Scoop flour with a smaller spoon.
  • Shake the flour into the measuring cup.
  • Level the flour with the back of the knife (or a chopstick).
  • For measuring teaspoons and tablespoons, scoop flour directly and use a knife to level the flour

The following conversions are calculated based on this method.

Convert grams to cups

*Please note, the measurements below are based on scooping the flour into the measuring cup instead of sifting the flour. It is intended to help you speeding up the measuring process.

What is 180 grams to cups ? depends on two things, the substance’s density as well as the capacity of the cup. 180g in cups of the same size is not the same for sugar and flour for example, because they have a different density ρ known as rho, which also varies with temperature and pressure conditions. If you have been looking for 180g to cup or if you have been asking yourself how much is 180g in cups you are right here, too, of course. 🙂



Density (ρ):

Density Unit

oz/gal (imperial)
oz/gal (US)
lb/gal (imperial)
oz/gal (US)

Cup Unit

US legal cups
Metric cups
US customary cups
Canadian cups
Imperial cups


Simply the Best Grams ⇄ Cups Converter! Please ReTweet. Click To Tweet
Read on below to learn all about 180 grams in cups.

How many Cups is 180 Grams

To understand how many cups is 180 grams we must first determine the capacity of the cup: 240 milliliters is the US legal cup which is used in nutrition labeling, 250 ml the metric cup and the US customary cup equals ≈ 236.58 ml. The Canadian cup is ≈ 227.3 ml, and the Imperial cup equals approximately 284.13 milliliters. Check your recipe or cooking book for a hint about the cup calibration.
Next in 180 grams equals how many cups we need to figure out the density to apply the formula V = m / ρ, V being the volume and m the mass. If you are looking for the conversion 180 grams to cups, but don’t know the density of your material or substance you will likely find the information by means of a search engine. Just make sure to get the unit right.

Convert 180 Grams to Cups

To convert 180 grams to cups we use the following equation: cups = m / (ρ * cup size), ρ in g/ml or g/cm3. For example, for water with ρ = 1 and United States “legal” cups we get Cups = 180 g / ( 1g / ml * 240 ml) ≈ 0.42.

For water, 180 g to cup makes 0.42 cups with a capacity of 240 ml. Butter and milk would have a different value though, as ρ ≠ 1. Below you can find 180g into cups for frequently used ingredients:

  • 180g sugar in cups
  • 180g flour in cups
  • 180g butter in cups
  • 180g milk in cups

To change 180 gram to cup for any other material we suggest you use our converter above and enter the density. Then, decide on the cup unit.

To change 180 g to cups using the first calculator enter 180 in the Grams field. Then, insert the density, followed by its unit; the converter defaults to 1.000 g/cm3 for water.

To convert 180 grams to cup you must then choose the cup size. You then automatically obtain 180 grams converted to cups of your choosing.

If you don’t know the density then enter 180 in the first field of our converter and select the ingredient from density table located in the menu, followed by the cup capacity. This will tell you how many cups is 180g for the substance chosen, approximately.

Besides 180 grams to cups, similar grams to cup conversions on this website include:

  • 9614 Grams to Cups – 9614g in Cups
  • 43.9 Grams to Cups – 43.9g in Cups
  • 326.6 Grams to Cups – 326.6g in Cups

180g to Cups

By reading how much is 180 grams in cups so far and with the use of our calculators you know on what factors 180g to cups depends and how to change the mass to volume from g to cups.

If an ingredient is important and missing, then send us a message or leave a comment and we will include it in the tool, not just for the 180g in cups conversion.

Note that you can also use the search form in the sidebar to find the many 180 gram cup conversions we have already done for common cooking products.

Further information related to how many cups in 180 grams, about grams and cups, density as well as pressure and temperature assumptions can be found on the home page.

How many cups is 180g?

pounds and ounces) measurements. If you would like to use the American "cups" method of measurement, the table below can be used as a conversion guideline for non- liquid ingredients. Officially, a US Cup is 240ml (or 8.45 imperial fluid ounces.) ... Cups to Grams Conversion Table..

How many cups is 180 grams flour?

However, if you scoop the flour with a measuring cup, you might end up with 180 grams flour or more in one cup.

How many grams are in an A cup?

If using a standard U.S. measuring cup, there are 240 grams in a cup. Whether you are measuring water, tea, coffee, or other (mostly clear) liquids – this measurement will stay the same. There will always be 240 grams of liquid in a cup.

How many cup is 180 grams of water?

Volume of 180 Grams of Water.


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