How many gallons are in a tank of gas

I’d like to keep my car as full of gas as possible, but I’m also trying to put together a budget. On average, what’s the standard number of gallons of gas for a car to hold?

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Some cars will hold more gas than others, so the answer depends on the kind of car you drive.

Small cars typically have tanks that hold about 12 gallons of gas, while larger cars can hold as much as 15 gallons or more. If you really want to know how much you’ll be spending on gas, it might be easier to track your gas mileage for a few weeks and start budgeting from there.

Since you’re starting to budget, consider looking into other ways you can save money on car expenses. While regular maintenance can help you save on repairs in the long term, finding a new policy with Jerry could help you save hundreds this year.

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How many gallons is my car tank?

A race car's gas tank will typically hold 22 gallons. To make sure that teams do not add additives, the gas comes from a central tank. The gas cans used to refill race cars typically hold 11 gallons and weigh approximately 70 pounds when they are full.

How many gallons is a SUV gas tank?

Most vehicles gas tank capacity ranges from ten gallons for small compact cars to forty gallons for large trucks or SUVs.


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