How many occurrences are allowed at Walmart Reddit

So I know you get 4.5 the first six months and I thought after six months you get 4 more or am I wrong.

You are wrong. You don’t get more points. You can be fired for attendance at 5 points. Each point you earn falls off after 6 months

I also heard occurrences fall off six months after you get them.


Also although I called out 4 times I have no points on record.

If the call ins are more then 2 weeks old and it still shows you with none then you have none. Points got reset to 0 in October and that is when they started counting again

I’m assuming they still secretly keep track of that so I’m not just calling out whenever.

They aren’t secretly keeping track of points. You can view your own attendance. They have 2 weeks to give you a point after you call in. If it’s been longer than that then it won’t count. And you should have never just called out “whenever”. Call out when you need to. I mean they are your points but you should save them for when you really need them.

So am I screwed and can no longer call or what? (I’m approaching 6 months).

So you aren’t screwed because you have 0 points. If you keep doing what you were doing though you will be screwing yourself soon enough. If you have had to call out so much in under 6 months you should look at other possible options in the store. Maybe your shift time isn’t working out for you? Maybe you just really hate your job? Try something else maybe?

Depends on your management. It's a bad idea to instantly terminate everyone who hits 5 points IMO, however they're allowed to fire you at 5 if they choose. A termination for attendance is keyed in as a "policy violation", and all your manager has to do to is click a few buttons in Workday to terminate you.

I usually only terminate people for attendance when 1) they've stopped showing up altogether, 2) have disregarded my warnings about their attendance, or 3) if I'm told by someone higher-up to terminate the associate.

If they're a good worker and do what we tell them, I will usually take a few points off for the associate first as a "this is your last chance" thing and if they hit the occurrences limit again, then that's when I go ahead and terminate them.

  • Walmart FAQs
    • Attendance policy
      • Key event dates
      • Protected PTO
    • MyShare
    • OneWalmart and two-factor authentication
    • Hourly BYOD
    • Getting promoted

Walmart FAQs

Attendance policy

Q: What is the attendance policy? How many days can I call off before I get fired?

A: The short answer: you can call off four (4) times in a six month window and keep your job.

The long answer: you are liable to be terminated when you reach five (5) attendance occurrences. Attendance occurrences are accrued by the following events:

Absent 1 When you call out of work
Tardy 0.5 When you show up at least 10 minutes late, but still work at least half of your shift
NCNS 2 “No-call-no-show.” When you don’t call out but don’t show up. (you will also receive an additional point for being absent, for a total of 3.)
Early In 0.5 When you clock in at least 10 minutes before the start of your shift
Early Out 0.5 When you leave at least 10 minutes early after working at least half your shift
Very Early Out 1 When you leave early and haven’t worked half your shift
Very Tardy 1 When you show up late and don’t work half your shift
Absent Key Date 1 When you call out on a key date (you will also receive one point for being absent for a total of 2.)
NCNS Key Date 2 When you NCNS on a key date (you will also receive a point for being absent and an additional point for being absent on a key date, for a total of 4.)
Incorrect Shift 1 When you work a full shift, but not at the start and end times on your schedule

Q: Do I get any points for clocking in early?

A: Yes, you will get half a point. If you also clock out early, you will get one point.

In practice, you shouldn’t run into this situation on accident, because the time clock will ask you which salaried member of management asked you to clock in early. If a manager asked you to clock in early and didn’t alter your schedule, they should excuse your occurrence and you shouldn’t get any points. If they refuse to do that, follow the Open Door process.

Q: Do I get any points for clocking out late?

A: No, you do not get points for clocking out after the scheduled end of your shift.

Q: How can I see how many points I have?

A: Open the GTA Portal and click the Attendance tab.

At work, the GTA Portal has a dedicated button on the front page of the WIRE (check the ovals under the search bar.) At home on OneWalmart, hover over the menu that says “Me,” hit the “My Time” heading, and click the oval that says “GTA Portal” or the tile that says “Global Time and Attendance”.

Q: I called out but I don’t see the point on GTA. Did I dodge the point?

A: Not necessarily. Points do not automatically show up on your record. The occurrence must be manually marked as excused or unexcused by your People Lead or a member of management. If they do not do so within two weeks, the occurrence is automatically approved.

Q: If I come in more than two hours late, am I severely late?

A: Only if your shift is four hours long. Under the old policy, being more two hours late was the threshold for being severely late.

Q: How do I call off?

A: There are two ways. You can log into OneWalmart (// and click the “Report an Absence” tile near the bottom.

