How to add a link to tiktok bio 2022

Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 • 5 min read

How to add a link to tiktok bio 2022

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Do you get thousands of views on your TikTok account but no traffic on your landing page?

Most users on TikTok don’t know how to convert their views into money.

Luckily, there is a simple solution that fixes this issue: add a clickable link in your bio.

When you add a link to your bio, you ensure that your followers know where to buy your merch and your affiliate products.

A TikTok bio link on your profile page is great to promote content outside of the platform; it’ll mostly help you monetize your TikTok page.

If you want to learn how to put a link in bio on TikTok, here’s what you need to know:

  • How to add a link to TikTok bio?
  • Can a personal account add a link to TikTok bio?
  • Why should you have a clickable link on your bio?

TikTok allows you to have links to your other social apps for free.

However, it does not naturally offer a website option.

A link in bio usually refers to a clickable link on the TikTok site.

A link is any URL that takes you from TikTok to any other website.

People usually add a link in bio to monetize their content.

If you want to add a link to your TikTok bio, here’s what you need to do:

  • Step 1: Go to your profile page on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Tap edit profile.
  • Step 3: Tap Add your website.
  • Step 4: Manually fill the website field.
  • Step 5: Tap Save.

This process works on the TikTok website as well.

Once you tap Edit Profile, you can add more than just a link to a website.

It is recommended that you have a link to your Instagram account, YouTube Channel, and other social media accounts you have.

That way, you’ll send viewers to your other pages as well.

This will generate more traffic across all your platforms.

Quick Tip: Remember to announce to your followers that you added a link to your bio; add text on TikTok if necessary.

You should also make a series of videos reminding people that you added a link to your TikTok. Repetition is the key to success on the platform.

You only need a TikTok business account.

Business accounts aren’t verified accounts.

Instead, they are meant for commercial use.

An adult must handle a business account, so you’ll need to change your age on TikTok before you can access this feature.

Customization and monetization options for personal accounts on TikTok are limited.

You can write a link to your landing page by clicking on Edit Profile.

When you add a link in bio this way, you won’t be able to click it.

The only way in which you can make the link clickable is to switch to a Pro account, better known as a business account.

Tl; DR, you can have a link on a personal account, but it won’t be clickable.

Note: If a pro account wasn’t for you, you always delete your TikTok account. Users delete the TikTok app whenever they don’t feel comfortable using the site anymore.

How To Switch From A Personal Account to A Business Account On TikTok?

You can create a business account from scratch just like you create a regular account.

However, you can turn a regular account into a business one from your profile page.

To change your account type, you’ll need to access your setting directly on the Manage Account section.

Here’s how you can create a business account:

  • Step 1: Go to your TikTok profile on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Tap the three dots on the upper right corner of the screen.
    • Instead of the dots, you may see the three lines icon.
  • Step 3: On the top right corner, tap Manage Account.
  • Step 4: Tap Switch To Business Account. Then, tap “Next”.
  • Step 5: Tap a category.
  • Step 6: Tap Save.

You can also follow these instructions on the TikTok website.

Once you have a link in bio, you’ll need to make a post announcing the URL.

Adding a link to your TikTok account will:

  • Help you drive traffic towards other social channels.
  • Help you monetize their TikTok account.
  • Act as an ad for a merch website.

It’s a feature useful for anyone trying to make a profit.

Links are great for limited-time sales, offers and to simply generate traffic to any page on the Internet.


Many users don’t like promoting or advertising TikTok, which is a huge mistake.

Promoting links to a page on a post is just a regular day on the job for most TikTokers.

Using the bio tools that the app provides will help you grow your audience and make a profit on the platform.

But before you add the link, make sure to have a killer landing page.

A good landing page is almost as important as the quality of your posts.

You need to change your account type.

To switch, you need to go to Manage Account; it’s on settings on the upper right corner of the screen.

Then tap “Switch to business account.”

Once you do so, you can add a clickable link by taping the Edit your profile option under your Profile Icon.

You can have a 0 follower count and still have a clickable link in your bio.

You only need to switch from personal accounts to business ones.

To add a link to your TikTok bio, you first need to make sure you've got a business account. The website link feature is only available on business TikTok accounts, and you'll also need to have at least 1000 followers.
How To Add A Link To TikTok Bio?.
Step 1: Go to your profile page on the bottom right corner of the screen..
Step 2: Tap edit profile..
Step 3: Tap Add your website..
Step 4: Manually fill the website field..
Step 5: Tap Save..
Much like Instagram, TikTok lets you add a clickable link directly to your profile.

How do I add a URL to my TikTok bio?

How to Add a Link in a TikTok Bio.
Open Your TikTok Account. ... .
Click on 'Profile' ... .
Tap 'Manage Account' ... .
Change Your Personal Account to a TikTok Business Account. ... .
Go Back to the Profile Page. ... .
Tap 'Edit Profile' ... .
Enter Your Website Link into the TikTok Box. ... .
Click the 'Submit' Button..