How to draw a pig easy

For the first few steps, don't press down too hard with your pencil. Use light, smooth strokes to begin.

Draw Pig 1

Step 1: Draw two circles as guides for the pig's body. The circles don't have to be perfect. They're just guides. The circles should be placed so close to each other that their edges touch. The two circles should be about the same size. Leave enough room on the right side so you can draw the pig's head.

Draw Pig 2

Step 2: Draw another circle on the right side as a guide for the pig's head. This circle should be about half the size of the others. This circle should also be touching the other.

Draw Pig 3

Step 3: Draw two intersecting lines inside the head to help you place the pig's facial features later on.

Draw Pig 4

Step 4: Draw an arc on the right side of the head as a guide for the pig's snout. The arc is a bit angular on the right and curves at the bottom.

Draw Pig 5

Step 5: Draw a small triangle-like shape on top of the head as a guide for the pig's ear.

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Pig in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represents how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Pig.

Make sure you also check out any of the hundreds of drawing tutorials grouped by category.

How to Draw a Pig - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing a cone-shaped snout. Make the bottom jaw line twice as long as the top of the snout.

Step 2: Add a curved line to the top snout line to complete the head.

Step 3: At the tip of the snout draw a tiny nose. In the middle of the snout add a tiny eye. Next draw a floppy triangle-shaped ear right beside the eye. The other ear is sticking out from the curved head line.

Step 4: Now draw a very curved back starting at the top head line. It bends down sharply around the rump.

Step 5: Draw the neck line back from the bottom snout line. Starting almost at the back ear draw the front leg downward. It is wider at the top and has a tiny hoof at the bottom. Draw the line back up.

Step 6: Continue the belly line backtoward the rump. Add the hind leg. The top line is on a diagonal toward the hoof on the bottom. It should be the same size as the front leg. Continue the back leg back up to the rump line.

Step 7: Draw another front leg right in front of the first front leg. Then add another hind leg. Don't forget to draw the curly tail on the rump.

Interesting Facts about Pigs

Domestic pigs belong to the Suidae family along with the other wild pigs, including the warthog and wild boar, with hoof-covered feet and even toes.

The oldest fossils of Suids were found in Asia and they date back 34 million years.

There are about 1 billion domesticated pigs around the world at any given time! Some are kept as pets, such as the pot-bellied pig, and others are raised for meat, such as ham, pork and bacon. Their course, bristle-like coats are used for brushes and their hides can be turned into leather.

Did you know?

  • While pigs have four toes on their feet, they only walk on the two middle toes.
  • As omnivores, pigs in the wild eat both plants and animals.
  • Because of their excellent sense of smell, pigs are used in European countries to “sniff-out” truffles; mushrooms of great popularity.
  • Domestic pigs can weigh as little as 110 pounds to as much as 770 pounds.
  • Pigs are very smart and can be trained to perform many tasks and tricks.
  • Pigs, especially in the wild, can be dangerous and have attacked people and caused injuries.

Pigs have been a popular animal across cultures, being symbolized in religions, folklore, and mythology. They have been especially famous as fictional characters in books, nursery rhymes, cartoons, movies, television and art.

So you want to learn how to draw a cartoon pig! This adorable animal has big ears (1), a big round nose (5), a large trunk (2) and a small curly tail (3). Don't forget the legs composed of 3 digits each (4). This animal is very well-known for his pink skin and his strange habit of taking a bath in the mud! Now let's get those hand dirty and start analysing our friend a little more.

Step 2

How to draw a pig step 2

The most obvious shape I think when we first look at the pig are the ears. They are made of big triangles. The nose is made of a rectangle and the eyes are represent by a circle. The legs are made of many rectangles and they do look a little fragile. The body is made of a big oval shape, so is the head. 

Step 3

How To Draw A Pig In Minutes Using A Cute Template

In this tutorial, we will draw a pig using mostly circles. Start by sketching a circle for the head and one for the body. Then, you can add details to the face like eyes and the nose. 

Next, add the ears and the legs. Finally, draw another triangle inside each ear and add the tail. You can add color to your masterpiece to give it a more professional look.

Step 4

How to draw a pig step 4

Don't be afraid to use your imagination to develop new ways to draw your pigs. You can be really original (3), conservative (1) or go for something a little crazier (4)! It's up to you to create your own style and draw a very cool pig in only a couple of minutes! Want more tutorials featuring this adorable character? You can try this simple cartoon pig to start with, this other pig made from basic shapes or this one created with complex effects that are visually fascinating! Enjoy these additional resources and happy drawing! :)