Alternatively, you can also call the Associate Information Hotline at 1-800-775-5944. You will need your WIN for this service.

Q: I can’t get OneWalmart to work and I don’t know my WIN.

A: If you have your name badge you can use any barcode reader app to get your win. Remove the first 2 digits and the last one. If you don't have your badge, call your store, ask for management, and explain the situation.

Key event dates

Q: Do I get double points for calling off on Easter/Independence Day/Labor Day/Thanksgiving?

A: Yes. Technically, it's not double points, it's an extra point for calling off on a key event date. You will get two points for being absent on a key event date instead of one, but things like tardies and early ins won’t be affected.

Q: Can you use PPTO to excuse absences on key event dates?

A: Yes. If your manager told you otherwise, they’re wrong.

Q: Do you need to use double PPTO to excuse absences on key event dates?

A: No. If your manager told you otherwise, they’re wrong.

Q: What are the key event dates?

A: You can find them on the WIRE or OneWalmart. Try this link if you’re at home or on your personal device. Your store management may have also posted it by the time clocks.

Protected PTO

Q: What is PPTO?

A: Protected paid time off, PPTO, is basically sick time. You can use it to cause an absence to be excused and get paid in lieu of the time that you missed. Some states mandate that employers provide it, so Walmart provides it in every state in the US.

Q: How do I use my PPTO?

A: Open the GTA portal and hit the Time Off tab. The page itself will explain in great detail what you need to do, but basically you need to put in for PTO on the day that you missed and select “family care” or “sick/other” as the reason. Anything else will use regular PTO, which will get you paid but won’t excuse the absence.

Q: How do I see how much PPTO I have?

A: Open the GTA portal and hit the Time Off tab. The table near the top will have a row that says “Protected Paid Time Off” and a column that says “estimated available at end of current PP.” That’s your answer.

Q: How much PPTO do I get?

A: It depends on how long you’ve worked for Walmart and whether you’re part- or full-time. TODO: find out how to find the table on OneWalmart/the Wire

Q: I don't have enough PPTO to cover my entire shift. Can I use what little I have and get my absence knocked down to half a point?

A: Yes. If you put in for, say, five hours of PPTO on an eight hour shift, those five hours will be excused, but the other three will not. Since you "worked" half your shift, you'll end up with only half a point.

Q: How much is my MyShare gonna be this quarter?

A: You can look it up by going to the Compensation page on the WIRE (Work menu -> People -> Compensation) and clicking Associate MyShare Tracker. It updates a couple weeks before the payout date. This will tell you how much you will get

Q: How is MyShare calculated?

A: There are three components.

First, the store’s performance is used to calculate a baseline rate. This is, of course, different for every store, and isn’t calculated until after the end of the quarter. You can find this under Store MyShare Tracker on the Compensation page on the WIRE. (Two separate baselines are calculated based on sales and CFF, technically, and it'll show you those as well.)

Second, the baseline rate is multiplied by the number of hours you worked in the quarter.

Third, that number is multiplied by an attendance modifier based on the number of points you have:

0 1.25
0.5 1
1 1
1.5 1
2 1
2.5 0.5
3 0.5
3.5 0.5
4 or more 0

In other words, zero points gets you an extra 25%, more than two gets you 50% of what you would have gotten, and four points or more means no bonus.

Q: We had a lot of accidents/a bad inventory/plumbing issues this quarter. Is our bonus going to suck?

A: The old MyShare algorithm had a “controllable profit” component. That was what caused accidents to hurt MyShare. Since that is no longer part of the calculation, accidents shouldn’t hurt your bonus unless they’re linked to poor sales or CFF.

Q: When are the MyShare payouts?

A: MyShare payouts are typically on the first paychecks in June, September, December, and March. If the prior month has five Thursdays, the payout will often be on the last paycheck of that month instead; for example, the payout for Q1 FYE 2020 was on the paycheck deposited on May 30, 2019.

Q: When am I eligible for MyShare?

A: After six months of employment, you are eligible for MyShare. Any hours you work after that six month mark go towards the next bonus, but hours worked before you were eligible will not be factored in.

However, certain positions like deli no longer get MyShare. (TBD get exact list) Team leads receive an annual bonus instead of MyShare.

OneWalmart and two-factor authentication


Hourly BYOD

Q: It's hard to find a working TC70 at my store. Can I just buy one for myself?

