How many days are there in the month Ofapril 2022?

In the Gregorian Calendar, a common year has 365 days. Every four years there is a leap year, where the month of February has one extra day, and thus on a Leap Year, there are 366 days. 

How many days in the year 2022?

As it is a common year, the 2022 calendar has 365 days. In the United States, there are 251 working days, 105 weekend days, and 10 federal holidays. 

Different states may observe their own State Holidays throughout the year, so those will be a day off for their population as well. Check locally. 

Check below how many days there are in each month this year.

  • January: 31 days.
  • February: 28 days.
  • March: 31 days. 
  • April: 30 days.
  • May: 31 days.
  • June: 30 days.
  • July: 31 days.
  • August: 31 days.
  • September: 30 days.
  • October: 31 days.
  • November: 30 days.
  • December: 31 days.
MonthWorking DaysFederal HolidaysWeekendsJanuary2015February1914March23-4April21-5*May2114*June2114July2015August23-4September2114October2015November2024December2215

*The weekend of April 30th and May 1st was counted as a weekend  in April.

Is 2022 a Leap Year?

No, 2022 is a common year. The next leap year will be in 2024. 

The time period of a Day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to completely rotate on its axis, and are measured through the time it takes the Sun to reach its highest point in the sky, twice consecutively. 

The Earth takes 12 months to complete one turn around the Sun. These months correspond to a whole year and are divided into units of 28, 30, or 31 days. So, one solar year is actually 365.25 days long, or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. 

Leap years happen every four years and add one extra day to the calendar to make up for those extra 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. These hours are rounded up to 6 hours because 6 times 4 is 24. The 24 corresponds to the hours that make up a whole day. This extra day is added to February, which has 29 days during a leap year. 

Among the 12 months in a year, each month has either 30 or 31 days with February being an exception. The second month of the year usually takes 28 days and 29 in every leap year. Here is the complete list of months with the total number of days:

  1. January: 31 days
  2. February: 28 days and 29 in every leap year
  3. March: 31 days
  4. April: 30 days
  5. May: 31 days
  6. June: 30 days
  7. July: 31 days
  8. August: 31 days
  9. September: 30 days
  10. October: 31 days
  11. November: 30 days
  12. December: 31 days

3 Witty Ways To Remember Days Of A Month

It can be confusing for some people to remember how many days there are in a month. Of course, there is the calendar but we might not always have it handy. That's why the human brain has come up with some super cool tricks to help you remember how many days there are in a month.

Let's take a trip down memory lane and remember those fun mnemonics we used as kids to remember the number of days in each month. 

1. Thirty Days Hath September

The poem that we were all taught as kids was " Thirty Days Hath September". It is perhaps one of the most popular ways to remember the number of days in each calendar month. All you have to do is memorize the poem and it goes something like this:

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Except February, twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine in each leap year.

 2. The Knuckle Technique

If remembering the poem sounds too much, there is the knuckle technique. It is also another very popular technique that helps people figure out how many months have 31 days and how many have 30.

In this method, you have to fist your hands and start counting January from the first knuckle, then February in the groove (which is the little space between two knuckles).

How many days are there in the month Ofapril 2022?

So, the months that lands on knuckles have 31 days, and the ones that land on the grooves have 30 days (28-29 for February). Both fists can be used for this method or repeated using one fist. However, the thumb knuckle is ignored. We start counting the months from our index finger knuckles. 

3. Use These Acronyms

Another way to remember how many days there are in each month is by using these super fun acronyms. 

For the months that have 31 days, we can use JMMJAOD which stands for Jennie Must Make Juice After Organizing Dishes

For the ones that have less than 31 days, we can use FAJSN which goes Fennels Are Junior Sam's Novel. 

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How many days are in the month of April?


How many days are in each month of 2022?

January - 31 days. February - 28 days in a common year and 29 days in leap years. March - 31 days. April - 30 days.

How many days until April 1 2022?

There are 90 days until 1 April!

How many weekends are in April 2022?

There are 30 days in April 2022. Out of those 30 days, 21 are weekdays and 9 are weekends (5 Saturdays and 4 Sundays).