How to fast travel in 2k22

Fast Travel is a feature that is around now for a while in NBA 2K22. This ability can take you back home, when you are out of the city and is extremely useful in certain scenarios. This guide will help you know how you can unlock and use this ability.

Fast Travel ability is the one that you can unlock pretty early on in the game. You need to go to MyCAREER mode and you can unlock Fast Travel from there by speaking to two NPCs. The discussion that takes place with these NPCs is in regards to either going to G League or College. Once you have talked to them, you will have the fast travel ability to use.

Fast Travelling is an easy-to-use option, all you need to do is press a button to be taken back to your home. After you press the R1 button on your console, you will see a dialog box and from there, you can select to fast travel back to your home.

You should keep in mind that this system only works for you if you want to go back to your home. You can also use bikes, skateboards, or other transport means to cover any distance in the city.

This was all that you needed to know about fast traveling in NBA 2K22. Need more help? See How to Farm VC.

How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

You have to travel for 26.2 miles on foot. No using the bike or skateboard or anything like that. To unlock the NBA 2K22 fast travel spawn locations, you have to run the distance of a marathon with no ways to speed it up. It will take you about, say, an hour and a half real-time to do this.

Can you teleport in NBA 2K22?

If you wish to use Fast Travel, you can use it on the console by hitting R1. This will open up a window that will ask you if you wish to go back to your apartment from wherever you are. This method is confined to your apartment, however, there exists another mode of Teleportation.


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