A: No, and even if you were allowed to do that, those things are hundreds of dollars. But you may be able to put some Walmart work apps on your phone and use those when you're on the clock. This BYOD program supports iOS and Android devices that aren't ridiculously old. /u/oreo_memewagon can vouch that it works well on the 1st gen iPhone SE and 7th gen iPod Touch, wasn't too shabby on an LG Stylo 4 a few years ago, and absolutely flies on flagships like the Note 20 Ultra.

Q: Am I eligible for hourly BYOD?

A: You are eligible when you are in the system if you do not live in any of these states:

  • California
  • Washington D.C.
  • Illinois
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota

Q: How do I sign up for BYOD as an hourly associate?


There's two phases: registration and installation.

For registration: Search for "BYOD" on the WIRE on a work computer, open "My Mobile", find the signup link, and follow the directions. Once you get registered, you'll have to wait 7 hours (so most likely until your next shift) to start installing.

For installation: Open the Intelligent Hub app and enter this information:

  • Server name:
  • Group ID: storeh
  • Username: in ALL CAPS: your WIRE username, a period ., and your five digit store number prefixed with s. So if your username is "abc0001" and you work at store #1234, your username for BYOD is ABC0001.S01234
  • Password: your WIRE password in ALL CAPS.

The system may ask you to make a stronger passcode, or make a second passcode for your work profile.

Q: Okay, I've installed Hub and got signed in. How do I put apps on my phone?

A: For iOS devices, there should be a home screen icon named "5 and Dime" which will serve as the BYOD app store. On Android, there will be a version of the Play Store in the work profile that will let you install apps.

Q: What apps are available? Are they identical to the ones on the handheld.

A: These apps are available:

  • Web
  • + This lets you access the WIRE as if you were on a work computer (while you are on the clock.) I've found this to be buggy and often not work.
  • Inventory Management - partial functionality only
  • + See item information: description, price, markup, on-hands, location, etc.
  • + Submit count change requests, alter shelf caps, see scheduled orders, place orders (if your job code is authorized)
  • + Print labels on label printer
  • + Scan outs
  • + Section work
  • Backroom Tool
  • + CAP or VizPick bins and pick items.
  • Mod Flex Tool
  • + View current modulars, upcoming mods, and mods that are ready to set
  • + Print shelf labels and mod diagrams
  • + Confirm modulars
  • PlanIT
  • + Fully functional notes app. You will even receive notifications.
  • Pinpoint
  • + The upcoming replacement for section work
  • Academy
  • GIF and GIF 2
  • Upfront
  • + this can be buggy and fail to load, especially on iOS
  • VPI
  • Markdowns
  • Metrics That Matter
  • + Provides sales figures and availability information
  • Area Reports
  • Workday
  • FIX IT
  • + View and submit maintenance tickets
  • Ask Sam
  • + Digital assistant. The version in Me@Walmart is probably superior
  • Team App
  • Fresh Production
  • Associate Stock and Me@Walmart
  • + These two apps are available on the public app stores and can be installed on the personal profile without BYOD.

Q: If I'm going to be using my phone and data plan for this, I should get reimbursed, right? Surely there's some sort of discount?

A: There are associate discounts available on phones regardless of BYOD participation. If you want to purchase a device specifically for BYOD, you can get the usual 10% associate discount if you purchase a prepaid device. There are also discounts available on the Associate Discount Center (accessible on OneWalmart) for postpaid plans, as well as a 33% discount on Walmart Family Mobile service.

Note that you do not need to have active cellular service to use BYOD apps; they work fine with in-store WiFi. You can even use devices that don't have cellular connectivity, like an iPod Touch or that janky $49 ONN tablet.

Q: I've heard that Walmart can see anything you do on your phone when BYOD is installed. Is that true?


A: No.


Q: How do I pass the supervisor test?

A: The generally accepted trick is that you should always "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" with each statement, and that you should, at every opportunity, hold a meeting. That plus common sense should let you pass.

What is the maximum amount of occurrences at Walmart?

Walmart officially allows five occurrences per six months for their employees.

What happens when you get 5 occurrences at Walmart?

When starting to work for the company, you get a blank slate of up to five points. If you get six points, your employment is terminated. Other employment infractions may also earn you points as well. The Walmarts point system works for six-month periods.

How many callouts can you have at Walmart?

1/2 - Clocking out between 10 - 120 minutes before your shift ends. Walmart's attendance policy is typically one to three days, depending on the store. However, managers have discretion to allow more or fewer absences.

How long does it take for occurrences to go away at Walmart?

What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you in a Walmart? No. That is not how it works. An occurrence is on your records for 6 months at which time they are dropped off.

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