How to cancel Cash App payment that is pending

Cash App is not used by the majority of Americans to send and receive payments instantly. With its peer to peer money transfer technology, payments are almost instant. However, in some scenarios, users might face pending transactions once in a while. But can you cancel a pending Cash App payment easily? As there is no cancel button on Cash App payment.

Cash App is a peer or peer money sending and receiving platform where you can send money with the use of $cash usernames. I have used their service in multiple locations, and all the time’s transaction experience is smooth and perfect. However, I do face some glitches where the payment is deducted from my bank account but showing pending in Cash App interface. Upon confirming, the patent was not received on the other side but deducted from my bank account.

This is a very problematic scenario as there is no cancel button to cancel the pending transaction. Since Cash App works on peer to peer network, all transactions are either falls in the category of successful or failed. But for any reason, the transaction is not completed successfully, and then it will show us pending.

How to Cancel A Pending Cash App Payment

Whenever you see a pending Cash App payment in your account, it usually occurs due to multiple issue occurring either on your bank or the receiver’s bank. Since Cash App to Cash App payments are instant so they can’t be cancelled either by the sender or the receiver.

Cash App pending status means that the transaction a user is trying to make has stuck in between due to some issues. A list of such issues is down below.


  • The Cash App user is not verified.
  • Cash App user is not a valid US resident.
  • Poor internet connectivity.
  • Old app version.
  • Server issues from Bank or Cash App.
  • Lack of funds in your account.
  • Using an expired Debit card or Credit card.
  • Entered wrong details of Debit/Credit card.
  • Your account is temporarily locked.

There is no direct way to cancel any amount your send via Cash App. But do not worry, as any pending transaction amount will be refunded back to the user instantly. If not instantly, it will take 3-4 business days to revert back the amount.

In case you have not received the funds back, then you can raise a ticket on Cash App support service. This feature is available on Cash App dashboard.

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It is not possible to cancel a pending Cash App transaction because of the peer to peer feature. But rest assured as your money will be safe with you. After some time, the “pending” transaction will be labelled as “failed”, and your money will revert back to your account. In some cases, the amount gets credited to the recipient, and then you can ask them to refund back the amount. Also, make sure to update the app to the latest version before sending any payments to avoid such issues.

Cash App payments are sent instantly to the recipient, but it's not entirely impossible for a payment to be canceled.

Reasons for canceling a payment on Cash App could vary from sending money to the wrong person to putting the wrong amount of money into a payment request. 

In either case, if you wish to cancel a Cash App payment you may be able to do so before the payment is issued to the recipient.

Here's how to do it. 

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iPad (From $329.99 at Best Buy)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $899.99 at Best Buy)

How to cancel a Cash App payment if the option is available

1. Unlock your iPhone, iPad, or Android device and launch the Cash App. 

2. On the Cash App home screen, locate and then tap on the Activity tab, which will allow you to view all of your Cash App transactions. 

Cash App to Cash App payments are instant and usually can’t be canceled. To be sure, check your activity feed to see if the payment receipt is displaying a cancel option.

The recipient can also refund your payment. Ask them to:

  1. Tap the Activity tab on their Cash App home screen
  2. Select the payment in question
  3. Tap . . .
  4. Select Refund
  5. Press OK

Finally, you can use the Request button on your Cash App home screen to ask for the funds back.

Cash App payments are usually available instantly. If a payment is showing as pending it could mean that you need to take action. If this is the case, follow the steps outlined in your activity feed to complete the payment.

Why can't I cancel a pending payment on Cash App?

Cash App to Cash App payments are instant and usually can't be canceled. To be sure, check your activity feed to see if the payment receipt is displaying a cancel option. The recipient can also refund your payment.

Can pending transaction be Cancelled?

A pending transaction will affect the amount of credit or funds you have available. Canceling a pending transaction usually requires contacting the merchant who made the charge. Once a pending transaction has posted, contact your bank or card issuer to dispute it.

How do I get my pending money back from Cash App?

Refund a Payment.
Tap the Activity tab on your Cash App home screen..
Select the payment..
Tap . . ..
Select Refund..
Press OK..

Can you cancel a payment on Cash App if it's already gone through?

Cash App can't cancel or refund a payment after it has been completed. If you sent money to the wrong account, ask the recipient for a refund: Tap the Activity tab on your Cash App home screen.


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