How many cups is 9 ounces

Learn the answer to this conversion or try our easy to use calculator below to convert any value of oz to cups with the most accurate results.

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1 9 Ounces to Cups Conversion

1.1 What is 9 Ounces to Cups? (oz to cups)

1.2 9 Ounces = 1.125 Cups

1.3 Ounces to Cups Conversion Calculator

1.4 Common Fluid Ounce (oz) to Cups Conversions

1.5 Kitchen Conversion Aid

1.6 Ounce (oz) to Cups Conversion Equations

1.7 Similar 9 oz to cups Conversions

1.8 Convert 9 oz to Other Volume Units

1.9 What is a ounce (oz)?

1.10 What are cups (cups)?

What is 9 Ounces to Cups? (oz to cups)

9 Ounces = 1.125 Cups

Ounces to Cups Conversion Calculator

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Common Fluid Ounce (oz) to Cups Conversions

ouncescupsouncescupsouncescups1 oz1/8 or .0125 cups15 oz1.875 cups90 oz11.25 cups2 oz1/4 or 0.25 cups20 oz2.5 cups100 oz12.5 cups3 oz3/8 or 0.375 cups25 oz3.125 cups150 oz18.75 cups4 oz1/2 or 0.5 cups30 oz3.75 cups200 oz25 cups5 oz5/8 or 0.625 cups40 oz5 cups250 oz31.25 cups6 oz3/4 or 0.75 cups50 oz6.25 cups300 oz37.5 cups7 oz7/8 or 0.875 cups60 oz7.5 cups400 oz50 cups8 oz1 cup70 oz8.75 cups500 oz62.5 cups9 oz1.125 cups75 oz9.375 cups750 oz93.75 cups10 oz1.25 cups80 oz10 cups1000 oz125 cups

Kitchen Conversion Aid

by Plainworks. From Visually.

Ounce (oz) to Cups Conversion Equations

It’s easy to convert ounces to cups! You can use any of the following conversion equations to convert oz to cups:

oz ÷ 8 = cups


oz x 0.125 = cups

Example 9 oz converted to cups:

9 oz ÷ 8 = 1.125 cups


9 oz x 0.125 = 1.125 cups

If you would like to learn more about the ounces (oz) to cups conversion, check out our detailed page here.

Similar 9 oz to cups Conversions

ouncescupsouncescups9 oz1.125 cups9.5 oz1.188 cups9.01 oz1.126 cups9.51 oz1.189 cups9.02 oz1.128 cups9.52 oz1.19 cups9.03 oz1.129 cups9.53 oz1.191 cups9.04 oz1.13 cups9.54 oz1.192 cups9.05 oz1.131 cups9.55 oz1.194 cups9.06 oz1.132 cups9.56 oz1.195 cups9.07 oz1.134 cups9.57 oz1.196 cups9.08 oz1.135 cups9.58 oz1.198 cups9.09 oz1.136 cups9.59 oz1.199 cups9.1 oz1.138 cups9.6 oz1.2 cups9.11 oz1.139 cups9.61 oz1.201 cups9.12 oz1.14 cups9.62 oz1.202 cups9.13 oz1.141 cups9.63 oz1.204 cups9.14 oz1.142 cups9.64 oz1.205 cups9.15 oz1.144 cups9.65 oz1.206 cups9.16 oz1.145 cups9.66 oz1.208 cups9.17 oz1.146 cups9.67 oz1.209 cups9.18 oz1.148 cups9.68 oz1.21 cups9.19 oz1.149 cups9.69 oz1.211 cups9.2 oz1.15 cups9.7 oz1.212 cups9.21 oz1.151 cups9.71 oz1.214 cups9.22 oz1.152 cups9.72 oz1.215 cups9.23 oz1.154 cups9.73 oz1.216 cups9.24 oz1.155 cups9.74 oz1.218 cups9.25 oz1.156 cups9.75 oz1.219 cups9.26 oz1.158 cups9.76 oz1.22 cups9.27 oz1.159 cups9.77 oz1.221 cups9.28 oz1.16 cups9.78 oz1.222 cups9.29 oz1.161 cups9.79 oz1.224 cups9.3 oz1.162 cups9.8 oz1.225 cups9.31 oz1.164 cups9.81 oz1.226 cups9.32 oz1.165 cups9.82 oz1.228 cups9.33 oz1.166 cups9.83 oz1.229 cups9.34 oz1.168 cups9.84 oz1.23 cups9.35 oz1.169 cups9.85 oz1.231 cups9.36 oz1.17 cups9.86 oz1.232 cups9.37 oz1.171 cups9.87 oz1.234 cups9.38 oz1.172 cups9.88 oz1.235 cups9.39 oz1.174 cups9.89 oz1.236 cups9.4 oz1.175 cups9.9 oz1.238 cups9.41 oz1.176 cups9.91 oz1.239 cups9.42 oz1.178 cups9.92 oz1.24 cups9.43 oz1.179 cups9.93 oz1.241 cups9.44 oz1.18 cups9.94 oz1.242 cups9.45 oz1.181 cups9.95 oz1.244 cups9.46 oz1.182 cups9.96 oz1.245 cups9.47 oz1.184 cups9.97 oz1.246 cups9.48 oz1.185 cups9.98 oz1.248 cups9.49 oz1.186 cups9.99 oz1.249 cups

Convert 9 oz to Other Volume Units

Now that you have converted 9 oz to cups, you may want to convert oz to other units. Here are some other helpful conversions from ounces to common volume units:

Unit9 ounces (oz)Gallon (gal)0.07 galQuart (qt)0.281 qtPint (pt)0.562 mgTablespoon (tbsp)18 tbspTeaspoon (tsp)54 tspLiter (ltr)0.266 ltrMilliliter (ml)266.162 ml

What is a ounce (oz)?

A fluid ounce is a unit of weight equal to 1/16th of a pound, that is most commonly used in most British derived Customary Systems of Measurement. The Unit of ounce is also equal to 1/8th of a cup. The ounce is primary used in the United States to measure food and fluids.

The ounce uses the symbol oz. For example 9 ounces can be also written as 9 oz.

Learn more about the ounce here.

What are cups (cups)?

The cup is a unit of measurement primarily used in cooking. One cup is most commonly associated as being equal to 1/2 a US Pint. A cup is equal to 8 ounces (oz).

What does 9 oz equal to in cups?

Since there are nine ounces, and each cup holds 8 ounces. So your answer is little more than 1 cup.

Does 8 oz make 1 cup?

Liquid measuring cups indicate that 1 cup = 8 ounces. But what they really mean is 1 cup of liquid = 8 fluid ounces. For dry measurements, the rules change. Because dry ingredients vary greatly in weight, you can't rely on the same conversion.

How many ounces are in 1 a cup?

Cups to fl oz conversion chart.

Are all cups 8 ounces?

There is a big difference! There are 8 fluid ounces in 1 cup. When it comes to dry ingredients, things are a bit different because 1 cup of a dry ingredient is not equivalent to 8 ounces, as dry ingredients vary greatly by weight and the dry measurement will be different.


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