How many sheep were on Noahs Ark

The other day on the QI Daily there was stated that there was 7 sheep allowed on Noah's Ark.
Only unclean animals went on two by two.

I remember reacting on this "fact" when it was stated in the TV-series (A or B series?). Fry read out the passage from the Bible, but I thought I misunderstood what he said due to bad language skill. Was there really only 7 sheep?

Now, when seeing it in writing I had to look up that passage in the Bible on Google, and found, just as I thought I heard, that it was 7 pairs of sheep that was allowed. Today I looked up the English translation on the net and could read

"The Lord then said to Noah, �Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth."

So, there was no extra sheep that just copuld look on, as suggested on the TV show.

So what gives, no source critics done?

How many pairs of animals were on Noah's Ark?

Of course, we can't forget that Genesis 7:2-3 (particularly in the Revised Standard Version) makes it clear that only unclean animals come in single pairs, male and female; the clean animals and birds come in seven pairs, male and female. That means fourteen of each clean animal and each bird.

What animals went on Noah's ark?

Fighting, playing, climbing, flying, and swimming, they are shepherded by Noah toward the ark in the far distance. All species of animals are portrayed, from large lumbering elephants to tiny turtles and hamsters in the foreground.

How many sheep did Moses bring to the Ark?

How many sheep did Moses have in the ark?, Assuming you haven't cracked the game; Here we give you the correct answer. According to many sources, the correct answer to this confusing riddle is '14'.


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